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Gothic 1&2

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:56 pm
by Volk
Has anyone played this game series before? I found the first game by accident and i grew to love the simplicity of it, along with the good story, and to the point choices, no making you select 50 different skills out of which 46 are useless and so on.

I liked the way the game was made, i loved the story and i think the second game continues the first one very nicely.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:32 am
by fable
I played the first game, for a while. I liked its generally cynical, hard edge, and the many routes you could take within the basic linear story, but combat was a mess. Ultimately, it's that which turned me off to the game. Too bad, because otherwise, it was very enjoyable.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:08 am
by Volk
Sadly yes it falls short on the combat, mostly because of how hard it is to fight a lot of enemies at once, and the combat is just a joke at the end, and nearly impossibile at first.

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:29 pm
by Intergalactic
Funny you say that. I think the combat in Gothic1 is the *best* i have seen in any rpg. It really allows you to fight and not only watch your character make attacks based on his stats. Almost every monster type has it's own way of attacking, and if you see the pattern behind it and make the right kind of strike, you can win almost every battle without getting hurt. And that is without putting any skillpoints into combat ,too.
It takes a while to master, of course. But that is because, it is not only hack and slash as in almost every other game.
I just love it :D

By the way, if you find Gothic 1 too hard, try Gothic2 and play as a mage.
It is a lot easier

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:51 pm
by Volk
I like the idea behind the combat, the problem is simply the fact that you have to target what you want to hit as opposed to say morrowind where you aim at what you want to hit with your crosshair, this makes things kinda hard when you fight multiple enemies who you cant block, IE Shadowbeasts, Snappers, Lurkers, Lizzards, Minecrawlers.

My other bug is that by the end your unstopable which makes things dull the beginin is interesting you have to chose your fights carefully and plan out attacks or else your dead, by the end its just slash slash die die.

I personaly love the series and ive finished both of them at least 3 times to try out all the paths and it was worth it.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:56 am
by Intergalactic
[QUOTE=Volk]I like the idea behind the combat, the problem is simply the fact that you have to target what you want to hit as opposed to say morrowind where you aim at what you want to hit with your crosshair, this makes things kinda hard when you fight multiple enemies who you cant block, IE Shadowbeasts, Snappers, Lurkers, Lizzards, Minecrawlers.
The trick is to hit them, when they are attacking you.
This ruins their attack, makes it impossible for them to block/dodge and saves you from taking damage.
I loathed the combat system in Morrowind. You targeted an enemy and hit, but you missed because your character's skill was too low. Gothic is more like
a shooter in this regard. How good your char is in combat , depends on a significant part how good *you* are in pushing the right buttons. It is a matter of taste, i guess. Given the choice i would have combat like in Jedi Academy.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:54 am
by Celacena

MW looks great and the scenery makes it enjoyable to fly just for fun.

however, when you discusss ubercharacters, MW deserves a mention - I have played it through - all 3 MW, Bloodmoon and Tribunal and with the items that I have amassed, I can go out without even wearing armour and be unstoppable due to enchanted clothing, amulets, rings and suchlike. when you can have magically created weapons summoned just by putting on a glove for instance, the game becomes less challenging. summoning those golden characters just to steal their souls for soul gems at max points becomes commonplace. the characters I have saved are so powerful that the 'wandering monster table' is maxed out so that the troublesome creatures provide wonderful gem-filling. I have maxed out just about all my disciplines and pick bare knuckle fights with top-level monsters just to improve my stats.

guess what - the character is so powerful that I am bored. I have maxed out a few characters and invented new classes to play, but even with the excellent free-form game design, it has stopped being a challenge unless I impose artificial rules on myself.

of all the items I would commend to people are rejuvenating (2 points/second I recall) & flying amulets/rings, soul stealing weapons and random strength-enhancing shields.
with those, you get to be powerful and quick enough to enjoy the game.
whole suits of 100% chameleon are the beginning of uberpower.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 12:33 pm
by Monolith
Sorry, but the thread isn't about Morrowind's combat system, is it? ;)

I really like both, Gothic 1 and 2. I got Gothic 2 first and bought Gothic 1 later, when it cost only about 10 Euro. I plan to buy the Add-On for Gothic 2 as well, but I'm short on money and time right now, so this has to wait.

Both games convince with an interesting story and characters, an alive world, good quests, many choices and, in my opinion, an absolutely great combat system. I played Gothic 2 a couple of times now and it was different every time I played it (and I still haven't played as a mage). With the Add-On, which expands the amount of choices, it should be even greater - it doesn't add content beyond the story of Gothic 2 though, it only alters subquests and guilds (and adds a new one) - as the already existing game (at least as far as I know). Unfortunately an English version has not been released yet, and I'm not sure if it ever will. It will be released in Poland and Russia soon though, to expand the community and thus get more people to buy Gothic 3, which is said to be released at the end of the year (Officials confirmed the rumors; I doubt it anyway).