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Quicken spell +haste
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:56 pm
by Doom
Can i cast 3 spell per round with those?
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:36 pm
by Zel Greywords
For all I tried, apparently not.
Haste has the same effect as "quicken spell" casting-time-wise, but they do not stack. 2 spells per round seems to be the absolute limit - also, note that the spell animations last exactly as long as half a round, so there is not really enough time to even just -animate- three spells om a round round within the engine's limits.
Generally, I disrecommend choosing the "quicken spell" feat. The higher-spell-level malus imposed for using it is extreme, and it's tactically far more effective to just put on some boots of haste to get the effect (which aren't all too rare to find once you're level10-12.) Besides, the haste effect, as opposed to quicken spell, also makes you character walk faster and grants you an AC dodge bonus. Quicken cannot do that. Actually the "boots of speed" are a solid cornerstone of almost every single one of my character builds, and I never regretted it.
So, better spend your feats on "Maximize" and maybe "Empower". I usually only take the former, though.
Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:52 pm
by Doom
Yea your right, put i wanted to choose automatic quicken spell 3 time so it dosen't disenvatage me.
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 5:51 pm
by The Great Hairy
The only time Quicken Spell is useful is in Epic characters, when you get access to Automatic Quicken Spell, and the level cost is mitigated. Generally, the only Metamagic feats worth getting are Empower and Maximise.
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:38 am
by Noober
Well Auto-Quicken makes your spells uncounterable, which is necessary for Wiz vs. Sorc duels since otherwise Sorc will just counter all your good spells, 'evade' all your saving throw spells. etc.
Still spell is very common in Sorc/Pally multiclasses (heavy armour
And Auto-Quick + Haste DEFINATLY don't stack (search up one of the hundreds of thses threads in the Bioware forums).
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:24 am
by Zel Greywords
[QUOTE=Noober]And Auto-Quick + Haste DEFINATLY don't stack (search up one of the hundreds of thses threads in the Bioware forums).[/QUOTE]
I don't go there anymore... the bioware boards are nothing but a hulking moloch, loading slower than a tibetan pr0n site. Well, guess why I'm active around here in the first place?
Still, good to know.