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I need some help please
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:31 am
by Lowkei
Hay people im new to this forum as you probably know allready and i need some help with morrowind.
You see i have started this game again many times because i keep getting problems come up, but my main problem is my charecter. I want to know what the best charecter is and what the best skills are. in my most recent game i selected an imperial. Imperials were grreat because i had a high personality so everyone liked me, but my magic was rubbish. I mean i got to level 20 and my magic was still only on about 86 points. So can anyone tell me what charecter i should pick and what skills to pick so i can have a good charecter. Any other tips you guys got are welcome for example were any cool weapons are or what the best weapon to train in is.
Thanks alot, from Lowkei!
P.S. im playing the xbox version and not the game of the year edition
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:55 am
by fable
Lowkei, welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Short answer: there is no best character, or best skills. That's one of the great things about Morrowind, which we all enjoy. You can configure a dozen different characters, each with their own strengths, and have a great deal of fun playing through.
Now, if you'll tell us what kind of playing experience you're looking for in the game, perhaps we can help. Are you a powerplayer type, who wants the strongest character? Do you want one who's great at hand-to-hand combat, or somebody who can sling millions of spells? Do you want a ranged combat type? Are you looking to hide in shadows and achieve your goals that way? Do you want an easy win, or do you want to enjoy a lot of the game on the way?
Let us know, and we'll try to help.
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 5:58 pm
by Lowkei
reply to your reply
ok thanks for taking time to help me, but what i want is a charecter who mainly concentrates in magic but is also good at getting what he wants like info on rare iteams or a quick handful of cash. Any tips.
P.S. since you took time to help me out i will give you a tip i found out as a thanks, although you probably already know about it. If you want to keep a summoned weapon or peice of armour the make a spell of the summond iteam of your choosing and make it summon for 1 second. Now also add to the same spell, soul trap on target for 2 seconds and it should make the item stay perminantly, but you can only equip and unequip it you can't drop or sell it. Thanks for your help and i will wait for your reply on the ultimate charector.
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 6:58 pm
by dragon wench
For a great spellcaster, I'd suggest going for a Breton born under the sign of the Atronach. Bretons have excellent bonuses in magic, while their lack of any weaknesse makes them more versatile than High Elves.
You might want to make Speechcraft a major skill if you are looking to be persuasive and good at obtaining information.
Breton Skill Bonuses:
Conjuration +10
Mysticism +10
Restoration + 10
Alchemy +5
Alteration +5
Illusion +5
Breton Specials
Fortified Maximum Magicka
Dragon Skin
Resist Magicka
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 7:10 pm
by Ares2382
Yeah Breton is your best bet if you want to be a walking magickal killing machine, although they get a bit smaller magicka bonus then the High Elves.
You can actually skip Speechcraft and go for Illusion as one of your majors, using charm spells to manipulate your victims... I mean NPCs

is way more fun.
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 8:25 pm
by Lost_Guardian
[QUOTE=Ares2382]Yeah Breton is your best bet if you want to be a walking magickal killing machine, although they get a bit smaller magicka bonus then the High Elves.
You can actually skip Speechcraft and go for Illusion as one of your majors, using charm spells to manipulate your victims... I mean NPCs

is way more fun.[/QUOTE]
Very nice! Thats A GREAT idea!
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:32 pm
by Gromph
Yeah bretons are good as spellcasters and as pure fighting machines, and either way anyone can use charm, just enchant an item for 100 chamr for 1 second, you can get most anything out of a person
max out your intell and wisdom first and for skills max your destruction and alteration then you will be a fairly good spellcaster
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:53 pm
by Tower_Master
[QUOTE=dragon wench]For a great spellcaster, I'd suggest going for a Breton born under the sign of the Atronach. Bretons have excellent bonuses in magic, while their lack of any weaknesse makes them more versatile than High Elves.
You might want to make Speechcraft a major skill if you are looking to be persuasive and good at obtaining information.
Breton Skill Bonuses:
Conjuration +10
Mysticism +10
Restoration + 10
Alchemy +5
Alteration +5
Illusion +5
Breton Specials
Fortified Maximum Magicka
Dragon Skin
Resist Magicka[/QUOTE]
I'd definately agree 100% on this one. Bretons are, in my oppinion, EASILY the best spellcasters. That 50% Magicka resistance is a doozy SPOILER (especially with the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide) END SPOILER. I'd highly reccomend, however, that you take a fighting skill or two in your minor slots...they come in handy (especially if you're not a "power gamer").
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:47 am
by Lowkei
The sign
Bretons sound cool, but the sighn antrach or wot ever it's called gives you stunted magica. Is this a big problem and if so is there a way round it. Other then that great tips guys, cheers.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:51 am
by moltovir
Atronach is great. My Breton started with 240 magicka by picking this sign, and the only things you need to get your magicka back are Divine Intervention and Mark/Recall. If you're out of magicka, just place a Mark, use DI and ask for a blessing at the altar. Your spell absorption will give you all your mana back. Then just cast Recall and off you go. A blessing costs 35gp, but if you become member of the Imperial Cult and you reach rank 3 you can get it for free.
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:55 am
by Lowkei
That sounds ok, but
that sounds ok, but what is a mark DI. When i buy mark and recall i can only make one mark point so when i recall to it i have to run all the way back to where i was befor i used recall. So does DI mean there is a way to make to mark points so you can travel between the two of them, because that would make morrowind so much easier and more fun.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:29 pm
by fable
He means, "If you're out of magicka, just place a Mark, use Divine Intervention and ask for a blessing at the altar."
Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 7:49 pm
by Ares2382
Yeah DI or AI(Almsivi Intervention, takes you to Temple rather then Imperial Cult). But also once you get good with Alchemy, you can make insanely powerful potions of restore magicka that can help you for those time when you are in the middle of a battle and taking your time to cast a mark spell just isn't an option.
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 2:41 am
by moltovir
...and that's another reason why every mage should at least have one combat skill

I'd choose Blunt Weapon. Use warhammers in the beginning for maximum damage, and switch to staffs from the moment you find an ebony staff. When you find one, you'll find out why

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:36 am
by dairy
id say the breton/atronach is definately the heaviest power player character. and as far as the stunted magika goes, thats why we use alchemy. as well, once you reach a certain level, ascended sleepers are everywhere and 2 good hits from one of those guys will max even an atronach/breton with intelligence bonuses back to full magika.
spoiler -->one other way to help with the spell absorbtion(sp) is to rip your way up the mages guild and kill the archmage. his amulet gives an addition 25 points to absorbtion and 25 points to intelligence (havent played in a while, so the stats might be a bit off) which makes your character pretty much immune to magic.