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Nalia Romance

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:36 am
by Qwinn
Okay, in my quest to actually start my new game again without getting distracted by another tasty mod (I swear, it's like I keep failing a saving throw...), I was hoping I could get some information on the Nalia Romance that's already out (not to be confused with jcompton's much anticipated De'Arnisse romance).

1) The original page appears to have been abandoned a long time ago, and all links to the download no longer work. Is there a new place to download it from?

2) On a couple of forums, back around June, there was talk of a WeiDU version of the original Nalia romance that had already been extensively worked on and was just about complete, but then there's no actual announcement of it coming out that I could find. Was that ever released? If so, I'd much much much prefer that one, as otherwise I'll probably need to do a full reinstall.

3) Is it even worth it? I'm much more interested in trying jcompton's version of the romance, but I'm guessing the initial version won't be released until around March or later. Therefore, I figured if I don't try out the original one now I never will, but if it's no good then that's not a big deal.

EDIT: Hmmm, more looking around indicates to me that the answers appear to be 1) Probably, somewhere, 2) No, and 3) Not really, no. So, no hurry on the answers, heh, I'll play Aerie again and wait for the De'Arnisse romance :) (I wish I could summon up the -slightest- interest in Jaheira, but I just can't, sigh)


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:04 am
by Salles
are you sure you can romance Nalia?
heck, i even tried getting her really drunk one evening, 'till the bartender would serve her no-more, then went to rest in a 'Royal' room... and my PC (Jester, Neutral-Evil) didn't try to bunk with her.

Honestly, if you were an evil guy, would you pass up such an opportunity to take advantage of the rich girl? :confused: :D

On the subject of romances, is having Viconia in my part going to screw up my current romance with Jaheira?


Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 7:37 am
by fable
Salles, yes, Qwinn's correct. There is such a mod.

Please, don't pose your own questions in somebody else's thread. It's known around here as "thread kidnapping." ;) Start a new thread, if you have questions. Thanks--and welcome to the forums.

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:18 pm
by Andyr
While I've not plated Arnel's Nalia romance mod, I hear it's not that good.

To the best of my knowledge a WeiDU version was never made.

I'd wait for JC's version, though that could be a while. :)