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Lacroix side quest bug? (minor spoilers)

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 5:39 pm
by Jennelle
I successfully completed the side quest Lacroix gives you that involves getting a food critic to write a negative review of a restaurant in Hollywood. When I went back to my haven later, there was an e-mail from Lacroix thanking me for a job well done and telling me that he had left some money in my mailbox. I went down to collect my cash, and found nothing! I left the area, came back, and checked the mailbox again... Still nothing! I have been checking my mailbox every time I stop by my haven now, and have yet to be paid. Other people seem to be able to leave things in my mailbox (namely, Mitchnik) with no problems whatsoever, so what's the deal? Did this happen to anyone else?

Back when Lacroix promised money for the recovery of the werewolf blood, he delivered. The cash was there when I checked my mail after I read his e-mail.

Show me the money!

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:58 am
by meanie
yeh i noticed i wasn't payed for this side quest either.. checked both apartments too

not really worried about cash in the game though..
*close your eyes*spoiler* .. once you get control of half the night club.. you get a regular $250 with each available visit.. always picking up knives, bats, clubs, anything i can sell to Larry or the Pawn Shop guy..

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:23 pm
by Jennelle
Thanks for the reply, Meanie.

Unfortunately, I was not given the quest that leads to partial ownership of the club until almost the end of the game.


Fat Larry didn't grace me with his briefcase quest until AFTER I got the quest to go to Griffith Park. And of course, you can't get the club quest until after the briefcase quest (unless I missed something.) Obviously once you go to Griffith Park, most other things are off limits.

So that didn't work out too well for me as I only got to collect money from the club once before heading off to face the endgame...

Was it different for you? I thought the timing was ridiculous.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:12 am
by pasca
You can get the club ownership quest earlier. When you first time talk to the owner she asks you if you have anything to confess. You can then reply that it was you who blew up the warehouse and she will give you the russian quests.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:33 am
by meanie
as soon as i get to the Downtown area .. i go see Larry, even though his wares are pretty poor .. i do get a laugh out of him .. and he has two jobs that pay well for you .. briefcase job and the night club help ..

once you get to Griffen park .. the game is over as far as any normal quests, unfinished quests ect.


- i think you have to buy something off Larry, i always buy the axe he has offer, then go do a quest and come back .. or could try just buying something, leaving then coming back .. he talks about you and your hardware being for something more than just home defence .. then offers the Parking Lot Job

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 1:18 pm
by Jennelle
Meanie, I spoke with Larry as soon as I got downtown as well, but he still didn't give me those quests until AFTER Damsel told me to go see Nines in Griffith Park. I talked to him quite a bit, too --- he must not like me! :p

Pasca, thanks for the tip about the club! I'll have to try it that way next time around.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 1:19 pm
by Solusek
Hey Meanie, you mentioned something about two appartments...? Spoil me: Where is my second appartment supposed to be?

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 2:36 pm
by Jennelle
Solusek, your second apartment (which is MUCH nicer, by the way!) is located Downtown in an apartment complex called Skyline Apartments.

Prince Lacroix will give you a place to stay Downtown once you get there. Downtown is the location you will find yourself at right after Santa Monica.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:22 pm
by vesselle
when do you actually get it?
i've snuck into all the apts using the ducts, cuz i'm a snoop and i wanted to see which one was mine. but talking to lacroix hasn't given me any options to get an apartment.

any help is welcome.


Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:29 pm
by Intergalactic
I didn't get a skyline appartment either. (And i am at a point in the game, where Lacroix probably wouldn't give me his old toothbrush anymore.)
What i got was an appartment in the chanty of Max Stauss (The Tremere regent), though.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 4:54 pm
by Jennelle
Vesselle, I can't remember exactly when you get it. Sorry. But it's not TOO long after you get Downtown. I *think* you get it after successfully completing one of the first quests Lacroix sends you on after you get Downtown. I'm playing a Ventrue, so maybe he gave it to me sooner rather than later since I'm of the same clan (he IS a Ventrue, isn't he?) Maybe not, though; that might not even have anything to do with it. Perhaps someone else here can provide more details?

