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what is the best way to beat malak????
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 9:33 pm
by tom phillop
i want to know what is the best and the esiest way to defeat malak.please reply if you know.
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:12 am
by Metalhead9832
Use offensive force powers like kill, death field, etc. to destroy the captive Jedi, making it so Malak can't heal himself from them. Then use strong melee attacks on Malak if you are a strong melee fighter; if you're a weak melee fighter but are strong in the force, use stims, shields, and buffing force powers and unleash on Malak with your most powerful force powers. Plague and throw lightsaber come to mind because plague is impossible to save against and throw lightsaber never misses. Another strategy is throwing thermal detonaters at him to knock him down, and keep throwing them at him to do massive damage and to keep him off his feet. Hope this helps!
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:38 am
by ahhsai
its actually pretty easy, first, lay a line of mines (use the powerful ones in the front since he will stop half way to throw his lightsabre) without making him talk to you, have he has finished crapping, run back through the mines to cause him to trip them, and they should have caused enough damage to bring his vitallity to half of less, then start wacking him, soon, he will run to a jedi captive and continue crapping about dem, suck their life out, and attack you, as soon as he does that, use your stim thingys, sheild ect. destroy all the captive jedis on the ground floor with force powers, light sabre, of if u can, use the drain life line of powers,use med packs as u get damage, then comes the fun part run up the ramp, across the 2nd floor, destroying the jedis if able, down the other side, across, up again, and repeat, because of a weird reason, malak will not try to cut u off and goes on the same track chasing after u, u can also plant plasma mines on the ramps so that malak will take a serious amout of damge while u take minimum damage, wen he is almost dead, use ALL, of ur stims, sheilds, foce powers, and wack his head off and after that he will continue crapping (again) and after that ..... u win!
Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:22 am
by sun_facer
Spoiler - I guess readers will have to highlight my entire message
I prefer taking Malak head on. I play extreme light side guardian=> no death field, no throw lightsaber. I used to pile on speed and valor. Forget it, Malak will cancel everything in one turn. This means that I have to take him on 9 times.
But I like the challenge. Afterall, like fable said, this game is not hard to beat. It also suits my inclinations towards Might over Magic. So here is how I beat Malak the old fashion way.
Treat Injury - Life Support Pack works wonders in one turn. 11 of these from Jolee will do fine at normal difficulty.
Verpine Prototype Shield - 70points of damage before going down.
Stims and HyperStims - I save them for such wonderful battles.
Implant Lvl2 - Immunity to Critical Strike. That is Malak's prime move.
Master Flurry - Take him out before he takes you out.
Upari & Solari - Anti-Darkside lightsaber.
Electric Capacitance belt - buy from Eli on Kashyyk. Malak's force storm is nothing more than a spray. This belt alone cuts down his damage by half. If you noticed, he melees once, then he shoots his storm alternatingly.
Choosing to fight this way makes the battle long. But it's fun to let sith lords know - light casts out all darkness.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:20 pm
by Locutus
i got him with just criticals+2 lightsabres, and pretty easy if u know how and when to use healing.not much philosophy, u just need to spend one of his running away's to kill the jedi in stasis.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:14 pm
by KrazyJedi
Mines work great (you have been picking them up along the way, correct?). Get some distance - Knight Speed comes in handy - then lay some mines where he tends to run, then keep running so he won't throw his lightsaber. I find choke points like tops and bottoms of ramps work well. They will knock him down and force him to use his captive Jedi for recharges. While he does this, use your own force powers to take out some others if possible. Once he is out of recharges, you can move in for the kill. I find Force Wave rather effective. Energy Shields of all types help limit damage from his saber. Use Medpacs every second or third action in the queue if you go toe-to-toe with him.
Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:43 pm
by Jack Dell
Plague makes the fight a lot lot easier. If you have it do not hesitate in using it. This of course means that you will also need force breach. Regardless of whether you are a melee character or a consular type you will probably find these useful, as they really even the odds. Also load up on hyper-adrenal stims, they can help, either strength or alacrity depending on whether you use strength or dex to hit, and only cast buffs when he is hitting you, otherwise he will disable them with force breach. Destroy the capsules with offensive force powers, and if you have the electrical capacitance shield (you buy it on kashyyk) his lightning will do 0 damage. Also it helps as a consular to have master valour for your force powers, you can actually manage to never miss force wave with plague and valour together. Force Immunity may help sometimes depending on whether
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:34 pm
by vinmi pasu
There is no better way to beat him than to stim up to the max, then stand toe to toe and go flat out.
The feeling of victory is so much sweeter when you beat him this way.
Girlie way is to run, saber throw, heal, run, saber throw, heal ad nauseam!
It will take you ages and you will feel no satisfaction once he is beaten!
But it is an effective way to kill him nonetheless.
Like the others I too recomend plague, as it is unsaveable.
If it helps you make your strategy Malaks Defense is 38.
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:34 pm
by Aenon Jurtis
ok now.......the best way is.....................................turn him into a dancing twilek it is sooooo hilarious ohhhh man and your character dances with him ahahahahahahhah
OnE PaTh..................OnE ChOiCe..................OnE DeStInY
DarK Or LighT
Your Choice
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:41 pm
by Jack Dell
I have to disagree, killing malak with force powers is sooo much more rewarding. He will never ever touch you. That is an empowering feeling. You may be touched on the first couple of rounds but really that is all, and then never again. Id rather make him dance with whirlwind, but thats a personal opinion.
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:18 am
by sun_facer
Eh.. hmm.. i never tried that myself.. u actually whirlwinded Malak?! Whoa!
What is your WIS + CHARISMA mod?
I tried Force waving lots.. he comes running towards me all the same.... din have any effect at all.
