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Dermin when is he meant to show up

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Dermin when is he meant to show up

Post by perdition »

I am in chapter 6 day 100 finished all the quests before facing bodhi but Dermin has not shown up. Any idea why ?
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Post by glenfar »

Are you resting outdoors?
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Post by perdition »

yes i am resting outside
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Post by glenfar »

Well, I don't know of any other reason, other than that whole quest seems to be a bit buggy. I know when I tried it, I couldn't get him to appear the second time no matter where I rested, or for how long.

Eventually I just went in to SK and bumped up the relevant variable (Jaheiralovetalk? something like that) until something happened. I never did get Dermin to appear, but managed to skip past it to the next part.
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Post by Sytze »

Maybe you did not finish all of your lovetalks yet.

Like glenfar suggested, you might try resting outdoors some more.
Another thing that might help, is to pause the game for a while (usually 30-60 minutes is enough), often this will trigger a dialog.

If that won't work. I advice you to do a good search -which you could've done in the first place- on the subject: Dermin. You will find tons of info, and most of the info is about problems with him spawning.
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Post by Qwinn »

Did you ever boot Jaheira from your party, or was she ever petrified (which boots her from the party)? I think that may interrupt the quest.

Here's the bad news: Even if you do get Dermin to show up the 2nd time, you're not out of the woods :( I got that far - I got to the confrontation with Dermin where you get to kill him, on day 71 of my game. That's supposed to be the very next to last step in the Harper quest - the only thing left is that Telminser is supposed to show up and give the pin to Jaheira. I knew that was supposed to take a lot of real/game time after Dermin was killed, so I headed off to Brynnlaw. I expected to see Telminser when I finally got out of the Underdark - but nope :( I've actually rested continually until day 169, and let my computer sit on pause for 6 hours, and still Telminser won't show up :(

Incidentally, I am -not- in a romance with Jaheira, but that's not supposed to matter. I still should be getting the pin from Telminser, according to everything I've read, but the bastard refuses to show.

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Post by Thrain »

it's Terminsal and he takes an absolute age to show.
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Post by Qwinn »

Dear GOD. I finally got sick of waiting and decided to figure out how to use Console commands, just to -see- what was going on.

So I do a GetGlobal on the variable "TerminselAppear". It's supposed to be somewhere between 1 and 5, I think. Setting it to one forces him to spawn. Well, guess what the value was in my game?


Heh. Does this mean I'd have to wait over 8 million days to get him to spawn? It was starting to feel that way, anyway! Looks rather like a bug to me! I don't think my doing a setglobal on this can qualify as cheating, I think I'm just going to go ahead and do it.

EDIT: For the record, I tried it, and it worked great. Not that the pin is all that great an item, I just really wanted to see the exchange :)

SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER WARNING... don't read below if you don't want to get spoiled.

(and yes, now that I've seen it, it's -clearly- Elminster, he pretty much admits it when Jaheira mentions anagrams, I'm amazed there's some people out there on this board still claiming it's not actually him).

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Post by me0w »

Clearly at some point you mucked up. Therefore he shouldn't be coming. (thats why the variable is what it is)

At any rate, I'd say it would be cheating to set the variable to 1. But who cares, I think we would all do it if we had messed up.
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Post by Thrain »

IIRC the pin is actually pretty damn handy.

[EDIT] yes it indeed is pretty damn handy

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Post by Qwinn »

Oh, it's definetly not bad. The +5 to save vs. spells is indeed very nice. But I just can't see any applicable use at all for "Non-Detection", and the number of times I've seen Jaheira get hit with either magic missiles or electric attacks just hasn't been significant. Again, it's definetly worth using for the save vs. spells bonus, but the rest of it seems to be rather useless icing. Nice, but not "uber", if ya know what I mean.

Meow: Your assertion seems to be that the variable could only have been set to such a bizarre value as a result of error on my part. So, I went back and reloaded just prior to me fighting Dermin. There's no way to avoid the fight, and the short conversation afterwards only has two possibilities that aren't overtly hostile to Jaheira. I tried them both, and they both result in a whacked out number (not always the same either, but in the 8 million plus range). Therefore, I can't see what I could have done that could've resulted in such a wild setting for that variable. Note that prior to the Dermin fight, that variable doesn't exist -at all-. So if I "mucked it up", why would the game bother creating a variable it never intended to use in the first place? No, I think it was a bug, and I'm not about to feel bad about it.

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