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how do i kill Kangaax??
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:10 am
by Vendes
my usual lich killing technique is that i will only use my main char after using the protection from undead scroll. & before kangaax, which i have to dispatch a few liches to obtain his body parts, i only send my main char down those stairs. but this is a different case for kangaax's tomb. I must gather my party before venturing it make things harder for me.
now ill leave that first. kangaax has 2 forms is it? because ive read the walkthroughs. saying that he has 2 forms, i dispatch the 1st & then the 2nd one. from 'barely injured' to 'near death', ive been hacking him for 5 mins...& still, hes in the 'near death' status. is this a bug or something? & my weapon is definately effective against him.
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 5:13 am
by me0w
is this "almost dead" on his first form?
(your gonna need some protection from imrpisonment.)
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 5:37 am
by Vendes
nope...his 2nd...his 1st form is easy. the 2nd form he has this deflection spell around him & sorta like invisible.
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 5:48 am
by me0w
Hmm, I remember just hackign him down, although it has been a while. You need +5 wepeons though. Tried Daystar, or Ring of Ram, or Melf's Minute metoers?
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:01 am
by VonDondu
[QUOTE=Vendes]ive been hacking him for 5 mins...& still, hes in the 'near death' status. is this a bug or something? & my weapon is definately effective against him.[/QUOTE]
Your Protection Against Undead scroll might be preventing Kangaxx from dying because it renders him unable to speak to you. Some monsters just won't die unless they can utter their final words, even if you inflict thousands of points of damage on them.
Another possibility is that he's regenerating too fast for you to land the killing blow. How many points of damage are you doing against him every round? He regenerates 3 points per round.
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:15 am
by Nimiety
The easiest way is a protection from magic on the character closest to him. Kangaxx will see and engage him, but will be unable to affect him at all - no imprisonment, et al. Meanwhile, you can attack him at leisure, while the rest of your party stays safely away and attacks with range (melf's hits as +5, sling of everard, ...). Guaranteed to work, and should last much longer than needed. I also went with a protection from undead on a second fighter and had two meleeing him so he went very quickly, especially after a few traps and a couple of potions of haste.
Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:19 pm
by Ekental
If your characters are low level you can:
Requires: 1 Ring of Ram
Set up a bunch or traps in the bottom left corner of the map
kill his first form with normal means, making sure he doesnt move from his spawn point (though daystar and sunray make it much easier)
when he does his "Im a demi-lich now" speech run to the top of the map between the 2 glowing lamps and use the ram when he becomes a demilich. The effect will push him into the traps, instantly killing him.
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:11 pm
by sparhawk_tr
One Protection From Undead Scrol,
One Protection From Spell Scroll
Result is a dead Kangaxx. Real dead
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 2:31 pm
by blayze
poc Kangaxx
I completed the Kangaxx quest once again with my Cavalier, and it didn't seem
to be much of trouble. Just take your Paladin-protagonist (or Keldorn, dunno if
he has the stats needed, but he's just a weakling compared to my dude ^^) and place him on the platform which is practically below the staircase which leads to Kangaxx's tomb (the upper one of the two ledges that surround the
tombspot.) You'll find a spot where you can hit Kangaxx over the gap without having to be near him. The "the lich" form is actually a pushover, but because of Imprisonment the demi-lich is much harder. I had my protagonist-Cavalier standing on the spot I described before and he beat the crap out of Kangaxx with the Holy Avenger. Then when the demi-lich began to manifest, I got my protagonist away from its reach and brought Aerie next to it, protected with a Spell Immunity for Abjuration, naturally. Then I began to fight Kangaxx with Aerie, and in some point he losts it and tries to target Aerie with all of his Imprisonments (three in a row, with no other spells in between). At this point I moved my Cavalier back to the spot and defeated the demi-lich with 0 casualties, 0 healing potions used, and only 3 spells used during the battle (3
spell immunities for Aerie). Pretty easy.
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 5:13 pm
by Ekental
I have no idea why this topic keeps resurfacing... I thought the ways to kill kangaax had already been thoroughly picked over by now... I mean this is the upteenth post about it.
Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 5:42 pm
by The Great Hairy
And there is a very good set of notes and "how-tos" here: ... helich.php
Maybe directing newer people to that link would help? And then if they have specific questions, they can ask here.
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:21 am
by Deadalready
If you try using cheesy tactics like "speak killing" on Kangaxx then you'll cause him to become unkillable, you naughty boy.
Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:28 am
by fable
Agreed, guys. We don't need yet-another round of this topic. This one slipped by, but it's now closed.