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Endings *SPOILER*
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:03 am
by Stilgar
I heared there where 4 different endings to the game.
Is this true, and if so what paths should i take to get them.
I just finished the game with a Ventrue siding with LaCroix.
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:10 am
by Bloodwyn
ok I heard there were 5 different endings - to get a different ending you can side with the other possiblilities ( not Lacroix)
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 12:38 pm
by Jennelle
It seems like I read somewhere that there were six different endings. I can't think of where I read that, though, so I'm not sure.
The different paths all start, I believe, from the taxi ride you take after Jack tells you there's a blood hunt out on you. When you speak to that mysterious taxi driver, he is giving you four different paths you can take (from what I can tell.)
I played a Ventrue, and I've chosen three different paths so far. Here's what happened in each:
One path, which I chose the first time I ended the game, is to side with the Camarilla but to supplant Lacroix. You go to Strauss and he tells you that he will back you in your endeavor. In this path, you first go to Chinatown to kill Ming Xiao, and then head back Downtown to take out The Sheriff and Lacroix. After you kill the Sheriff (or whatever that thing was), you come face to face with Lacroix. As you start to speak to him, he throws a tantrum and tries to dominate you into giving him the key. You basically tell him to "F off," at which point Strauss appears and tells you that you are very strong for a neonate and that your loyalty to the Camarilla will not be forgotten. Strauss decides that "some things are best forgotten" and sends the sarcophagus away to storage where it will remain presumably forever. It is also insinuated that Lacroix will be executed for his crimes against the Camarilla. End game.
Another path, which I chose the second time, is to side with the Anarchs. You find out that Nines is still alive and he sends you off to do away with Ming Xiao and Lacroix. In this path you also head first to Chinatown to off Ming Xiao, then to Downtown to kill the Sheriff (or whatever that thing was), and lastly come face to face with Lacroix. He again throws a tantrum, and then it cuts to your character attacking him. As he kneels pathetically on the floor, bleeding, you are given a dialogue with two basic options: give him the key as a "gift from the anarchs," or tell him that YOU hold all the power now. If you give him the key, he laughs and calls you a fool as you walk off safely into the distance before he opens the sarcophagus to find Jack's little C4 present. You are presumably safe while Lacroix blows himself to kingdom come. If you decide to tell Lacroix that YOU are the boss now (thus betraying the anarchs), your character will walk over to the sarcophagus and open it. You and Lacroix are then blown to bits. No matter which scene you choose, it then cuts to Jack watching from afar with the mummy by his side, smoking a cigar and telling the mysterious cab driver that "it happened just like you said." The taxi driver repeats the last thing he told you before you left his cab "the blood of Caine goes with us wherever we go." Or something like that. End game.
Yet a third path, which I chose the last time I played through, is to side with Lacroix. The only person you off in this scenario is Ming Xiao, and after you have the key, you head back to Lacroix. He is overjoyed and tells you that you will rule Los Angeles side by side, and then exitedly heads over to the sarcophagus to open it, telling you to join him, as "you have earned it." You then stand, side by side, next to the sarcophagus, as he opens it and finds Jack's little present. You are then both blown to hell, and afterward we once again see Jack watching from afar with the mummy and the taxi driver, telling him "it happened just like you said." The taxi driver once again rattles off the line about "the blood of Caine." End game.
The forth path, which I have NOT yet taken, is to "cast off Jyhad" and go it alone. I know that in this path you will have to kill both Ming Xiao and Lacroix, so I can only assume that it is very similar to siding with the anarchs in that you off Ming Xiao, then the Sheriff, then come face to face with Lacroix. I also assume that you are given two options when you face Lacroix: to walk away, leaving him the key and Jack's little present, or to tell him that you're the boss now, in which case I'm sure you open the sarcophagus yourself. I also assume that after either choice you are then treated to the cutscene with Jack.
So, I suppose there ARE six endings (technically.)
