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Morrowind: View from a new Player.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:10 pm
by Dreez
I finally got around to test Morrowind after a few years of waiting since i
didnt find the game "all that".. back then.
Now after spent almost a week trying to figure out where to go, what to
do and how to improove my character through levelups , i can only say:
Morrowind Sucks.

1: When entering the dark places like caves and dungeons, YOU barely see
anything , while the enemy witch has the same darkness - can obviosly see
you good enough to hit you even with small shuricens.
Im still have a hard time finding my way in the first cave with the smugglers.

2: Playing as mage , what a joke, kill a rat, rest, kill a rat, rest etc, etc...
There wasnt even implemented a skill/feat called Manaregen , so basically
your mage would be forced to rest after the smallest of engagements , while
fighters just move on.

3: When pickin up those helpless people asking me for a "guide" to somewhere
they always dissapear when i decide to take a shortcut over some mountain.
In example. When the dude asks for a guide to the "hollow ground" with the
great view, i decided to take a shortcut , when i looked back, he was gone.
So i backtracked to find him but he was nowhere to be found.

4: When cornering an enemy and making Side-to-side slashing movements
with my "longsword of shock" , my character misses. How can you miss a
cornered guy that cant move anywhere when you swing your blade.

5: The level up. OMG it took forever, and when i finally got it, i ended up
with a total of +2 Mana .. Thank you lord for the great increase in my mana
that barely is enough for a rat.

6: The Barter system. I sold armors and other equipment that according to
the "Value" was worth way over 400 Gold, but when i try to sell it, the damn
store keeper wont give me more then 100.. nice deal ehh..

Im going back to NwN, atleast i can see where im going and no wonder what
to do next for hours and hours..

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:01 pm
by dragon wench
"I finally got around to test Morrowind after a few years of waiting since i
didnt find the game "all that".. back then.
Now after spent almost a week trying to figure out where to go, what to
do and how to improove my character through levelups , i can only say:
Morrowind Sucks."

"1: When entering the dark places like caves and dungeons, YOU barely see
anything , while the enemy witch has the same darkness - can obviosly see
you good enough to hit you even with small shuricens.
Im still have a hard time finding my way in the first cave with the smugglers."

You *can* adjust the light settings under the "Options" menu

"2: Playing as mage , what a joke, kill a rat, rest, kill a rat, rest etc, etc...
There wasnt even implemented a skill/feat called Manaregen , so basically
your mage would be forced to rest after the smallest of engagements , while
fighters just move on."

Did you think to make potions?

"3: When pickin up those helpless people asking me for a "guide" to somewhere
they always dissapear when i decide to take a shortcut over some mountain.
In example. When the dude asks for a guide to the "hollow ground" with the
great view, i decided to take a shortcut , when i looked back, he was gone.
So i backtracked to find him but he was nowhere to be found."

I don't necessarily disagree, escort quests can be a pain in the butt. IMO they are better left until you are more familiar with the game

"4: When cornering an enemy and making Side-to-side slashing movements
with my "longsword of shock" , my character misses. How can you miss a
cornered guy that cant move anywhere when you swing your blade."

This is why you practice your skills, as you improve your skill gets better. Also, in "Options" you *can* set your preferences so that the computer always selects the best shot.

"5: The level up. OMG it took forever, and when i finally got it, i ended up
with a total of +2 Mana .. Thank you lord for the great increase in my mana
that barely is enough for a rat."

Levelling up is as slow or as fast as you make it. If you consistantly practice your major and minor skills you should level up rapidly. Many people deliberately do not use their major/minor skills so as to actually slow levelling

"6: The Barter system. I sold armors and other equipment that according to
the "Value" was worth way over 400 Gold, but when i try to sell it, the damn
store keeper wont give me more then 100.. nice deal ehh.."

Did you bother to look for the alternatives? A search on this forum would have revealed that you *can* get full value for items; Morrowind is a game of exploration, you have to be willing to try to find things without being spoonfed.

"Im going back to NwN, atleast i can see where im going and no wonder what
to do next for hours and hours.."

Your choice, nobody can force you to select your games :)

I am not saying Morrowind is without flaws. It has plenty, my biggest gripes are that NPCs are flat and uninteresting, the storyline tends to lack, and it can get way too easy, way too quickly (even with difficulty at 100). However, the complaints you list seem more to be the result of not exploring the "Options" menu, the game itself and the Game Banshee Morrowind forum. Incidentally, did you even read the manual that comes with the game?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:31 pm
by Ares2382
1. Like Dragon said.

2. Starting as a mage is hard, but you mention NWN. Hmm let's see how did that go. Oh I remember shoot 2 magick missles, rest. Shoot 2 magick missles, rest. Morrowind, shoot some spells, rest, shoot some more spells, rest And this is different, how? Oh and you can make potions to restore your magicka. Plus if you select certain types of race with a certain type of sign you get a really nice starting mana amount and it goes up by more then one.

3. Here is where everyone will agree with you, the pathfinding in this game is far from good.

4. Ok so there is no graphics here to show that the guy ducks, but hey what fun would it be if you hit everything everytime you swing the sword. Practice with it and you will miss less often.

5. Leveling up it so easy in this game it's not even fun. And the amount of mana increase you get is proportional to increase in Intelligence. Which means if you practiced skills that require Intelligence and you raised your Intelligence but more points you mana goes up by more points. Plus there is a whole race bonus to consider. Like the fact that you will get more mana if you are a High Elf then if you were a Dark Elf. Not so much different the NWN where you got more spells for having higher Intelligence.

