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Stats Setup

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 1:31 pm
by Sorcerer
I am making a New Sorecerer.

I made some mistakes last time and I want a good setup for him.

Should I have a set up like this:

Strenght 10
Dexterity 19
Constitution 17
Intelegence 18
Wisdom 18
Charisma 10

or this:

Strenght 16
Dexterity 16
Constitution 16
Intelegence 18
Wisdom 16
Charisma 11

Or something diferent ?

Please help

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 1:40 pm
by Craig
take STR down 4 and up on DEX and CON

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 1:44 pm
by Sorcerer
Isnt this to do with a bonus thing like. If your a Sorcerer/Mage with a level 18 intell you get a special stuff but if your not a mage then you should only put it up to 16 as having it higher wont do anything.

[ 04-25-2001: Message edited by: Sorcerer ]

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 1:55 pm
by The_Pope
As a wizard, you want your INT up to 18 (duh...). Also, 18 DEX is nice to get AC bonus. For CON, be sure to know that, except for warrior classes, it doesn't matter if you have more than 16, so that should suffice (gives +2 HP/level, until level 10). WIS and CHA aren't that important. WIS is only good if you want bonus to your lore, and for using Limited Wish. Of course, when Wish becomes available in ToB, you might want to consider to get at least 16 in that, although you can always use potions... Spend the rest in STR, so you can carry some stuff around without being encumbered all the time.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 3:50 pm
by GrimReaper
For a sorcerer (not a mage) these are my favorite stats:


Reasoning is you get plenty of strength belts so don't worry to much about this, but it should be decent. Dexterity 19 means better missle attacks, useful for sorcerer. 16 is max useful constitution for anything but a warrior. Intelligence does nothing for a sorcerer as far as spells go, so don't put it that high. I normally put my wisdom to 11 or more for the few conversations that use it and so it doesn't affect my lore. Charisma can be anywhere because of the ring you get very early in the game.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 3:59 pm
by Yacobod
Id set Charisma to 3, because you can get the Ring of Human Influence which sets your charisma to 18. Wisdom should also be low for a mage/sorceror because you wont be using priest/cleric spells.

I think 18 intelligence is a must.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 4:22 pm
by Nightmare
My human sorceror:


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 4:31 pm
by Sorcerer
GrimReaper have you read the sorcerer kit discription. Intellagence is his primary skill. I affects how many spells you can learn, what level spells you can learn and gives you horor in special abilities. Your sorcerer must suck. I followed The_Popes advice with a little customisation. Oh my guy is an elf his hp sucks.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 4:40 pm
by Khalil
Not at all...
In fact, the prime skill for a Sorcerer is charisma not intelligence (3rd edition rules), but neither charisma or intelligence give bonus spells in BG2. Bioware introduced the Sorcerer, Monk, and Barbarian because they are new classes in D&D 3rd edition, but at the time BG2 was released, D&D rules weren't finished, so they left a few things out. I've made Sorcerers with high charisma/intelligence and without it, and there's no difference in the number of spells they can memorice/cast. If you want to maximice the character, just spend the points in St/Dex/Con.

[ 04-25-2001: Message edited by: Khalil ]

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 4:56 pm
by Sorcerer
Go here and select the table Spell Progression/explination.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 4:59 pm
by GrimReaper
Like I said, the spells of a sorcerer are not affected by any of your stats. As proof I have a soloing sorcerer with 10 int and low cha and I have 3 lvl 9 spells at level 21 (xp cap remover). And I believe that 3 is the max amount of lvl 9 spells you can have with a sorcerer. And I know what the tables say. They are wrong (maybe based on actual 3rd edition AD&D rules?). If you get more, it's at a very high level. And I have a bad feeling that Sorcerer is going to have a bad time on this board if he goes around telling everyone about how much they suck. :(

[ 04-25-2001: Message edited by: GrimReaper ]

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:03 pm
by Khalil
I did, and it doesn't contradict what I said. The spell progresion table of the sorcerer doesn't change at all wheter your int is 18 or 12. Wizards are affected by high int, but not sorcerers. First, because the sorcerer gets the bonus from charisma not intelligence (read the 3rd edition D&D book), and second because no matter what your stats are, Sorcerers don't get bonus spells. Make the experiment if you don't belive me. this topic has been discused several times in BG Dungeon's, The Elysium and other boards and everybody agrees, It may be a bug, or just an incomplete development of the Sorcerer class by Bioware, but the fact is that Sorcerers DON'T GET BONUS SPELLS for intelligence nor charisma. If the game manual says otherwise, it's wrong, just make a few sorcerers and see it for yourself.

[ 04-25-2001: Message edited by: Khalil ]

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:04 pm
by Sorcerer
Ooops my mistae sorry. I should have looked at the table better. However if you got intel at 18 you do get the extra special ability. Does he get bonous for anything?
Will it change in the addon ? My charisma is only 10.

[ 04-25-2001: Message edited by: Sorcerer ]

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:07 pm
by Khalil
Originally posted by Sorcerer:
<STRONG>Ooops my mistae sorry. I should have looked at the table better. However if you got intel at 18 you do get the extra special ability.</STRONG>
Errr, there you may be right, I don't know what kind of ability are you talking about, but I don't have much experience with Sorcerers yet, I'm still playing the firs one on a solo game, but have just started it :)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:11 pm
by Sorcerer
My first sorcerer had intel of 17. He only had "Slow Poisen", "Heal" and "Holy Might". My one with 18 intell had that and "Horror". As I only just started with it I dont know if he gains more special abilities.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:13 pm
by Khalil
I haven't read if they plan to change that in the expansion. I don't think so, 'cause the sorcerer was tested this way, and they thought it was balances or they wouldn't have included it in the game. Giving him the bonus spells he should have, may break the game balance. Btw, most of the things they are implementing in ToB, where already thought of when they programmed BG2. They included the slots for the wild mage for example, even though it won't appear until the expansion. As the spellcaster classes are hardcoded in the game, and I doubt they will be making much re-coding, probably Sorcerers will stay this way...

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:17 pm
by Khalil
Originally posted by Sorcerer:
<STRONG>My first sorcerer had intel of 17. He only had "Slow Poisen", "Heal" and "Holy Might". My one with 18 intell had that and "Horror". As I only just started with it I dont know if he gains more special abilities.</STRONG>
No intelligence doesn't fix that at all neither. I don't know if you played BG1. In case you didn't, this abilities where given to you whenever you had a dream, There is a fixed number of them, intelligence doesn't change that. Every character will have 6, wich is the number of dreams in the game. THere is one difference though. Your aligment did change wich special abilities you got. A lawful good character ended with 2 heal, 2 slow poison, and 2 Holy might IIRC, while a chaotic evil had 2 Larloch minor drain, 2 vampire touch and 2 horror (more or less). Probably you have 6 abilities, only that you got 1 horror instead of another because of your aligment.

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:26 pm
by Sorcerer
Both are chotic good and the 18 intel guy has six abilities he has 1 slow poisen and one horror. The 17 guy had no horror and 2 slow poisens. I wonder what made it change ?

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:50 pm
by vbarash
Wait a second... I'm playing a sorceror and I got all my special abilities since the beginning of the game?!?!?!

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:51 pm
by Nighthawk
Characters that are somewhere between LG and CE get a random mix of the abilities. You get them all at the beginning in BG2. If you played BG1 you got them gradually over the course of the game.

[ 04-25-2001: Message edited by: Nighthawk ]