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Getting the sarcophagus? *spoilers*

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:27 am
by wijkmark
I've come down to the room with the sarcophagus and know here is what I wonder. Is there any way of getting it without fighting the brothers? My ventrue's fighting skills aren't exactly what I would like them to be and I have zero blood packs. So either if someone can tell me of another way to get it or maybe someone has some nice tips on how to kill the brothers. Thanks.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:31 am
by OuterParadise
You must fight them I believe, no other option. As for the tips.. hmm..

Try to focus on one and take that one out first, keep running and make them pop next to u; try to dodge their blows and then counter.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:25 pm
by meanie
- yeh you have to fight them .. no matter what you say, they seem to have the same responses

- tactics -

- take out the claw guy first, he seems to be the easiest to kill
- use ranged wepaons like guns .. they're both melee attackers
- use the stairs to run from them, healing and reloading with that time
- use the stairs all around when they do their SHAZZAM (tag team attack if you're unfamilar with the cartoon Shazzam) attacks on you .. run up and hold there until they do that blast they do .. sometimes they appear next to you on the stairs .. attack and run

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 6:08 pm
by PdxCainite
Acccttuuaalllyyyy, the way I get them, is I stay in the hallway I come in, so they can't surround me, and I hit them when they get close, if you time it right, you hit them first and they'll phase away, repeat.