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We need a ToB forum

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2001 12:36 pm
by Quitch
A lot of people have yet to finish ToB, in some countries I don't think it's even out yet.

I for one, am getting sick and tired of going to the BG2 forum and finding spoilers, which had no warning at all! At one point, some idiot put a major spoiler (if you'd followed a certain route) in the title of his post!! (which I told Buck about and which got promptly removed)

A couple of classic examples are

Spoiler poll - Which God would you be

The bloody spoiler is in the title for crying out loud!!

BG movies

You're on a SoA board, but people start quoting off their favourite ToB end movies. Hell, there wasn't even a crack down on the ones who went in giving away PST endings left right and centre.

It just seems to me, that ToB really needs its own forum. Even when a SoA topic is about, it can so often, with no warning for the reader, branch off into ToB.

Of course I could just not read a thing, but I don't want to have to leave GameBanshee until I've finished ToB a couple of times, thus missing out on all the SoA talk, just because some people can't be bothered to use their common sense.

Unlike TotSC, ToB really is a completely seperate section from the main game, and there's too much to spoil for it to share a forum with SoA.

[ 08-20-2001: Message edited by: Quitch ]

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2001 12:51 pm
by Aegis
I agree with Quitch. Even though I am done the game myself, I find it difficult to hold any "pure" SoA conversationg, without ToB making it's way into it.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2001 4:59 pm
by Aegis
Nice job Buck. that was quick response time...

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2001 5:06 am
by Quitch
Thanks Buck, much better!