1. side with the Camarilla but not Lacroix, off Ming Xiao and the Sheriff, Strauss thanks you and the sarcophagus remains sealed
2. side with the Anarchs, off Ming Xiao and the Sheriff, then leave Lacroix the key as you walk away, he opens it once he is alone and blows himself up, cutscene to Jack
3. side with the Anarchs, off Ming Xiao and the Sheriff, betray the anarchs, open the sarcophagus yourself, blow yourself as well as Lacroix away, cutscene to Jack
4. side with the Camarilla and Lacroix, off Ming Xiao, stand side by side with Lacroix as he opens the sarcophagus and blows both of you away, cutscene to Jack
(These two I have not played but I can only assume they are as follows)
5. go it alone, off Ming Xiao and the Sheriff, confront Lacroix and leave him the key as you walk away, he opens the sarcophagus once you are gone and blows himself to hell, cutscene to Jack
6. go it alone, off Ming Xiao and the Sheriff, confront Lacroix and tell him that you're the boss now, open the sarcophagus yourself and blow both yourself and Lacroix away, cutscene to Jack
For all intents and purposes, however, there are only four different end sequences, since some of them play out exactly the same way:
1. the Sarcophagus is stored by Strauss and never opened
2. you leave Lacroix the key and walk away, he opens the Sarcophagus
3. you tell Lacroix that you're in charge now and open the Sarcophagus yourself
4. you and Lacroix both open the Sarcophagus
In any case, if the Sarcophagus is opened, the cutscene with Jack is always the same.
Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:22 pm
by Ar.Pi
holy smokes, now i need to pass the game 6 times?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:42 am
by Rorax
Chineese Connection -[ Spoiler ]-
There's one more ending.
You can side with the Kuei-jin and off the Overgrown Monkey. Ming walks into the tower, has her people kill the Prince, then says you are a problem but will let you live. Then ties your thrashing body to the Sarchaphgous and drops you both into the ocean.
Yippie. Worst ending...period.
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:25 am
by rtwitty
My favorite scene is to go it alone and walk away from strauss. Cut Scene to you walking away flipping one to nines and then cutscene to Jack
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:50 pm
by Jennelle
[QUOTE=Rorax]There's one more ending.
You can side with the Kuei-jin and off the Overgrown Monkey. Ming walks into the tower, has her people kill the Prince, then says you are a problem but will let you live. Then ties your thrashing body to the Sarchaphgous and drops you both into the ocean.
Yippie. Worst ending...period.[/QUOTE]
Rorax, I wondered if there was some way to side with the Kuei-jin, but in the cab I didn't seem to have the option. Maybe it was something I did to Ming, but I can't recall ever being blatantly rude or disrespectful to her. I *did* kill those two Kuei-jin agents of hers that attack you in the Giovanni mansion, but they didn't really give me a peaceful option. Ming said she didn't mind, anyway. I wonder what I did...
Pretty bad ending, though. Although seeing Lacroix being killed... I like that. Being thrown in the ocean, well, at least vampires don't have to breathe! That leaves you the rest of eternity to try to free yourself from those bonds (or until you run out of blood and go into torpor, whichever comes first!)
[QUOTE=rtwitty]My favorite scene is to go it alone and walk away from strauss. Cut Scene to you walking away flipping one to nines and then cutscene to Jack[/QUOTE]
LMAO rtwitty, are you serious? I hadn't tried "going it alone," but if that's really what happens, I think it's worth the trouble! I'll have to try that next...
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:40 pm
by Intergalactic
I just finished the game without siding with anyone.
What i had to do was, to take out Ming then the Gorilla, as Jennelle guessed.
In the end there where three option:
-Give the key to Lacroix:
You would just drop it to the floor and leave. Lacriox would crawl to it and open the sarcophagus, calling you a fool all the while. Well until he spots the bomb inside and gets ghosted. Follows a cut to you walking past Nines and some anarchs who are pretty impressed with your show. Then cut to Jack sitting with the mummy.
-Open the sarcophagus out of curiosity.
Didn't try that.
-Open the sarcophagus to take over LA.
