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Sneak Attack help

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 2:27 pm
by Einstein
I can't seem to figure out the Rogue's sneak attack.

In the manual it says I can use a ranged weopon within 30 ft if the opponent does not have their dexterity bonus. But when is that? I posted on another board and I got a response... that is probably true, but I'm hoping there can be more light shed.

What that said is that with a ranged attack I could only sneak attack when the opponent is flat-footed? or prone, paralyzed etc.

Otherwise sneak attack is really only for melee and then when only flanked. And flanked is not 90 degrees but 180???

In Neverwinter nights, I just had to not be the primarily engaged fighter. That doesn't seem to be the case here, but I just loved my dart throwing halfling... I'm hoping I can create one in TOEE. But do I have to give her a dagger and send her on in for melee combat to be truly effective?

Thanks for any insight out there.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:15 am
by silverdragon72

absolutely right...

...ranged sneak attack is only granted if the enemy can't use his DEX-bonus (paralized, hold, sleeping, prone - whatever condition, that doesn't allow to defend himself!)

...but you get the sneak attacks on every(!) attack per round!

in melee you get sneak attacks on top of that when you start a surprise attack (invisible) or if you start the attack from a 2nd direction - but don't know which angle is exactly required - I think more then 90° but less the 180°...

...but it only works if you start the attack from a 2nd direction!

2 more tips:

- sneak attacks are awesome in TOEE would give 3 rogue levels to every melee fighter!

- if the enemy can't use his DEX-bonus in melee - don't use sneak - use cup de grace - that will instantly kill the enemy !


Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:52 pm
by StormArm
What is the use of cup de grace ? :confused:

And if I was grappled by the gaint frog , how can I escape ?
Can I use "Break Free" ? I've selected it for several times , but it seems doesn't work. :eek:

My elf rogue got improved two-weapon fighting :D , sneak close to an enemy then start combat, then the guy will be flat-footed, and I can sneak attack 4 times per round. :cool:

If my wizard cast reduce person on my rogue, he will make sneak attack almost each hit. so I think maybe it is nothing to do with the angles.

I give up my rogue's ranged weapon, and cast stoneskin,
shield of faith, cat's grace, heroism, reduce person on him. :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:13 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=StormArm]What is the use of cup de grace ? :confused:

And if I was grappled by the gaint frog , how can I escape ?
Can I use "Break Free" ? I've selected it for several times , but it seems doesn't work. :eek:

If my wizard cast reduce person on my rogue, he will make sneak attack almost each hit. so I think maybe it is nothing to do with the angles.[/QUOTE]

1. coup de grace kills an helpless enemy at once (full action - you have to stand in weapon range of the enemy - melee only) good to get rid off trolls!

2. grapple there is some kind of save every round - but don't no if "break free" gives any bonus or an extra attemp in this case

3. reduce person ?! - never heard that this affects sneak attack in any positive way?!
...only (negative) effect is that small weapons count as normal and normal as large - means if you are reduced a longsword counts as 2-handed weapon!


Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:03 am
by StormArm
3. reduce person ?! - never heard that this affects sneak attack in any positive way?!
...only (negative) effect is that small weapons count as normal and normal as large - means if you are reduced a longsword counts as 2-handed weapon!

I don't mean reduce person spell affects sneak attack, I use it just to increase the dex. of my rogue.(I only install the first version of official patch)

I think maybe you need to make a check against the foe's listen or spot skill
when attack in sneak, it should have nothing to do with angles I guess. But melee attack must be much affecientive than ranged attacks.


Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:13 pm
by Lord Plothos
Just to chime in:

There are multiple ways to get sneak attacks. If you, by reducing yourself are able to make the opponent unaware of you somehow (in unpatched versions of the game, you can just pick sneak, walk around in a crouch, and get sneak attacks every round: this was fixed by the first official patch, because you're not supposed to be able to sneak in combat like you could here), you can get a sneak attack. But flanking most definitely does give it to you. You don't, however, have to be exactly opposite your ally; you just both have to be able to reach points that are opposite. If the enemy is at the center of a clock face, you can stand at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock to flank (and thus to get a sneak), but you can also stand at 12 and 5 or 12 and 7, because the guy at 5 or 7 can reach closer to 6 and the guy at 12 can reach towards 11 and 1. You can open the roll window (lower right corner, the die icon), and then click on the blue "hit" or "miss" to see roll information. This will show you if you're getting a +2 for flanking, and should help you get a feel for where you need to stand. Also, you have to be involved in flanking him. If an enemy is flanked by two of your friends, but is not flanked by you, your friends will get +2 for flanking and be able to sneak attack, but you will not. There must be someone (nigh-)opposite you.

Ranged weapons can't flank, so they can't get sneaks in this way. You also have to be within 30 feet (point blank range), because the sneak involves finding and hitting vulnerable spots. If you are close enough, and the enemy doesn't get his dex bonus against you (because you're hidden, invisible, he's unaware of you, doesn't think you're a threat, prone, held, entangled, etc.), you will get a sneak attack if you hit. This will continue until he does get a dex bonus (or would get one, if he had one to get). Usually, this is due to his having a turn in the fight, and no longer being flat-footed, or due to his getting up after falling (say, from a grease spell). 5 rogues with bows firing twice each at an opponent who moves last in the combat round can get 10 total sneak attacks (if they're in range) on him before he moves, and is no longer flat-footed.

The exceptions to these rules are that some enemies (e.g. skeletons) are immune to sneak attacks, because they don't have vulnerable spots for you to hit.

As for the frogs, I've been able to break free from their tongue-grapples with teh break free command, so it does work. You have to beat a certain DC with a strength check, I believe. You can, again, check what's going on in the roll window and clicking on "succeeds" or "fails".

Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:43 pm
by Mulligan
Regarding the Frogs, or 'any grapple attempt' made, there seemes to be a BIG BUG, no mater which patch you apply..

In the original game the spells: 'Entangle, Web, Spike Stones & Spike Growth' were horrible broken....They still are, but not to the extent before..

Before they could'nt be 'broken free of' now you have that option, ( in the radial menu ) , but the DC to do so is insaely high... ( IMO )...

And doesn't seem to work for 'Entangle' & 'Spike' spells at all....

But breaking free of Web's workd fine, but the move option is wrong....

Hmm...Still a lot of things to correct i guess.. but i wouldn't really know....wouold i ??