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Archer Questions

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Archer Questions

Post by Trickstuf »

First... I used Shadow Keeper to make my Archer Lawful Evil; Does this cause him to lose any abilities or is that just when my rep goes below 4?

Second... Which profeciencies affect the archer? Im a Grandmaster with Long Bows, but what about Two Handed Weapon or Two weapon style?

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Post by glenfar »

Haven't tried it myself, but I can't see there being any problem with a Lawful Evil Ranger (Archer or otherwise). Note that if you prefer, you can always install the 'Generic Archer' fighter kit from the Ease-of-Use mod.

As for proficiencies - I'm guessing you mean what style proficiency will affect your use of the longbow? None. All the style proficiencies are for melee weapons. Stupid, but there's no 'Range Weapon' style proficiency.
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Post by Trickstuf »


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Post by me0w »

I'd advise you to download the "Tactics" mod, then install the part called "Fighter Archer kit" or something like that. It allows your archer to basicly be a fighter, giving him more hp and stuff, which is nice. Reason to do this is so you can play as an evil archer. (as a ranger when your rep goes bellow either 6 or 4 you lose your status and become a fallen ranger, this makes you a straight fighter, losing all archer abilities.
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Post by glenfar »

[QUOTE=me0w]I'd advise you to download the "Tactics" mod, then install the part called "Fighter Archer kit" or something like that.[/QUOTE]

Oops! :o You're right, it's in the Tactics mod - for some reason I thought it was Ease-of-Use!
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Post by SP101 »

When you're a Generic Archer, you don't have rangers abilities such as Animal Empathy or Hide in shadow. You also loose the druid spells.
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Post by glenfar »

True, you do lose out on the Ranger abilities. On the other hand, you'll level up a bit faster, and can specialize in melee weapons. You can also be any race you want, and have more dual class options.

So there are some trade-offs, just throwing it out as an option. But as me0w mentioned, with the Archer (Ranger) you need to make sure your reputation stays above 4 - which might be an issue if you're wanting to play Evil.
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