You spot the bomb and get offed , together with Lacroix. Then cut to Jack/Mummy. I took this at first because it seemed to be the least stupid choice. Leaving the key to Lacroix seemed just dumb. ;-)
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:24 pm
by Jennelle
Intergalactic, I'm sure if you opened up the sarcophagus out of curiosity it would net you the same ending as opening it up to take over LA. It seems that no matter what there's some C4 courtesy of Jack in that thing, and if you open it for whatever reason, you're done for.
On another note, what in the WORLD is up with The Sheriff? I mean, what in God's name IS that thing? Can someone help me out here?
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 8:38 pm
by RugeR
I think some NPC sayed the sheriff looked like an "embraced gorilla"... I couldn't stop laughing cause I had just said that to myself a couple minutes before.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:12 am
by Intergalactic
Jennellle: Yeah i think so, too. That is why i didn't bother to try it out.
I can help out with what the Sherrif is .... he is annoying ;-)
Especially his second form. It was Jack, who brought up the
embraced, doped up, Gorilla theory. And it is the only explanation
about the Sherrif, i could find in the entire game.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:16 am
by Paseck
I think the sheriff is a Tzimisce, a sabbat spy of some sort. It would explain his appearance and his second form is Chiropteran Marauder which is a lvl 6 vicissitude power. It is the same form the end boss of V:tM Redemption assumed.
Is anyone else disappointed with the endings? I thought I'd read the story would be a prelude to White Wolf's Time of Judgement and Gehenna. I at least expected to become part of some ancient's uberscheme.
*** Vampirism is a curse, not a promotion to superheroism ***
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:16 am
by Paseck
I think the sheriff is a Tzimisce, a sabbat spy of some sort. It would explain his appearance and his second form is Chiropteran Marauder which is a lvl 6 vicissitude power. It is the same form the end boss of V:tM Redemption assumed.
Is anyone else disappointed with the endings? I thought I'd read the story would be a prelude to White Wolf's Time of Judgement and Gehenna. I at least expected to become part of some ancient's uberscheme.
*** Vampirism is a curse, not a promotion to superheroism ***
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:36 am
by Intergalactic
Yup i thought it was kind of anti-climatic. I already guessed that Gehenna wouldn't happen, but i was still dissapointed.
In the end the char walks just away (asuming you took the path i took)
No further clues about his fate. Oh, and no rewards no nothing at all.
And we didn't get a proper cinematic. I don't like the trend of making movies
with the game-engine. I like *proper* eye-candy
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:13 am
by Jennelle
Bats and giant spotlights
A Tzimisce with a Level 6 Vicissitude? I once played in a great pen and paper campaign where I played a Lasombra, so I'm rather familiar with the ins and outs of the Sabbat, but I must admit that I know much more about Obtenebration than I do about Vicissitude. I was familiar with the Zulo Form (level 4), but not this "Chiroptean Maurauder" horror.
I broke out my out books and did a little research, though, and I think you've hit the nail on the head. The description of the "Chiroptean Maurauder" conincides perfectly with what you end up facing after you seemingly defeat The Sheriff.
That also explains the appearance of The Sheriff's eyes. I just thought that he was permanently using Protean 1. When you think about it, though, that doesn't make nearly as much sense as him having used Vicissitude 1 to permanently alter the color and appearance of his eyes.
It is also known from the PC's first meeting with the Sheriff that he has Animalism, since he uses the Level 3 power Spectral Wolf (as described in the Bloodlines instruction manual.) This would make him either a Gangrel or a Tzimisce (since he is obviously not a Nosferatu.) I had always just assumed he was a Gangrel...
But a Level 6 Vicissitude would make him at LEAST a 7th generation. A neonate destroying a 7th (or lower) generation Tzimisce? I don't think so.
And what was with that little disappearing act that he was pulling when you first fight him? You hit him and *poof* he disappears into thin air, leaving only a plume of black smoke, only to reappear somewhere else. At first I thought he was using a Level 6 Obtenebration power called Shadow Step, but I don't think that's what it was.
Also, bats generally don't rely on their eyesight for navigation; they use echolocation. A vampire in "Chiroptean Maurauder" form is no exception. According to The Player's Guide to the Sabbat, "The vampire subtracts two from the difficulties of all hearing rolls, but adds one to visual difficulties (bats, as everyone of learning knows, are blind -- and even bat-monsters are somewhat myopic.)"
