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Seeking Anomen Romance help, pretty please!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:14 am
by blackeri
Okay, so everything was going perfect with that stupid dork, Anomen, till he got a letter of his father's death. So he leaves to kill Saerk, I follow him and talk him out of that. So he joins my team again and says something nice, that he won't leave anymore or something like that and... the end.
He never talked to me anymore (it's been like 3-4 days of IRL playing, around 12 days of game time).

So is anything wrong with my romance? Did I mess something up? Any help will be appreciated! ;/

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:51 am
by Sytze
Welcome to the forums. :)

Try resting in an outdoor area (preferably Druid grove or the Umar Hills) or pause the game for a while (30-60 minutes real time), because that might trigger a lovetalk. If that doesn't help, try a search on 'anomen romance.' You'll find enough hits, I'm sure.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:53 am
by blackeri
*sigh* thanks :| Already did that but nothing helped u_u

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:59 am
by blackeri
I browsed the forums and I didnt really find too much help except one thing: I read that the romance is "supposed" to end after the Saerk thing unless I install the expansion? The thing is that i DO have the expansion installed.. Everything was goin so smooth and now nothing! Anomen talked to Keldorn but continuously treats me like air. So what do I do? :(

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:48 am
by Sytze
How far are you into the game? I haven't tried the Anomen romance myself, but if the romance can only continue with the expansion, shouldn't it continue in ToB then?

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:22 am
by blackeri
I'm on chapter 4, in the big maze that Bodhi has put me into. I have finished everything in past chapters... Well I think I will need to wait for Throne of Bhaal then ;/

By the way, I have completed all the missions in chapter 2 and it was lasting a lifetime! How long are other chapters in comparison to he humongous chapter 2? XD

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:56 am
by Sytze
Remember, in chapter 3 and 4, the romance will be put on hold. Romancing in dungeons isn't an option either.
It sounds as if you play this game for the first time (whats a bliss that is :) ) so I won't spoil too much. Try resting again when you see the light of day. Either you get a lovetalk then, or you've simply finished the romance. Did you already got this dialog, by the way?

SIR ANOMEN: We are going to rest here, are we? Then let us away to a secluded corner for a moment. I am eager to express something to you that I have been mulling over all day. (ANOMEN91) When I first met you, my lady...there are many things that went through my head. The possibility that you were not what you seemed, for instance. But what was most striking was the immediacy with which you afflicted my heart. I ignored it, denied it...until recently. And now it consumes my every waking moment. I am completely in love with you, <CHARNAME>. I follow you into battle, trust your wisdom without reservation and would, without hesitation, give my life to protect you. There is so much chaos in, I find myself yearning for something that is permanent. I...would not ask you to promise anything you could not give, my lady. There is death waiting around every corner for us, I know. All I ask, then, is that you accept me as your servant...that, in the days to come, we shall struggle to remain together... That we shall not abandon each other. If I continue to remain with you, my love...I could not bear our parting. cannot see that for us...please...tell me now...

If so, then I'm guessing you've indeed finished the lovetalk.

And about the chapter size; don't worry, they won't be that large anymore. In my opinion, they only become more fun. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:33 am
by blackeri
Oh yes I had it ages ago, before it occured Saerk is the murderer indeed! So hell was I angry that he DID leave my party, that bastard!

And yeah, I am playing it for the first time and boy howdy do I enjoy it! :D ~

I will wait for Throne of Bhaal then (heared he is going to propose ehehe!)... Thank you so much for your help!!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:58 am
by Sytze
Glad to be of service :)

Try not to read too many threads here before you finish the game, because most of 'm hold a lot of spoilers. ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:13 am
by jcompton
Yes, once you're finished with the Saerk sequence, the romance is ended in SOA. You'll have to wait until you reach TOB for more content...

... unless you install the Flirt Pack!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:50 pm
by The Great Hairy
The NPC Flirt pack can be a lot of fun, too, although I've only tried it for Anomen so far, I'm not sure how it treats the female NPCs.

Just note that the Banter Pack and the Flirt Pack seem to have problems if both are installed - they overwrite each other.


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:20 pm
by jcompton
[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]
Just note that the Banter Pack and the Flirt Pack seem to have problems if both are installed - they overwrite each other.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and a thousand times more, no.

They are entirely, fully, 100% and in every way interoperable.

(I feel very strongly about this, as I'm sure you can see.)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:36 pm
by The Great Hairy
[QUOTE=jcompton]No, no, no, no, no, no, no, and a thousand times more, no.

They are entirely, fully, 100% and in every way interoperable.

(I feel very strongly about this, as I'm sure you can see.)[/QUOTE]

I know you're one of the developers, Mr Compton, so I'll tell you the problems I had when I installed both. With just the Banter Pack installed, I regularly got NPC banters, as expected. With just the Flirt Pack installed, I got all the Flirt options with Anomen (who my female bard was wooing at the time) and just the SoA regular banters.

When I installed both (Banter first, then Flirt) I got - for the entire game of SoA - no banters at all, and just Flirt options. Forcing Banters did nothing. My conclusion at the time was that the Flirt Pack overwrote the Banter Pack files (which had already overwritten the original banters). When I changed computers, I didn't install the Flirt Pack, and got the extra banters from the Banter Pack.

That's my experience with the two mods. If you want to PM me, I can give you some more specifics, but that is basically it.

Cheers mate,

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:40 pm
by jcompton
The Great Hairy wrote:When I installed both (Banter first, then Flirt) I got - for the entire game of SoA - no banters at all, and just Flirt options.
No Anomen banters, or no banters of any description whatsoever?
Forcing Banters did nothing. My conclusion at the time was that the Flirt Pack overwrote the Banter Pack files (which had already overwritten the original banters). When I changed computers, I didn't install the Flirt Pack, and got the extra banters from the Banter Pack.
This is where I can comfortably defuse your theory. Flirts and banters live in completely different files. Not only do the flirt packs not overwrite anything to begin with, but they definitely wouldn't be overwriting the banters because they don't live in the same DLG files.

So either you were extraordinarily unlucky (unlikely) or something else (and not something I've put my name on) interfered with your banter enjoyment.

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:43 pm
by The Great Hairy
I'll PM you, as this is off-topic. :)