Your apartment is on the 4th floor of the Skyline Apartments building, so if you've been snooping around in the air ducts, you may have already seen it.

[QUOTE=Intergalactic]I didn't get a skyline appartment either. (And i am at a point in the game, where Lacroix probably wouldn't give me his old toothbrush anymore.)[/QUOTE]

LMAO Intergalactic, the more I get to know Lacroix, the more I realize that I wouldn't even *want* his old toothbrush, even if he condescended enough to offer it to me!

Anyway, I'm pretty sure that if you play a Tremere, you never get offered an apartment in Skyline Apartments. Instead, you get to stay in the Tremere chantry with Strauss. Pretty cool if you ask me. I think I'm going to play a Tremere next time around.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:15 pm
by Intergalactic
He is tight with gifts in general. I had to "remind" him every time to get my payment. Can't imagine how *he* would give away an appartment ;)

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 6:34 pm
by meanie

First Apartment/Haven is in Santa Monica // its on top of the pawn shop down the side ally .. top floor first on your right .. cant miss it

Second Apartment/Haven is in the Skyline building Downtown .. LvL 4 .. one apartment per floor .. however i think you need to be nice to Lacroix for this or not failed any quests .. because my Malkavian character never got the Skyline Haven .. even in the end of the game i would check and still couldnt get in through the front door

- you get this Skyline Haven pretty early on in the game if i remember .. after the Elizabeth Dane perhaps .. once you get your Skyline apartment, if you go back to the Santa Monica apartment .. you'll find you dont have a computer anymore and you find a spare key (i think the spare key is to your Santa Monica Haven.. not sure though)

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:22 pm
by Jennelle
[QUOTE=meanie] - you get this Skyline Haven pretty early on in the game if i remember .. after the Elizabeth Dane perhaps .. once you get your Skyline apartment, if you go back to the Santa Monica apartment .. you'll find you dont have a computer anymore and you find a spare key (i think the spare key is to your Santa Monica Haven.. not sure though)[/QUOTE]

Yes, I think it is right after the Elizabeth Dane that he gives you the apartment. I guess you also need to be on his good side as well. (As I said, I was a Ventrue, so this may have been an advantage to me in regards to being given the apartment.)

I think it's worth it to suck up to him briefly if only to get that haven... After he gives you the haven you can treat him any way you like, I suppose! :D

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 10:17 pm
by Ar.Pi
yo guys

tell me , how to complete the "Dinner Served Cold" mission , when i try to speak with the dude, my answer options r just to beat him or to go away, even though i tried to boost my Intimidation skill up to 6 or so...

i think its bacause i already tried to do it once when i had a little lower skill, is there any other way to convince this bastard?

thanx :)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:00 am
by meanie
- i know where your talking about .. the guy standing in the corner alone.. before anything goes down with the crazy night club sitsters..

- i dont really know what he is there for though..

- what are you trying to get from him ? Ar.Pi

edit :

- if your trying to talk to the group of guys there .. walk down towards the toilets of the diner and see what happens (the gang there, isn't there to talk)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:43 am
by Traveler
In Fat Larry's briefcase quest, how does one escape after getting the briefcase?
Do I have to kill my way out? It seems messy and bit hard.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:02 am
by meanie
if you got down to the bottom flloor of the parking lot to get Larry's briefcase unseen .. try the same way you got down there unseen

- i only ever did this quest blowing away any guy i saw .. so the way out was already clear

- if you got there unseen .. how ? the vents? sneak all the way down ?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:21 am
by Traveler
It's easy to get in unseen. But when getting out, no ladder climbing back into vents

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:10 pm
by Traveler
... it isn't pretty anymore, floor by floor, messy...