[QUOTE=Gebeleiz]I'm considering replaying Baldur's gate 2. I finished the game last time 2 years ago, but I'm thinking to give it another go. I lost my lvl 40 fighter in the meantime and I don't want to start from scratch...
What I'm thinking is "recreating" my fighter at level 39 and double class him to mage...
Need some help though on what to use to accomplish this... How do you go about creating a full fledged 39 level fighter from scratch?[/QUOTE]
If you want to slice and dice your way through the game with an insanely powerful character, more power to you.
I'm not sure what you mean by "double class". You can either play a multi-class Fighter/Mage (if he's non-human) or a Fighter dualled to a Mage (if he's human). Which one do you prefer?
To create the character, you can use a few simple cheats. First, install a level cap remover. Then make sure you can use cheat codes by editing your BALDUR.INI file. Then start the game and roll up a Fighter if you want to play a dual-class character, or roll up a Fighter/Mage if you want to play a multi-class character. If you have trouble rolling the stats you want, you can raise them later by creating Tomes that will raise individual stats (excluding Wisdom and Charisma). Put as many points into Wisdom and Charisma as it will take to make you happy, then use the Tomes to raise your other stats if you're not happy with them.
To create the Tomes, use the following cheat codes:
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("BOOK03",xx) for Constitution
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("BOOK03",xx) for Strength
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("BOOK03",xx) for Dexterity
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("BOOK03",xx) for Intelligence
where "xx" is the number of Tomes you want.
To identify the Tomes before you use them, create some scrolls of Identify and hand everything to Imoen:
CLUAConsole:CreateItem("SCRL75",4) to create 4 scrolls
When you have the stats you want, then all you have to do is raise your character's experience with the cheat codes:
CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("7750000") for a 39th Level Fighter to dual to a Mage
Then you can dual to a Mage. To become a 40th Level Mage and regain your Fighter abilities, you need another 11,250,000 experience points after you dual-class your character:
Then you'll have a 39th Level Fighter dualled to a 40th Level Mage.
If you want a multi-class 39th Level Fighter/31st Level Mage, use the following code:
If you're going to play a Mage over 31st Level, you might consider patching your game with a MOD that will enable 40th Level spell tables or 50th Level spell tables. You probably ought to install those MODs before you roll up your character.
You could use Shadowkeeper if you wanted to, but it's not as methodical as the steps that I just outlined and you might not get your hit points, saving throws, proficiency points, and High Level Abilities just right. If you level up inside the game, everything will be the way it's supposed to be. In fact, now that I think about it, you really ought to level up one level at a time if you want to make sure you won't have any problems selecting High Level Abilities. Just look at the experience tables in the manual and enter the appropriate cheat codes to go up one level at a time.
Good luck!