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Questions about Shadow Conjuration

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 8:46 am
by Lord Nyax
I have found the spell that summon shadows from the shadow plane or whatever. But when I look at the sixth level spell Shades, it says that there is a higher level spell available. What is it?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:50 pm
by Julian
There is a spell called Greater Shadow Conjuration, if thats what your thinking about, or it could be the lvl 8 summon Fiend, can't rember if they are from the plane of shadow, think they are in iwd2

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:55 pm
by Julian
Sorry about the last post, re-read the desciption.
It means that the higher caster lvl your mage is hte better the monster, the spell summons a monster that has 60% of normal hp, eksampel, caster lvl 14 you get a hill giant, at lvl 16 you might get a fire giant.
As most know a fire giant is better than a hill giant.

Get the gist of it. Hope this helps

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 1:59 pm
by Heidrek
There are 3 'shadow conjuration' spells: Shadow Con., Greater Shadow Con. and Shades. These summon Shadow versions of vaious monsters dependent on caster level. These Shadow versions have 20%, 40% and 60% of a 'real' version of these monsters.

There is also Summon Shadow. this spell summons only Shadows, a specteral undead monster. I think these shadows get stronger as you level up, but there are no Greater Shadows or ELite Shadows etc. When ever you cast it you get a Shadow and thats it.

The Cacofiend, Summon Fiend and Gate spells summon Cornugons, Glabrezu's and Gelugons respectively. These guys are tough, but you need to be Protected from evil or they will attack you too.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:24 am
by winter sorrow
Summon shadows just gives you an undead spectral fighter that has the same level as the caster, I think. Maxes out at level 21. Not sure if I remember correctly but I think the version of this shadow ally increases with every 3 levels up to 21. Not a great spell. Shadows don't have much in the way of immunities, damage or HP if I recall correctly. They are very resistant to cold, but that's about it.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:06 pm
by Heidrek
I think they have an enegy drain or strength drain attack as well. don't remember exactly but they didn't seem to do much damage. I aqgree it doesn't seem s a great summon, especially when compared to Animate Dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:33 pm
by Lord Nyax

Thanks Julian. That does make more sense. It's too bad that the shadows seem like such a bad summon. They could have been really interesting in theory. On that note, is Animate Dead the best summon? I have been using it with my level 9 cleric, and I get some pretty awesome monsters that can tear apart opposition, but are there better ones (eg. Gate or Fiend)?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:45 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
[QUOTE=Lord Nyax]Thanks Julian. That does make more sense. It's too bad that the shadows seem like such a bad summon. They could have been really interesting in theory. On that note, is Animate Dead the best summon? I have been using it with my level 9 cleric, and I get some pretty awesome monsters that can tear apart opposition, but are there better ones (eg. Gate or Fiend)?[/QUOTE]

ANIMATE DEAD... HAH.. it was good summon in UNPATCHED GAME...

SHADES are just sweet.. they walk faster.. they deal more damage.. and behind few Giant Vermins... Enemy is going down.. + you get lot more summons if you pick shadow conj. , greater shadow conj. and shades...

Dont forget that their casting time is faster than animate dead..

So i you havent tried those.. try now..

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 2:31 pm
by Heidrek
The Demon Summons like Gate, Summon Fiend and Cocofiend are strong. The Gelugon that Gate gets you is better than an Apocalyptic Boneguard, the best an Animate Dead can get you, but needs perapration (prot. from evil on your party) and you can't control it, so you can direct it against specific opponents, it just runs around killing whatever it can find. The Glaberzu and Cornugon form Fiend and Caco. respectively are also good combatants, they also cast spells like Lightning Bolt and Emotion: Fear which is nice. I think melee wise the Glab. is on par with a high level Animate Dead, the Cornugon is not as strong I think.

Gate is supposed to have a casting time of 9 but I think it's actually faster than that. Note also that once you hit about level 28 Sorceror, your Shadow Conjuration and Shades spells will summon Cornugons and Glabrezus as well, but with less HP. Shades is one of the best summons around. Fast to cast, gets good damage dealing creatures and they last long enough for you to summon one or two more before their low HP kills them.

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 6:48 am
by lompo
[QUOTE=Heidrek]The Demon Summons like Gate, Summon Fiend and Cocofiend are strong. The Gelugon that Gate gets you is better than an Apocalyptic Boneguard, the best an Animate Dead can get you.[/QUOTE]

When are you able to summon Apocalyptic boneguard?
Wasn't the spell nerfed?

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:49 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
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