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What's up with the body in my basement?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 5:00 pm
by miciah
Possible Telvanni spoiler:

My Telvanni tower has been complete for some time, and I've been having a lot of fun having a "home" in the game. One of the things I most appreciate about Morrowind are these kinds of "extras" that have nothing to do with actually finishing the game, but have a lot to do with the enjoyment and richness of hanging out in the game's environment.

Anyway, when exploring the building, I came across the corpse in my dungeon. Unlike other bodies in Morrowind, this one doesn't have the option of being removed. I can take items from it, not that there's anything of interest, but I can't dispose of the corpse. Naturally this makes me uneasy.

So what's up with this? Is it just a permanent Halloween decoration for my building foundation, or is it going to get up and walk at some point? :)

I don't have any need for the building's lower level, so I currently have both doors to the dungeon locked, but it would be nice to know whether there is even any reason for caution. I check on the body from time to time, but so far it's the same. I don't necessarily need to know what is going to happen, but it would be nice to know if ANYTHING is going to happen so I know whether I can just forget about it.

Also, let me ask three other questions about the stronghold.

1) I'm assuming that the desk and wardrobe in my bedroom and the chest in my "guest room" are safe for storage and that items left inside won't suddenly disappear one day. Is this correct as far as anyone knows, or should I have my best stuff laid out on the floor? Maybe that's what the dungeon's for. :)

2) I have both my desk and wardrobe locked against possible intruders while I am away. Is this necessary? Has anyone ever had their stronghold looted? It's not that big of a deal to lock and unlock things as I come and go, but I'd rather not mess with it if it's unnecessary.

3) I've obviously reached the limit of items that I can place out in the open in the tower. Anything I try to place now goes into the overflow loot bag that appeared on the desktop in my bedroom. Not only that, but if I remove an item and try to replace it with another item, the new item also ends up in the loot bag. So removing one item to place another isn't working. Is there a way to replace current items that I have displayed, or have I somehow managed to exceed the max item number for the area and will have to remove several more before I can successfully replace something?

I don't know if it makes any difference, but I'm playing this on Xbox.


Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 7:23 pm
by Ares2382
Don't know about any dead people, I don't remember there ever being one in my game as Telvanni.

But to answer your other questions:

1) Your house store stuff anywhere you like none of it will disappear.

2) No, apparantly every theif in the world of Morrowind is afraid of you so no one will ever steal your stuff. But you can steal theirs :D

3) Sorry don't know this one either

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 12:32 am
by miciah
Thanks for you answers.

>Don't know about any dead people, I don't remember
>there ever being one in my game as Telvanni.

Yeah, I have a dead woman in the dungeon. She's in the lowest room, to the right of the bottom of the stairs, stretched out on the ground. She's simply identified as "dead body." She has an iron wakizashi, common pants, common shirt, common shoes and a petty soul gem. So she's carrying nothing of any value. When you click on her, "dispose of corpse" is not an option.

You know, I just thought about all of the references to necromancy that come up during the game. Are there any ways for me to reanimate corpses in Morrowind? I know there are a couple of books about "preparing corpses" that I've come across, but I don't really remember if there was any info about actually being able to do this. Maybe I need to go back to the vendors I use and look the books over again to see if there is anything there. Maybe I can resurrect her as my wife. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:28 am
by moltovir
I came across a house yesterday, probably from a mod (I have so many mods running that I forgot what each adds), where you can perform rituals on dead bodies to make skeletons or bonewalkers. When they collapse, you can revive them again and you can even equip them with weapons and armor. Your minions also get level-ups. I'll try to find which mod it was, so that you can download it and have an undead female bonewalker servant in your Telvanni villa :)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:28 am
by Cowled Kensai
Can mods work on an x-box becuase I was a telavanni once, and always wondered why there was a dead argonian guy in my basement I locked the door to the dungean cause I was afraid he'd murder me in my sleep.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:39 am
by Locke Da'averan
no, there are no mods for xboxers, sorry..

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 6:18 pm
by Dark Master
The Telvanni stronghold is called Uvirth's Grave... So who do you think the corpse is? Just my interpretation, but thats always what I tell myself from a roleplaying PoV.


Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:21 pm
by miciah
>The Telvanni stronghold is called Uvirth's Grave...
>So who do you think the corpse is? Just my
>interpretation, but thats always what I tell
>myself from a roleplaying PoV.

Yes, I thought of that. But normally the game identifies unique personalities, so if it was Uvirth, I would think the body would be identified as such and not just listed as "dead body." Also, based on another comment here about an Argonian male body, the corpse isn't consistent, which I would think it would be if it was a unique personality. My body is an Altmer female, not an Argonian male. So it appears to be generated randomly.

Actually the first things that popped into my head as I first saw the body and approached it were:

1) Perhaps the Telvanni use the life energy from a person to grow their strongholds and this was the leftover body. It would certainly fit their temperment. :)
2) Perhaps it was the body of the Orc foreman I spoke with when the tower was first being constructed. Of course, it wasn't.
3) Perhaps it was the body of a theif who tried to raid the place after it was built, but before I arrived.

I suppose the strangest thing about it is simply the fact that it can't be removed. That's an anomaly in the game. In Morrowind that usually signals something to which you should be attentive, but perhaps in this case that isn't true.


Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:54 pm
by lifeishell91
Me and some of my other friends thought that maybe it was Uvirith herself?