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2 questions

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:41 am
by qonqueror
Is it possible to solo IWD?
And in which way do i have to install both addons? First HoW or first ToL (??) I know that when HOW is installed you can enter a room in Kuldahar, but how is that with ToL??

Thanks a lot

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 3:25 pm
I tried to solo, and based on my experience I'd say it's impossible.

The obvious reason is the inability to perform some of the basic functions that each class functions. The only class that would have a prayer is a mage, so you could identify and unlock.

But playing as a mage takes you to the next reason I don't think it's possible: Too much hack-n-slash. There are too many battles that consist of sheer numbers attacking you. A mage wouldn't have the area effect spells to allow you to even handle many of the early battles. I played a ranger when I tried it and it didn't take long to realize that there aren't enough available healing potions to endure the massive onslaughts. I believe the Severed Hand is where I gave up.

There may be some dual or multi that would be able to handel it, but honestly I think the big fights are just too overwhelming.

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:08 pm
by dark_raven
true that soloing is very dificult, but i found that a multi-class of the basics (fighter/mage/thief) can make it through the game, but just remembering to remove armour to cast the spells is the thing that i kept forgeting.

as for how & totl... totl is an expantion to how and must be installed after how. in playing the game, you may go from how to iwd and back (once at high enough levels) at free will (just about). but once you start totl, you must compleat it. and i do suggest that you compleat totl before how (or else you won't be able to play totl) and compleat how before iwd (or, once again, you won't be able to play <or finish playing> how)