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Unseeing Eye bug??

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 3:29 am
by Edar Macilrille
When I have done the deed and cleared the lower levels of the Cult out and go down to the avatar of the dead good the game freezes after talking to the Diseased One. The "reward movie" starte and we all stand around in the temple waiting for something to say something or something to happen. And in those movie sequences one cannot initiate anything, so I wait, and wait, and wait...

My installed mods are:
Item Upgrade
Ease of Use
Ashes of Embers
House of Sim
Unfinished business
BG2 Refinements
Rogue Rebalance
Clerical Remix
G3 tweakpack
G3 anniversary pack
Bag Bonus
Underrepresented Items

Cespenar would say "Boooooooooooring".

Anythone else experiencing this? And any ideas about what to do? Or any ideas which mod is causinf it, they should all be fairly bugfree?

Best wishes; Palle

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:01 am
by Edar Macilrille
Hmm, that was last night. This morning when I loaded the austosafe and tried loaded it again it worked. Strange.