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Halloway Hotel Hell(p) :) (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 3:15 am
by chrisinpm
Hi, looking for a bit of help/tactical advice on the last fight in the Hotel with the Tzimisce. I have a character with Str 3, Dex 3, Sta 3; Melee 5, Dodge 5, Firearms 3; Auspex 1, Celerity 1, Presence 2 (yah, skill-based PC, I know).

He is just absolutely housing me with Agg damage, and his hit-and-run tactics are making me nuts. :rolleyes:



Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:20 am
by Intergalactic
Hmm i beat him with about the same stats, but i had blood shield of course ...
If he hits you hard you can always run from him until you healed a little.
Besides that i can only suggest you use Presence and Bloodbuff and hit him hard.
Against the hit and run tactic i would suggest to go to the up right corner of the "battle arena". There, he can't come from behind. makes it a bit less annoying.

Anyone noticed how almost every single boss in the game has hit and run tactics?

edit: Oh, and if everything fails you can open the console and enter god ...

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:17 am
by meanie
- if this is the second time you meet the Tzimisce where he changes his form into some creature .. the best way i found to take him down was to run back up the ramp towards the door and just shoot him from there .. some moments he gets close and hits you for a bit of damage .. or he'll use some Discipline on you that pushes you and stuns you for a second.. but thats not so damaging ..

- if its the frist time you meet him where he spawns the two-legged things .. just chase after him with the axe .. myabe use Blood Buff ? to give you some extra stats .. taking out the jumpy things where you can to avoid any extra damage they do to you .. i had two goes at this .. second time did it

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:27 am
by Jennelle
I beat him using a Ventrue, so the Fortitude really helped, but I'm sure it's very possible without Fortitude.

Don your best armor (hopefully you have that armor Heather gives you right before she is kidnapped and killed by the Sabbat). Be sure to use Blood Buff, which will help your soaks, and Presence, which will hinder Andrei's attacks.

Other than that, I have one word for you: flamethrower.

That is the best weapon in the game, period. Make sure you have it fully loaded with 300 charges. I used it against all the big, bad bosses. It's WAY more effective than any gun or sword. I don't know what I would have done without it.