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What does luck do
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 5:41 pm
by Lowkei
What does luck do because i've never really bothered with it but now im wondering if im missing out because i've just started again and im playing as a theif now and i was wondering if there is any point in picking luck as a skill. I thought since im a theif it might help me get away with more things then useual but it just say "it affects every action you do in a small way". Now that description helps me about as much as a kick in the nuts, so what the hell does it do and is it worth bothering about?
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:01 pm
by dragon wench
I've wondered that myself for some time. But, last night I was involved in a difficult battle, and I had to reload several times. I finally went off to make some potions, including "fortify luck." When I downed them, the battle became *much* easier. So I'm assuming that luck can make a significant difference in various situations.
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:33 pm
by Ideal Maxima
[QUOTE=Lowkei]What does luck do because i've never really bothered with it but now im wondering if im missing out because i've just started again and im playing as a theif now and i was wondering if there is any point in picking luck as a skill. I thought since im a theif it might help me get away with more things then useual but it just say "it affects every action you do in a small way". Now that description helps me about as much as a kick in the nuts, so what the hell does it do and is it worth bothering about?[/QUOTE]
i'm not sure but i read somewhere (and experianced it) that luck gives you a better chance to get any/everything accomplished
lock pick - if your security skill is 20, and your luck is 100, then you would be picking locks as if you're level 50
fighting - if your long blade is 20, and your luck is 100, then you'd be getting a lot more hits on your opponent (the lower level you are on a weapon skill [ex. long blade, blunt, axe, short blade, spear] the harder it is to hit someone with that type of weapon. So if you have luck at 100, you'll have a much better chance of hitting your opponent if you were a low level)
marksman - just like fighting, if your luck is at 100, you'll be hitting your opponent with arrows, throwing stars, bolts a lot more often and easier
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 7:32 pm
by Alien_Newborn
Well, for those of us who have completed Tribunal, we all remember Gaenor, right? (the beggar in front of the temple) Well, if you end up fighting him, it would seem as though his excellent combat style is pure skill, but in truth, he's actually just the same as a commoner in every regard, except he's wearing ebony armour and he has 5000 luck. So, unless you have a huge bonus to it, luck isn't extremely important, however, if you do it can be a HUGE difference. Let us all look back on that schlummie Gaenor as a living (or in my case, dead) example.
Under the influence (again),
Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:38 pm
by fable
If your luck is cursed during battle, you'll find yourself missing your opponent just about every time, and taking endless hits. It factors into attack and defense. I suppose if you got your attributes and skills high enough you could override it, but it's probably not something to try for the hell of it.

Adding a few points of permaluck via leveling is a good idea.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:22 am
by Lowkei
[QUOTE=Alien_Newborn]Well, for those of us who have completed Tribunal, we all remember Gaenor, right? (the beggar in front of the temple) Well, if you end up fighting him, it would seem as though his excellent combat style is pure skill, but in truth, he's actually just the same as a commoner in every regard, except he's wearing ebony armour and he has 5000 luck. So, unless you have a huge bonus to it, luck isn't extremely important, however, if you do it can be a HUGE difference. Let us all look back on that schlummie Gaenor as a living (or in my case, dead) example.
Under the influence (again),
How does he have 5000 luck i thought (not that i've played the expantions yet, so i wouldn't know) you could only train your skills up to level 100. Or is it diffents in tribunal and it doesn't work in morrowinds case.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:55 am
by moltovir
Hmm... I never knew this. Now I finally know what to do with that certain soul from that certain lady in Tribunal and my ebony stave... Moltovirs luck absorbing doom

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:31 am
by lifeishell91
[QUOTE=Alien_Newborn]Well, for those of us who have completed Tribunal, we all remember Gaenor, right? (the beggar in front of the temple) Well, if you end up fighting him, it would seem as though his excellent combat style is pure skill, but in truth, he's actually just the same as a commoner in every regard, except he's wearing ebony armour and he has 5000 luck. So, unless you have a huge bonus to it, luck isn't extremely important, however, if you do it can be a HUGE difference. Let us all look back on that schlummie Gaenor as a living (or in my case, dead) example.
Under the influence (again),
Didn't Gaenor have an amulet that fortified his luck by 50, not 5000?
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:45 am
by jopperm2
I actually like luck a lot. I put it as one of my primary attributes so I start with 50, I then add a point ever time I level and there is no modifier to another attribute.. It seems to help a lot.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:53 pm
by Alien_Newborn
[QUOTE=lifeishell91]Didn't Gaenor have an amulet that fortified his luck by 50, not 5000?[/QUOTE]
Well, that was just the amulet that he was wearing, which actually only fortified it by 15, but I'm assuming that either:
A.) He knew how to use the amulet A LOT better
B.) It was just an addition to his really high natural luck
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 4:13 pm
by fable
A 15+ to luck can make a big difference in combat. If you don't believe this, mod your stats, and set up several combat situations that are otherwise identical to test the changes.
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 7:20 pm
by dairy
i read a post on the elderscrolls forum that broke down luck and how its factored in. i cant remember the post name or the specifics, but it does affect every action and is important to level up. for those power players out there, (or atleast the ones i've talked to) the most common technique is to level luck its one point every level up. it does slow down your other attribute leveling. assuming a 5x multiplier every level up and a starting luck of 40, you're 12 extra levels to to catch up, but its definately worth it.