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HELP--- We need a multiplayer savegame

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:16 am
by frankiedany
Hello, we are playing in a multiplayer lan (2 players)
and after much game's bugs we have a serious problem
Davinci spoke about Nostradamous and also did father Michele
but the witch doesn't tell us about Nostradamous
we are blocked and we can't go foward to the mission

we have already done all the cript's mission
and we haven't an old save game

We'd like to have a save game without having to do the cript again

If you have a save game after Nostradamous for us it will fit the same

Can you help us ?
We'll enjoy the rest of the game with your character

P.s. it's a pity that so many bugs spoil a game wich other wise should have been very very nice.

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:24 pm
by bigsmarmy
I have no guarantees if this will work in multiplayer, but if you head to Toulouse and talk with all of the rock titans, one of them (whose name I believe starts with an "M" but otherwise I can't remember it) will speak of meeting with Nostradamus. You can then ask him to put it on your map for you.

Hope this helps.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:41 am
by frankiedany
The Titans are gone away

In Toulouse there isn't anybody now, because we made the rock titans go away, we have done this part of the game .
We have tried to talk to everybody in Barcellona and Montalleur and the witch doesn't open the map.
I read that this is a bug of the game. So we are searching for a save after the cript of the sacred lance to do the Nostradamous caves or in other case to go forward to the war against England and continue the game.
We accept also the single player save game.