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To Save Imoen or Not to Save Imoen???

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:59 pm
by SmokeSoft
I've started a new game for the first time in about a year and I'm stuck asking myself the same question as always...Should I rush off to save Imoen now and let her enjoy all that beuatiful leveling or should I load up on side quests first?

Typically, I don't rush off. I get the book with Korgan. Free the slave and kill the slavers. Did he de'Aerise keep. Returned the poisoned Harper. Rescued "Monty" for the Harper hideout. Lifted Jeheria's curse.

I'm about to return to the Harper's hideout for the big shoot out as is scriped by Jeheria being called away.

Now...should I rescue Imoen after this or should I wait?

What's the call? Who rescues her when and why?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 5:05 pm
by Thrain
if im roleplaying a good party, i do copper coronet, trademeet and MAYBE the keep and then get her.

if i'm playing neutral i definately do the keep and also the skinner murders and sidequests like that first

if im evil she'll rot for a while.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 4:22 am
by me0w
If you want her in your end game team, then get her soon, if not, let her suffer.

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 7:09 am
by fable
How selfish is your character? A very selfish or cautious person might first do a lot of other tasks, before dealing with Imoen's capture.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:10 am
by SmokeSoft
Yet again, I'm doing a bunch of little quests around the city before saving her.

I don't really think like my character when I play, instead I think about where the HUGE experience quests are and how I want her along because she is the second best mage in the game plus a great thief.

I guess I play a "do-gooder" type. I stick my nose where it doesn't belong like a paladin does, but I have few issues doing bad things to both get rich and beat the bad guys. So, maybe I'm easily distracted too by gold and people in fixes.

I'm Neutral Good if that helps.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 4:44 pm
by Klorox
If you want Imoen on your team, get her ASAP (I've gotten her with less quests than you've done already).

If you don't plan on keeping her with you, there's no rush at all. Keep in mind, though, that Imoen is one of the most versatle, powerful characters in the game.

She can handle all of the thieving stuf (opening locks and dealing with traps), and she's a good mage. When not casting spells, she's got a shortbow (usually). If you get her soon enough, she will be your best mage. If you get her a bit later on (or have Edwin or Nalia in your party), she'll make a great backup mage.

She will also never leave your side, no matter what your reputation is. This is a huge factor, and means that she will fit into any party. Maybe I'm a bit strange, but there's never been a game when I don't take Imoen with me. I just can't ditch her for RP purposes.