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Druid Stronghold

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 3:44 am
by Patrick
I was informed that after defeating the druid championess, Feldorn, I think, that I get the stonghold. Well, I got this far but was told that if I rest there a spirit will appear and give me two quest. One right after the battle and one after eight days. Resting first both times.
I think I missed this part, resting and comuning with the spirit. SO can any tell what Global Variables to set and their rage so I can re-Q my druid quest with the spirit?? It's been at least two weeks since I left the grove so I am having no luck resting there.
I know the outcomes and items but want to play the Trademeet part so I can see what happons there.
B.G fan

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 7:31 pm
by Patrick
I am refreshing this post.
Do I have to be 14th level?
Anybody know what variables to look for?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 10:18 pm
by Nimiety
I've completed the quest before, but never with a druidic protagonist, so I don't know about the spirits. To be offered the grove, your protagonist does have to be 14th level or higher, though.

My current game has a multi fighter/druid, and I'm currently at level 12-ish, so I have to waste more time before challenging Feldorn, but I'm curious to the answer, too.


Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 11:26 pm
by Patrick
To Nimiety, I already beat Feldorn and was like 10th. I am now 12th multiclass. Do you think it matters if my main charactor is under 14/14?
Maybe when I am this level it will trigger?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:08 am
by Nimiety
@Patrick - I'm not sure, and didn't want to risk not getting it later, so I'm delaying that quest, which also means delaying completing the D'Arnise hold as well. I still have to finish the Astral Prison and head down and complete the Temple Sewer quest, though, but I don't know what I'll do if that's not enough...

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:50 am
by Deadalready
I'm pretty sure you have to be level 14, it's also pretty annoying due to the fact that Druids are level capped at level 14.

So by the time you've gained the strength to take over the Druid there's no more progression for your character.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 7:25 am
by fable
Deadalready's correct. I once ran a druid PC with my party who was level 12 at the time of the challenge. He didn't get the stronghold, but a druid showed up later in the game when he hit level 14, and offered him the post.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:26 am
by Nimiety
@Fable - I thought only a level 14 druid could challenge Faldorn. Wow - that's great - I'll finish up the temple and head over and lock that one up. (I still can't finish the Keep until that happens, as I haven't installed the multi-stronghold mod).


Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:55 am
by fable
Any druid can challenge Faldorn, at any level. But you can't take possession of the Druid Stronghold until you're a 14th level druid. Glad that helped. :)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 1:57 pm
by Patrick
what was that about a druid level capping at14?? Can go to 15th level or get better spells progression??

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 2:31 pm
by glenfar
[QUOTE=Patrick]what was that about a druid level capping at14??[/QUOTE]

That's only with SoA - if you have ToB installed, you can go up to level 31

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:09 pm
by Patrick
The 14th level cap is that my PC only or for Jeheria too??

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 4:02 pm
by glenfar
It applies to both, although Jaheira (being multi-classed) can actually only get 1/2 of the XP cap in each class, so she might have a lower level limit. Although with mods, you can remove that XP cap altogether (the level limit still applies though, as that's the max the game supports).

Also note that even if you're still in SoA, as long as you have ToB installed, you have the ToB XP/level limit.