I currently have all kinds of of ebony, and glass, as well as two pairs of daedric greaves, daedric claymores and dai katanas galore, Chrysamere, The Daedric Crescent.... and all of the legendary cuirasses.
My characters wears: The Ebony Mail, a pair of pants enchanted with bound boots, bound bow and bound longsword, The Fists of Randgulf (sp?), and an enchanted daedric tower shield.
Favourite weapon: Skullcrusher
total carrying weight: 120 pounds out of a possible 630
OKay.. I know I have some pretty powerful stuff there, but my AC could be much higher (by at least 50 points) and Skullcrusher, while very good, does not have the same attack value as say Chysamere or a daedric claymore.