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Which one is the best?

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:50 pm
by Lowkei
so Halo 2 is almost out, half-life 2 is almost out and doom 3 is almost out all of them on the xbox. what one do you think is gonna b the best? i personally think half-life 2, after all the first one changed the futre for FPS and i think the second one will too.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:38 pm
by Floyd_theBarber
Half-Life 2 will be the better game, but Halo 2 won't be far behind, just as the original Halo was not far behind (IMO) of Half-Life.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:45 am
by Aegis
Quite frankly, all of them are over-hyped, and given far more attention than they really deserve. But then, that's just me, and I refuse to play any of these games until six months have passed, and people finally start looking at the games with an unbiased eye.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 12:49 am
by Xandax
I played some Doom 3. I did not like that game very much - sure graphics is nice, but the game is so dark that it dosen't do squat.
I stopped playing about 15minutes into the game because I found it dull.

A very boring game - the original Doom was much better. I'll never get Doom3 played through to the end.

As for Halo2 I have no idea, and Half-Life 2 will be so hyped that it is all but impossible to live up to it. I will likely pick up Half-Life 2 for PC when it is on sale, just to try it.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 1:22 pm
by arno_v
I got the same experience with Doom 3, the beginning is nice. First a introduction to the story line, not just killing everything that comes in your way. But later when the lights go out and everyone turns crazy, it's so dull. Just shooting everything you see in a paranoid dark world. I quit after half an hour, don't think I will play more.

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:07 pm
by Rob-hin
I played a small bit of doom 3 and thought is was pretty cool.
It had a scary atmosphere but perhaps that will die out after you played it a couple of times more.

Personally, I'm looking forward to h-l2 as the first game was truely excellent. The screens are looking good, as does the things I heard about it but we'll have to wait and see. Problem is that I still don't have a 3d card. Those things are expencive and currently it's not money for value.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:33 am
by taltamir
well, its good thing you put BE in there... at first I thought it was one of those things where silly young (10-14 years old usually) teenagers review games/movies/books/whatever that havent even come out yet...

So to answer the question. I thought halo was boring, I enjoyed half life... and Doom, while the original one was cool... the premise is way too crude today, I also by now saw doom3 (while I havent really played it) and it was overhyped and contains some critical flaws, it just doesnt live up to things... its a stupid game, with the most awesome graphic engine....

As such I would have to guess Half Life 2. (I am thus basing all the games on their latest version... Doom on Doom2.. Half life 2 on halflife one.. halo 2 on halo 1)
This is still just a guess and I cannot tell without playing any of those, Which I dont expect to do soon (why would I wanna buy an Xbox, i have a computer, a better built one at that)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:38 pm
by Robnark
doom 3 didn't really grab me. looks pretty on a top-end computer, but I'll stick with system shock 2 any day. it's gonna take a lot more than horribly well-rendered darkness to persuade me otherwise.

halo 2 I want to try. the original was a laugh multiplayer, but I have always thought the single player game was rather pants once you get over the gimmicks. I've heard the sequel is much better, and it's about bloody time the franchise started living up to the hype.

and just when I'm starting to sound like a bitter old misanthrope who probably thinks that ascii graphics were a bit over the top, really, and that games have been going downhill ever since punchcards were phased out, I'm going to go all gooey over Half Life 2. the first one was the best thing to happen to the genre in, well, ever. the second one may not be as revolutionary in concept, but the execution looks so painfully slick and thorough, it should set a new standard for attention to detail.

and the sooner Vivendi and Valve stop trying to create some kind of lawyer-based godzilla-type monster with which to crush each other into the ground and steal their money, the better.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 2:50 am
by Destroyed Eden
Theses three games are totally different...i guess it's Half-Life 2 for me...for the story and gameplay (a shooter where you dont only have to shoot, platform jumping and pathfinding, good story). Doom 3 is only scary...and really annoying when monsters spawn behind...gosh hate that. The story is really "deja vu" style. Halo is for Xbox so i guess it is Half-Life 2 first for PC and Halo 2 1st for Xbox. For me the best game is yet to come..and it is STALKER: Shadows of Tchernobyl.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:46 am
by Noober
IMHO (note I haven't played Halo 2 a significant amount, opinion based alot on forums):

Singleplayer: HL2 >>> Halo2 > Doom 3
Multiplayer: HL2 = Halo 2 > Doom3
Graphics: Doom 3 > Half-life 2 > Halo 2
Engine: Half-life 2 >>> Doom 3 > Halo 2
Story: Half-life 2 > Halo 2 > Doom 3
Mods (for pc): HL2 >>>>> Doom 3 >>>>> Halo 2 (should it ever come to pc)


Singleplayer: Half-Life 2 annihilates both Halo 2 and Doom 3 (though halo fanboys will tell you otherwise). I didn't find Doom 3 particularly scary or compelling. I've seen some friends with Halo 2, not particularly exceptional. Half-Life 2 is somewhat easy, however (even on Hard).

Multiplayer: Halo 2 has co-op and dm etc., while Half-life 2 has CS:S and DM/TDM. DM in HL2 is IMHO far more fun then Halo 2 (though in its current state unbalanced and only has two maps, expect this to change). Doom 3 is what might be comsidered average 7 years ago.

Graphics: Doom 3 has the best lighting in any game. Period. Of course, it's so dark that you never see it :p .

Engine: Physics. 'nuff said. Facial expressions aren't bad either. Once again D3 has the coolest lighting.

Story: HL2's ending ::Vague Spoilers:: leaves much to contemplation and anticipation ::Vague Spoilers::. Much more interesting IMHO. I like the characters in HL2 (Lamarr!! Dog!!) more then Halo 2 as well. Both are about fighting aliens etc. Don't mention Doom 3.

Mods: Self-explanatory.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:24 pm
by Floyd_theBarber
I've played the demo of Doom 3 and didn't enjoy it.

IMO, Half-Life 2 is almost as good as Half-Life, that is to say, it is arguably the second-best fps of all time.
I've only played Halo 2 to about the fourth level, but so far I haven't enjoyed it as much as Halo. The story is not nearly as cohesive or enjoyable. However, the multiplayer is much improved because of better level design and layout.
I wish I could say Halo 2's multiplayer is better than HL2's but... I'm still waiting for Day of Defeat: Source to come out... :)