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Help with console requested
Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:43 pm
by Draek Won
OK goddamn smut peddler want some money out of me to inform on DMP and I'm broke from buying that fat 44 magnum to play Dirty-harry-the-vampire-strikes-back
Anyway I decide to use the console to add me some buck as the looting in that game is so tight and there is no way to make
generic cash !!!
But when I start typing the command (ex: give_item_money_clip) and then press enter and go back into the game, nothing happens !.. Tried with other items, same (non) result
Did I miss something, do I need to do something special ? Someone who would care to enlight me !? Thanks in advance
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:42 am
by OuterParadise
Don't know any console command for money, sorry!
But I guess the flamer and fireaxe would bring a decent price at the market:
Flamethrower: give item_w_flamethrower
Fireaxe: give item_w_fireaxe
Those are the only ones I can think of right now.
You can find more
Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:05 am
by Draek Won
Gracias amigo but I found that reloading ( a far away
) previous save was better regarding the fact I hate cheating ! So I went way back in my game and spent a few more points on intimidation ! Now the flynn guy gives me the info for free and have to go back to his place to change his underwears (got to luv that last line of the dialogue)
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:26 am
by Mr_Manu
I didn't try,
but I read somwhere :
"give item_m_xxxx"
where xxxx must be some name like enveloppe or something
But how you run out of Money ???
Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 3:55 pm
by Banderas
impulse 101
give you all.
have fun!.