Yes, well, bats, as everyone of learning knows, would NOT be bothered in the
least by a giant spotlight! And what is the key to defeating this abomination?
A GIANT SPOTLIGHT! Honestly. Who approved that idea?
And yes, I also thought the ending (while amusing with Jack's little C4 scheme) was rather anticlimactic.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:24 am
by meanie
was just wondering ..
- is there an ending where you just run ? (Brujah mention take me to Canada .. Malkavian mention being a white rabbit)
- anyone tried just running yet ?
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:29 am
by Intergalactic
Wow, thanks for the info!
But i am a bit lost... Obtenebration , Vicissitude?
Would it be too much to ask , to give some more explanation what those are?
I'd love to learn a little more about the ugly gorilla.
And i am by no means a Vampire lore expert, but aren't Sabbath and Camarilla supposed to be enemies? How come a Tzimisce (Sherrif) works for a Ventrue(Lacroix)? I can't really believe the spy theory since how could Lacroix miss that his pet is a Tzimisce ? And why would the sherrif defend Lacroix, who quite clearly wants to suck the elder dry? Aren't sabbath peeps interested in destroying old vamps? No, i think the sherrif is really Lacroix's loyal enforcer.
I won't dare any judgement what he is, since all i know about VTM is what i have seen in the two Vampire games. So he might very well be a Tzimisce.
Btw, did we ever get proof that Lacroix is Ventrue?
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:31 am
by RWStagg
I was quite disappointed there weren't any Lasombra, arguably the formost clan in the Sabbat and not a single one, although I suppose I should be thankful Obtenebration is ludicrously powerful, would've been amusing though.
Darned Tzimisce...never did like them.
It would be reasonably simple for him to miss that he was a sabbat infiltrator....Vicissitude can basically let him change his appearance to an unknown/known camarilla kindred and if he really was 7th gen is probably immune to Lacroix's dominate. The Sabbat have various methods of infiltrating the camarilla although it does seem quite unlikely they would send an elder...
He was probably biding his time feeding information to the nearby pack in an attempt to get the sarcophogos out without revealing his position or some such justification. Alas that pack was incompetant hence their failure.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:48 am
by Intergalactic
Ok, so Vicissitude is like a shapeshifting skill?
Let's asume for a moment Lacroiy was fooled. Then it still doesn't make much sense to me.
1. The sherrif is *much* stronger than Lacroix. He could have taken out Lacroix at any given time.
2.Why didn't he off Lacroix and transported the sarcophagus outside?
The sabbath attack would have been a perfect opportunity.
3.Why did he chose to kill his own kind then? Maybe because he wanted to wait until you brought the key for the sarcophagus ?
4.Why did he let you slaughter the whole sabbath hideout instead? Because of the reason stated above? Then that is real sacrifical spirit on the sabbath side.
Hmm now that i think of it, maybe he didn't fight you to protect Lacroix, but to get the key? Then the only beef i have with the spy theory is, that why he couldn't get the key himself.
Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:56 am
by RWStagg
Vicissitude is basically flesh/bone crafting so by altering your bone and flesh structure you can look like anything you want...can also be used to turn your body entirely into blood.
1/2.That does seem a bit illogical doesn't it, only thing I can come up with is the sabbat liked him in charge cause let's face it he's a baffoon and didn't want the camarilla sending a competant cainite in, and presumably severely underestimated you.
3. Presumably waiting for the key open it and attempt to kill it, a ludicrous idea if you ask me.
4. Well to the sabbat vampires are much more easy come easy go, I mean they whack people on the back of their heads with shovels and embrace em..hardly going to produce a high quality army...and considering one newly embraced vampire was able to off the entire pack they can't have been a very good/important pack.
There is also the highly likely chance that he was just in it for himself, could easy have been an aurtarkis out after the power of the ancient, that would make more sense, and just joined the camarilla to get into a better position to get it?
Either way it doesn't really make that much sense...most likely is ironically that he was an Tzimisie Anit-tribu lol