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Early Advice
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 8:44 am
by Nimiety
In all the games I've played, I've typically brought all the NPCs (with the exception of Yoshimo) out of Chateau Irenicus. With my new game, though, I want to play a smaller party to keep all the exp, so this is as close as I've gotten to soloing so far.
When you folks solo through the game, do you pick up the NPCs at the beginning just until you get out of the castle, or do you release them to get the exp and then immediately drop them? Also, how do you treat Imoen, <spoiler>as she complains if you do drop her that her head hurts and it feels like she should stay with you? How can Imoen be kidnapped from your party as you exit the castle if you'd already kicked her out and presumably don't care about her any more?</spoiler>
Considering the plot, I think it would be difficult to drop her, she is your sister... But frankly, I don't want to have anyone else in my party, even for a little bit if I can avoid it. When you solo, do you keep her for a while or kick her right away?
Thanks folks!
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:05 am
by Thrain
solo means solo. no NPCs at all.
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:33 am
by Nimiety
So there are no ramifications by denying someone as soon as they ask to join in the Chateau Irenicus (other than npc-specific quests, which is logical)? Phew! Thanks again Thrain.
Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:28 am
by fable
Changing the title of this thread. Nimiety, it might help, in the future, if you don't write "soloing" when you mean "with a party."
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:23 am
by me0w
Well, when I solo, I let anyone join my team. (infact I always do this) But then I immediately kick them, after looting there items and heading for the nearest merchant.
I let Minsc and Jaheria join me so that I can get there "joining experience". Every little helps. Then I do then I do the first floor, go to the second, get Yoshimo, go back down, and make him unlock all the traps and chests on the first floor. (If I can't do it myself)
However I'd still call it solo, even if others wouldn't. (I feel just as satisfied, I still get 100% of the kills, thats what matters to me)
But yeah, its not solo'ing if you keep them through Chateau Irenicus.
Also, regarding Imoen, I tell her to go right away. Who cares if she's my childhood companion. She is such a whiny loser.
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:49 am
by VonDondu
[QUOTE=Nimiety]In all the games I've played, I've typically brought all the NPCs (with the exception of Yoshimo) out of Chateau Irenicus. With my new game, though, I want to play a smaller party to keep all the exp, so this is as close as I've gotten to soloing so far.
When you folks solo through the game, do you pick up the NPCs at the beginning just until you get out of the castle, or do you release them to get the exp and then immediately drop them? Also, how do you treat Imoen?[/QUOTE]
I don't solo the game (I think having NPCs in the party is more fun), but I don't take every NPC into my party just because they're available.
The game assumes that Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, and Dynaheir are (or were) your traveling companions, but I don't go along with that if I have other roleplaying plans or if I prefer to create my own character's traveling history. If I don't want Jaheira and/or Minsc in my party, the answer is simple: I avoid their cells and pretend they don't exist. There's no dilemma about releasing them and letting them join if you don't talk to them.
Imoen is an integral part of the story, but that doesn't mean she has to be in your party for very long. After she releases you from your cell, just let her "accidentally" get wounded, and she will run away. You will catch up to her when you make it out of Irenicus's dungeon, and the Chapter One cut-scene will take place normally. Irenicus will intercept you and Imoen, Imoen will fight back, the Cowled Wizards will show up, etc. From there, you can solo the game. When you meet Imoen at Spellhold, tell her (in effect) that your best chance of escaping is to split up and you'll meet her at the Copper Coronet. If you care about her fate, you can let her join you when you fight Bodhi in Chapter Six, and then you can dismiss her again when she's safe and sound.
Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:33 pm
by Yeltsu
When I solo I usually bring NPC's with me on their specific quest. e.g. nalia in the De'Arnise keep, and so on, usually just for roleplaying reasons.