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:39 am
by vinmi pasu
I had wisdom 19+4 and charisma was just 10.
the only force power I could use against him was plague, even after plague he resisited all others.
Thats the reason most people are peeved at this game, you go through the game getting all these nice force powers, and when it comes to fighting the last boss, they are totally useless.
Shades of the end of FF7!
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:12 pm
by sun_facer
wait a minute.. izzit just me or the information posted recently in this thread dun seem to agree too well.
Jack prefers to defeat Malak using force powers.. but with a +5 or +6 mod from WIS and Charisma, Malak is still able to resist.. only plaque works.. so either Jack's kotor version is different or he has a strategy we dunno...
I mean, how izzit possible to defeat malak when he is immune to most of them? U can't kill malak with only plaque... unless of course, it is combined with throw lightsaber or mines, or grenades... or whatever...
Then of course, the strategy to kill malak is not the use of force powers but a combination of tactics. Anyone killed malak with force powers before? I mean like zapped him to death or something like that?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:40 pm
by KrazyJedi
Jack prefers to defeat Malak using force powers.. but with a +5 or +6 mod from WIS and Charisma, Malak is still able to resist.. only plaque works.. so either Jack's kotor version is different or he has a strategy we dunno...
I mean, how izzit possible to defeat malak when he is immune to most of them? U can't kill malak with only plaque... unless of course, it is combined with throw lightsaber or mines, or grenades... or whatever...
Then of course, the strategy to kill malak is not the use of force powers but a combination of tactics. Anyone killed malak with force powers before? I mean like zapped him to death or something like that?[/QUOTE]
Your exact tactics depend on how your character has developed and where on the Light-Dark continuum you are. The basic strategy overall is to eliminate his "recharges." So you either blast him enough to use them up or run around and destroy them yourself using an appropriate Force Power. Then, you go toe-to-toe and whomp him.
Force Wave seems to work nice. I imagine you could just blast him over and over if you have sufficient Force points. He doesn't get stunned, but he does suffer damage every time.
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:49 pm
by Noober
I just jumped, flurried then the cutscence played. Next, drain all the bodies, jump flurry again = I win. Easiest boss ever.
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:25 pm
by Jack Dell
Actually, you can get your DC for force powers, by using plague and master valour, so that malak CANNOT resist them. At all, even by rolling a 20. Force Powers are very valid, and it doesnt even take a very unbalanced build. For example, my scoundrel 6-14 consular has 14 on all stats except str, which is eight. Mind you the only way for this to work is going lightside. At the end game your DC should be 19 + 5 (circlet) + 5 (str frg robes) + 5 mstr valour 34... thats 12 DC. Char is 14 + 3 (lightside mastery) + 5 mstr valour is 22 char... thats 6 DC. 20 DC (level) + 18 DC (mods) + 5 DC (standard force power dc) + 4 (force focus) makes 47 DC. Thats with master valour on.
Now, malak's reflex save is 31 - 6 from plague makes it 25... so there you have it... mathematically it is impossible for malak to save against whirlwind. Also, Malak's fortitude save is 37 - 6 from plague 31... this means that for malak to resist stasis... he has to roll a 16... that translates to a 80% chance of stasis success. If you play scout 2 - consular 18, you can use those extra force powers and place them in force kill. With a 80% chance of force killing malak... you can choke him to death... so there you have it, force powers are a very viable way of defeating malak.
And just so you know, this means that you can make a guardian that has 90% chance of whirlwinding malak. And just to prove that my character isn't unbalanced my scoundrel has 180 hp, and when malak is flying around he gets to inflict an extra 3-18 dmg per attack.
X-box users can still make a consular that never misses whirlwind, so do not despair, the only adjustment you have to make is 16 on either wis or cha which you can take from int. This will leave you with 2 less DC than in PC.
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 9:56 pm
by sun_facer
Whoa.. sounds like a pretty tense fight. That is some awesome strategy. I suppose the whirlwind is prefered for the 3d6 sneak attack? But isn't it difficult to coordinate the 20 sec valor in time for the -12 to malak's attribute?
Plague works to -1 attribute every 1 sec for the next 4 rounds (12 secs). In order to get the most outta that, I would have to time the valor ahead and then count 12 secs to cast whirlwind. A strategy like that is awesome but requires rather meticulous work.
It sounds like fun and sure deserves applause.
I dunno, maybe I like to mimic epic battles - Obiwan vs Darth Maul, Obiwan & Anakin vs Count Dooku and Luke vs Vader... they were all lightsaber fights to the death. I would suppose that Obiwan and Darth Maul were guardians themselves.
Anyway, I play the game for fun. So doing this is perhaps too tedious for me.
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:10 pm
by Jack Dell
Yeah, the great thing about it is that plague doesn't work for only 12 seconds, actually if the afflicted doesn't cure himself and does not enter into battle with you (that is actually hitting you with his lightsaber after the 12 second duration, which will almost never happen) the effect lasts forever. So actually his saves drop 6 indefinately until you decide to blast him. So actually it's not as hard as it seems. Good thing that darksiders don't have heal. You plague malak and just run (cause he is slowed) and wait for him to drop his stats. Then you force valour and whirlwind... he will never touch the ground until he dies. And its terribly easy. I wouldn't dare propose a tactic that is as hard as if it only lasted 12 seconds... so you should give it a try. Also if you wait long enough with him plagued you can regenerate your force points while not in battle at a max rate, cause malak is slowed... Plague is really awesome.
Combine it with whirlwind and its an infallible strategy. Whirlwind is the only reflex save base inmobilizing attack. The rest are either fortitude (stasis, kill) or will (insanity) which is mind-affecting type so most strong characters are immune to it. (immunity to mind-affecting is very common) And Force wave doesn't stun malak because stun effect is also mind-affecting.