6. Did you bother checking if the guy likes you? What did you think he is going to pay full price if he hates you? Plus NWN is the same way. Go ahead and buy a sword that cost 100 gold and try to sell it back to the same merchant for that price. You'll be lucky to get 25 gold back for it.

What do you mean you don't know where to go? Oh you mean you don't read what people tell you? Or was the part about go to Balmora and find Casius too complicated for you to follow?

I'm sorry but your opinion of Morrowind seems to come from about 30 minutes worth of play time. Plus you seem to have put yourself at a disadvantage by picking a poor race for your class.

I've played Morrowind and NWN and finished both. They are both good games IMHO but I never get the urge to replay NWN as often as I do Morrowind. Plus I don't like the fact that NWN restricts where you can go. Where as Morrowind gives you both a quick path through the single story line if you want to just follow that or you can roam about exploring and doing just about anything you want.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:35 pm
by Asher
what is NwN anyway? is it another game like morrowind?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:39 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=Asher]what is NwN anyway? is it another game like morrowind?[/QUOTE]

Neverwinter Nights. There is a forum for that game here as well.
Unlike Morrowind, NWN tends to be very linear, but as with any game it has both positive points and drawbacks ;)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:41 pm
by fable
I'd have to second DW's comments, Dreez. There are numerous negatives that could be (and have been) laid at Morrowind's doorstep, such as extremely poorly designed economy, its lame dialog trees, or the way its magic system easily succumbs to player abuse. But the points you mention seem to result for unfamiliarity with the product. Meaning no offense, but I have to wonder how much time you put into the game over the week you mention, since you miss some very obvious things.

1) Like your fave game, NWN, image brightness is controlled on an options screen. I'm unaware of any video card that can run NWN adequately that doesn't react to MW's brightness control. However, if you're still experiencing difficulty in caves and the like, purchase a simple light spell at the store in Seyda Neen. Those usually last for quite a while in caves and such. I tend to prefer light spells in caves, rather than relying on the local torches.

2) I'm assuming you're playing on a PC. If so, there are quite a few tiny mods that regenerate magicka for you. (Unlike NWN, people can load many mods at the same time into Morrowind, and frequently do so. I've got 200+ mods running in my game. There are 4000+ mods currently available, affecting everything from extra quests to greater difficulty in opponents, to houses for your player, to special rings that turn you into a god.) I've tried out two, and have used one constantly over the last six months. Like you, I think having to sleep to regain magicka is ridiculous, and I suspect it was implemented to force you to sleep frequently and not gain the large attribute multipliers that otherwise occur.

3) LOL! Don't tell me you found someone around Seyda Neen? I don't bother with 'em, unless they're part of a guild quest. But they're quests are less than 1/10 of 1% of the quests in the game. :D

4) If you think that's bad, avoid the Gothic series. Those games are far worse. You've simply encountered the problems I've found with FPS games. Do what I do: stand there, raise a weapon, and pound the suckers in front of you. Be sure to have a decent weapon first, of course. There's some sort of blade on sale in many stores (I found one in Pelagiad) which both poisons and better still, paralyzes. This is my favorite. If you can't afford one, and they're relatively cheap, install a mod called Indybank. You can actually borrow huge sums of money at many bank locations--then buy your sword, and reap the rewards. Be sure to pay back, though. You don't want the assassins the bank has on staff to come after you for loan default. :D

5) The trick is to *not* to level up. Why should you level up? What do you gain? Let your skills rise naturally, from frequent use. But as you level up, random encounters generate tougher monsters. If you use a magicka regenerator, you don't need to sleep, so you can control the size of the multipliers you get. Don't sleep for a good while; just build up your fighting and magic skills, first.

6) You need to find the right shopkeepers. There are several who have thousands of gold on 'em, every day. And there are mods, if you want 'em, that can make every merchant in MW have as much.

But please, ask for help. Complaining without asking just makes you look like...well, like my wife's father. And you don't want that. He's a stubborn, silly man. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 3:46 pm
by Asher
hey man I agree with you morrowind can be a serius pain in the but at times and the combat engine does need some help. when I first saw the game was when I bought it on the recomendation of a friend and I started I had no idea what I was doing and I hated the game because after ten hours I still couldnt kill anything and all I could do was steal stuff from empty rooms. I told my friend that the game sucked and he came over and we sat down and he showed me the basics helped me set up a charector to siut me. and as soon as I figued out what I was doing I had a blast I am still playing the game. I just think you should give it a chance I my self go for fighters but I'm sure if you asked around in here people would help you find a char that is right for you. try it or dont your choice but I hope this helps.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 6:17 pm
by fable
I'm getting the impression that Dreez has only started this thread to cause hard feelings. He hasn't replied, and he seems to be saying, unless I miss his initial post's meaning, "So long, I hated your game, I'm returning to the one I enjoy." (Curiously, though he mentions NWN, all his posts are in the Icewind Dale II forum, which is a very different kind of game.) If there's going to be no dialog, here, it serves no purpose, and only spreads ill-will. I'll close this thread in 24 hours, unless he responds with honest conversation.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 1:34 am
by Rookierookie
It's like people complaining about Real Life(TM) because they cannot save/reload, can't learn magic, and aren't invincible.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:31 am
by fable
His frustrations are very real. The problem is the manner is which they're stated: the equivalent of an ultimatum followed by stamping out of the house to move elsewhere, instead of inquirying to get solutions to the problems. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:24 am
by Cowled Kensai
Morrowind is a huge pain in the arse, but take time and grow into it it took me about 5 months to get a handle on the basics, but I stoped playing after my Dark Elf Warrior couldent find that Shadow Volcano place to get the shadow sheild for those Ashlander quests.

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 7:39 pm
by fable
'Tis closed. Better luck with other games, Dreez.