Experimental Chars or partys & thoughts.
Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:20 pm
Im thinkin about creating a character based on multiclassing and using
classis witch bases out of the same kind of attributes.
A Cleric or paladin that is good at turning undead should also be pretty good
at the class of Sorcerer , the only problem would be the penalty for armor
when spell casting. And since there is not enough skillpoints to have a decent
DEX , he will be very easy to hit.
I played NwN from release to the expansion and did alot of diffrent chars but
the best char i even did was some kind of mix between paladin/Fighter/bard
that used longsword/shortsword.
When buffed by his own spells this char was the most powerfull char i had
even played in NwN , and i compared him with my clerics and wiz.
Some problems i´ve experienced in IWD2 is that dual-wielding does not seem
to be that effective compared to s/s or Great weapons. Ive had Rangers
with close to 30 DEX using light armor and 2 Shortswords and they die alot
faster then the regular warriors.
I have also thought about making a party with only 1 Tank, 4 archers , a
priest and a Sorc or Wiz. I have always liked the idéa of having 1 tank infront
buffed to heaven while the archers turns the targets to a hedgehog.
Yesterday i finished the game once again and it hit me that none of my chars
ever reach beyond the level of 16, it could be that i always run with a
party of 6 and thereby charing the XP alot more. But running a party with less
then 6 chars will really hurt your party seup since all of those slots have a
huge importance when it comes to usefullness in characters.
Can a party of 4 be that effective when you get close to the end with all
those tougher enemies. Just think of having only 1 tank when fighting the
6 lost followers , cant be done... no cuestion about it - you will get pwned.
A party based on purely Clerics has always been tempting since in the end
the clerincs can acually hold their own against the enemy after they have
recived all their buffs. Ofcourse once the buffs gets dispelled or runs out -
the cleric goes down like a stone.
I also dont understand that paladins "Aura of Courage" since eventhou i have
partymembers within the radius of the aura , some of my chars can still be
affected from Fear and Horror . From what i understand , all chars remaining
within that aura should NOT be able to be affected by any of those to effects.
For example : When you are fighting the Guardian Dragon just before Dragons-
eye , alot of my chars usually have problems standign against his ..."fear" and
they tend to run away witch can be a realy P.I.T.A if any fighter needs to be
healed from a cleric.
classis witch bases out of the same kind of attributes.
A Cleric or paladin that is good at turning undead should also be pretty good
at the class of Sorcerer , the only problem would be the penalty for armor
when spell casting. And since there is not enough skillpoints to have a decent
DEX , he will be very easy to hit.
I played NwN from release to the expansion and did alot of diffrent chars but
the best char i even did was some kind of mix between paladin/Fighter/bard
that used longsword/shortsword.
When buffed by his own spells this char was the most powerfull char i had
even played in NwN , and i compared him with my clerics and wiz.
Some problems i´ve experienced in IWD2 is that dual-wielding does not seem
to be that effective compared to s/s or Great weapons. Ive had Rangers
with close to 30 DEX using light armor and 2 Shortswords and they die alot
faster then the regular warriors.
I have also thought about making a party with only 1 Tank, 4 archers , a
priest and a Sorc or Wiz. I have always liked the idéa of having 1 tank infront
buffed to heaven while the archers turns the targets to a hedgehog.
Yesterday i finished the game once again and it hit me that none of my chars
ever reach beyond the level of 16, it could be that i always run with a
party of 6 and thereby charing the XP alot more. But running a party with less
then 6 chars will really hurt your party seup since all of those slots have a
huge importance when it comes to usefullness in characters.
Can a party of 4 be that effective when you get close to the end with all
those tougher enemies. Just think of having only 1 tank when fighting the
6 lost followers , cant be done... no cuestion about it - you will get pwned.
A party based on purely Clerics has always been tempting since in the end
the clerincs can acually hold their own against the enemy after they have
recived all their buffs. Ofcourse once the buffs gets dispelled or runs out -
the cleric goes down like a stone.
I also dont understand that paladins "Aura of Courage" since eventhou i have
partymembers within the radius of the aura , some of my chars can still be
affected from Fear and Horror . From what i understand , all chars remaining
within that aura should NOT be able to be affected by any of those to effects.
For example : When you are fighting the Guardian Dragon just before Dragons-
eye , alot of my chars usually have problems standign against his ..."fear" and
they tend to run away witch can be a realy P.I.T.A if any fighter needs to be
healed from a cleric.