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Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 9:37 pm
by Ar.Pi
I've played through the game for the first time now, passed with Brujah.

anyway when i got to the Society of Leopold, i notice that sneaking is horrible, if ur "Light Meter" is completely down those dudes and no1 at all can notice u, even if they actualy push u, i killed every1 outside with silent kill and it was kind of funny.

i cant even call it AI but some kind of ehm missed part, i hope they would fixed this in a patch or something, i didnt care much about it since most of the game i just "ramboed" every1 in my path...


my skill ability is 1 i think.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:38 am
by Intergalactic
I agree. For most of the game you can move through the dark ,which makes investing any exp in sneaking pointless. And if you do have to move in well-lit places you can always bloodbuff to get sneaking higher temporary.
It is just not worth the exp to improve it, in my book.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:24 am
by pasca
Yeah, when you arrive at society it seems that everyone in the game goes blind after that. Before that I didn't use sneak so much at all as my first character wasn't any good at it and before the society people noticed me easily if I wasn't hidden well.

After the society the game just become ridicilous. At the sabbat and chinese level I could backstab people in front of each other without them noticing anything. Only few ones that actually saw me when sneaking was those crossbow huys guarding tha statues. Those was a pain to take care of (didn't fint the secret hideout to kill them from untill later :)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:00 am
by Intergalactic
Secret Hideout? Means safe killing? How? where ? :)
Those Crossbowguys made me use my suicide discipline for the first time (on them not on me, i wasn't *that* deparate). Simply impossible to sneak up to them, and those arrows hurt big time...

By the way, now that you mention it i notice the change, too.
Before the Sabbath mission, i had to be careful (The Elizabeth Dane quest required a lot of reloads). But as you said, beginning with the Sabbath mission it was possible to backstab people who were talking to another.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:49 am
by pasca
In the corridors that goes near with the statue rooms you can find an secret entrances where you can snipe the crossbow guys.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:15 pm
by Ar.Pi
for real b, i just started a new game and sneaking is much harder - the cop in the medical center in santa monica almost always can notice u

i guess its some kind of bug from leopolod hmmz...

sneaking feat it still sucks though :P


haha used Celerity to nail all 4 of those bastards - pretty easy when u can dodge matrix style :D

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:16 pm
by matthew13
If you've got level 10 Sneaking, you can be standing right next to some guy, be in medium light, and still not be seen. That said, the SoL Caves are a little wierd. They do seem to notice you quicker there. Further--and this may just be my system--when I use Obfusticate in the SoL Caves, my video suddenly turns into a slideshow. That's the only place I have the problem. Very strange.