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The most rewarding class?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 9:44 am
by Deadalready
I've played a few classes and kit descriptions and found them all interesting in their own respects whether early in the game or later on. This and the fact everyone has their own little quirks and little itches they like to do when playing a game (for example I like to steal...)

Now I'm just wondering what were your most rewarding characters that you ever played in Shadows of Amn?


Personally my favourite tends to lean towards a Priest of Helm (or Ranger/Priest).

Although not really an offensive character I generally found him very much entertaining to play due to the 18 wisdom he had. I can tell you there is nothing more entertaining then marching a single priest into a battle and drowning the enemy in spells, which don't seem to have any delay as you cast them end on end. Even more fun is the ability to summon undead and get the skeletons knights at earlier levels as compared to mages and even more rewarding is the ability to blast enemies out of existance with high level turn undead. Though generally it's all about the incredible range of spells he can cast and the reduced delay between them.

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 10:07 am
by Julian
So far the most rewarding for me is the Blade.

You walk around lookin like a puny minstrel, "BOO" enemy appears, 10 sec of buffing, a spin, and your whooping everything you come by. And with the INSANE ac you get at a relative low lvl. -20 ac when taking on the cult of the unseeing eye :D

Other classes i've played all the way through with :D warven Fighter,Human Priest of Talos,Elf Ranger and Gnome Mage. They are just little dull compared with a Blade

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2004 12:53 pm
by Coot
Wild Mage. Deadalready mentioned quirks; well, this one has quirks in spades. That's what makes this class so entertaining: you're neck-deep in vampires and then you accidentally cast Fireball in your own face.

But Blade is a close second.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:05 am
by Thrain
ranger/cleric without a doubt. the ultimate tank who at high levels will anihilate most things in his path.

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 9:33 am
by Raumoheru
hmm i never really thot of a ranger/cleric as a tank. that sounds interesting :cool:

i personaly love the monk :D

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:22 am
by Klorox
Put a vote in for the Multiclassed Cleric/Ranger from me as well. Wow, most people go with the Fighter/Mage, but we may have a new winner today!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:48 am
by Raumoheru
yea a LONG time ago i always played a kensai/mage

but now almost everyone who wants help making parties state that their main character is a kensai/mage

its just not as unique therefore not as cool anymore :(

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:58 am
by fable
"Rewarding" is relative. I enjoyed playing a wild mage best, because (if you agree to accept in advance the rolls you get) there's a random element to your casting that gives a whole new meaning to the word, "spotaneity." ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:05 am
by Phantom Lord

It's a real fun class to play (your PC gets all the exploring and a good share of fighting), it solves the no-real good thief-in-the-game problem and as for powerplay, few classes outmatch a F/T.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:19 am
by Sytze
Archer-Mage all the way.

Never played a Wild mage myself, but I can see the appeal of the class. The random element must give a very unexpecting shape to the Wild Mage.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:32 pm
by Nimiety
I think I prefer a stalker dualled to cleric - tons of spell-power, plus can hide in shadows and backstab. Not only good at one-on-one, but casting spells out of hide-in-shadows gives him an extra break and keeps him hidden a little longer while he casts holy smite at a group. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:38 pm
by Bodmerocity
Character Generation Question

Word. I'm new, and I'm trying to figure out what class will be the most rewarding for moi, so I guess this is the thread to post in.

I think I want to deal some heavy magic damage, but it seems like no one plays pure classes. Should I not go straight-up-mage? Also, if I specialize in a type of spell (say... invoking) do I get some sort of bonus to invoker spells?

and to tack on an unrelated newb question...

this game seems to rely alot on strategy, but everything happens way too fast! MOBs seem to cast 20x faster than I do. do I need to start mapping out key binds or what?

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:12 pm
by Yeltsu
Just pause the game now and then with SPACE

In the gameplay options you can also set the various auto-pause options.

Pure classes also work well, for spellcasters sorcerer is okay (although it is wise to plan your spells when you make your character) and a pure cleric is also nice
Many people also like Wizards as well.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:31 pm
by Bodmerocity
wow, pausing is a big help for planning battles. Heh, you more seasoned players might say "no big deal", but after I started using pauses to plan battles I took out every single dwarf in the first level with just two spells; an AoE ice spell and then a well-lined-up lightning that took out the remaining three dwarves who eventually thawed and decided they wanted more pain. I was proud of myself, at least.

I'm lovin' this pure mage so far. He's an illusionist, but I have more offensive spells than anything.

Thanks for the tip, Asriel!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:53 am
by Deadalready
Well mages really aren't what I'd suggest to a first time player since if you fill up your spell book, you really screw your mage over... Priests I think make a good choice for beginers since there's less chance of you screwing up your options or standing a chance at loosing your status, monks aren't bad too but not begin allowed to use half of the goodies you find is annoying.


I really liked playing as a bounty hunter though that was some very cheesy fighting and classy use of traps, not to mention I loved to constantly do those backstab attacks often.

Backstab run away! Backstab run away! Not to mention that hide in shadows can't be countered by those annoying true sight spells.

On a whole I generally like characters that level up often like the Priest, Thief and Bard since there's something to look forward to.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:08 am
by dj_venom
[QUOTE=Deadalready]Well mages really aren't what I'd suggest to a first time player since if you fill up your spell book, you really screw your mage over... .[/QUOTE]

I noticed when I played, it said 'can't memorize any more with this intelligence level', i got past that by drinking potions of genius. It gives a small boost, but enough to learn the spell. Hope doing that would work and avoid filled spell books.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:43 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Deadalready]Well mages really aren't what I'd suggest to a first time player since if you fill up your spell book, you really screw your mage over... [/QUOTE]

This is very hard to do for a mage of any intelligence. And you can check your manual to see exactly how many spells that character can learn.

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 9:20 am
by Nimiety
[QUOTE=Deadalready]Not to mention that hide in shadows can't be countered by those annoying true sight spells.[QUOTE]

True sight reveals thieves when hidden. (I don't know how many sneak attacks have been spoilt that way.) That's why non-detection, by cloak or by magic, is so helpful. I'm playing a mage-thief multi right now, and although she can almost be a one-person wrecking crew (staff of the magi + hide in shadows, backstab, then staff or the magi again while she runs away to hide in shadows for another run), I now wish I had dualled her over - there is enough equipment and potions that make me wish I could just stick the extra exp and levels into her mage side, although the thief's HLAs are something I'm looking forward to (time trap, assassinate, UAI, ...).

Just my 2 cents...

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:42 am
by Klorox
A multiclassed Fighter/Mage is a great first time character. You have multi-dimensions to the character, and it's powerful from the beginning 'till the end.

Re: Cloak of Non-Detection. For some reason, I thought this thing didn't work the right way. I'd love to be proven wrong (I want Jan to be my backstabber!).

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:10 am
by Yeltsu
Thanks for the tip, Asriel![/QUOTE]

Glad to be of assistance ;)