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another HK related thread (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:12 am
by ahhsai
i was curious about what HK-47 would tell you if u fix his memory core thing before the revealation, of course i would try it myself but i am jus too lazy so a lil' help? :D

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:12 am
by Alien_Newborn
Well, if you want to experience this first-hand, you'd need repair skill of 16, but when you actually succeed, HK tells you about his three previous owners (excluding you-know-who) and how he came to and from each one (in one instance, his owner got pissed with him, jammed a pen into his power core, and got electricuted). There's plenty of interesting info (for example, HK was once owned by a mandalorian who tryed to use him to assasinate mandalore so that he could be the new leader) and cheap, vulgar laughs.
For example,
"and what gruesome fate awaited him?"-me
"THAT is unfair, master! While Bochaba may hay died gruesomely, I certainly had nothing to do with it"-HK

In adition to the new tidbits of info, each restoration process will activate dormant upgrades and implants in his system. By the time you're done, he will have....
+2 Dexterity,
+6 defense,
Regeneration 3 (as in, every turn [6 seconds] he regains 3 health)

Under the influence (again),

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:56 pm
by Fiberfar
@ahhsai: you should add a spoiler tag to the tread if you want info on the game (hey, i sound like a moderator :p :D )

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:13 pm
by fable
But you're absolutely right. ;) I'm doing it, now. Please, do it next time, yourself.