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Skorms Bow
Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:51 am
by Xboxer
I am starting a neutral bow caster and i am trying to get skorms bow, i know you have to sacrifice some people but how exactly do you do that? some thing to do with the time and that...
Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:09 pm
by liberator
wel the best time to sacrifise people is at midnight.
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:27 am
by Blitzkrieg
I think you have to be a good character for it to work properly. So just stick on a bright will user's outfit, or bright plate armour or whatever and it'll give you a huge bonus to your good/evil counter.
I sacrificed characters often and nothing happened. I just kept going back to a previous save and trying again until eventually I got it (I REALLY don't know why it worked then and not at other times, but anyway).
Then after that if you sacrifice another merc or whatever, you get a few years taken off (it's not indicated, and I was told my sacrifice was insufficient, but it happened anyway), and then if you sacrifice a third person, you get the necromancer title.
Oh, and yes - it has to be done at night.
Hope I got that in the right order...
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 7:31 pm
by Xboxer
i got it
it didnt turn out to be all that hard, it sounds to me like all you need is a 700+ evil point sacrifice, and the time of day affects its value, i was slightly good and i took the tample of avo merc, and one hooded woman from the guild (the annoying thing was the walk there) and then just after i paid my merc at midnight i sacrificed, it did the hooded woman first and that was more than enouhg (742 i think) any ways long story short, not that difficult other than getting the woman to the temple.
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 12:43 am
by P_a_l_a_d_i_n
wooahh!! the funny thing one has a f***ing clue exactly how this freakin skorm thing works. I think it's just pure random...some people have sacrificed at midnight, some at 6, some at 9! some people have done exactly what others have done and it still doesn't work!
maybe it has something to do with the age of your char.?
Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 6:17 am
by Blitzkrieg
[QUOTE=P_a_l_a_d_i_n]maybe it has something to do with the age of your char.?[/QUOTE]
I can't say.
I've done it twice now - the second time I saved game when I was at the temple of skorm with 2 mercs. I sacrificed them both four or five times (all at different times of day - for some reason the game just makes it any time), and eventually I got the bow.
So I have to concur that it is in fact just random.
Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:11 am
by P_a_l_a_d_i_n
i hate when stuff in games are random...
Even though it may seem that way...more people are getting in during nighttime and closer to midnight then anywhere else on the clock..coincidence? i think not
I think it's one of those things we'll never figure out. Except if you take a calculator and calculate all the factors involved. Which is very fun!!!
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:58 pm
by rhonon
the best way to get it is get to about lvl 3 base good and sacrifice the all 4 mercenaries it should work
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:59 pm
by rhonon
the time of day has nothing to do with the chapel of skorm
Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:29 pm
by matthewd
[QUOTE=Blitzkrieg]I can't say.
I've done it twice now - the second time I saved game when I was at the temple of skorm with 2 mercs. I sacrificed them both four or five times (all at different times of day - for some reason the game just makes it any time), and eventually I got the bow.
So I have to concur that it is in fact just random.[/QUOTE]
The best way is to go to twinblades elite camp sack up some strong bandit folowers sacrafice a bounche (make shure there at full health.. healing spell would work just fine )and ur ready i had enough from 3 (this will not always wirk becouse of the physics of the bandits )for the age and the name and the bow...
When u get there make shure u consume a moonfish they can B cought at midnight... and when day almost there use a Golden carrot and then a moonfish