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Level 4 of Dragon's eye (Spoiler)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:57 pm
by MageUk

this is gonna sound like a really dumb question but how do you actually get to day 2 of level 4 in Dragon's Eye :confused: I know there's a sort of time flux or whatever and you have to go back a couple of days in order to kill Izbelah (I have completed this game before but it was a while ago) but I've actually forgotten how to go back.

I've tried walking round and round level 4 and resting i've also spend god knows how much gold going back and forth to different parts of level 4 but to no avail.

Perhaps I should mention that i have defeated everything on that level including the beholder and his minions but what the hell do I do now?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:59 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
You know where beholder is right? well little bit below it is hole click it and of you go...

If this doesn't work load earlier save game..

And dont use teleport cheats..

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:04 pm
by MageUk

I didn't realise it would be that easy! I suppose that's what you get for rushing through things and not looking properly! thanks

Oh and I don't use any cheats at all and i've only used Dalekeeper once and that was for the modified mandrake root that just wasn't there (you can see from some of my earlier posts that the absent root was causing a bit of a problem) . Cheating takes all the fun out of the game so what's the point in doing it?