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RE: No dragonlance forum?
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:18 pm
by iron30
I must be really old school because eventhough Forgotten realms was always a more popular campaign setting it is hard to accept that Eberron (Not that I have anything against Eberron setting I really like shifters ) is now more popular than the Dragonlance campaign setting
. Getting old I guess.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:24 pm
by Aegis
The decision to include Eberron in the forums wasn't one based on popularity, but rather for promotion. But even then, neither setting is really all that popular in the grand scheme of things, so it came down to choosing what had more available material, in this case, Eberron.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:25 pm
by Rob-hin
Well, technically the standard d&d forum is the Dragonlane forum as Dragonlance is it's base world.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:35 pm
by jopperm2
Greyhawk is the base world, Dragonlance is discontinued.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:14 pm
by iron30
RE: Your half right
The Deities that are listed in Players hand guide are indeed from Greyhawk dragonlance is not discontinued there is a 3rd edition source book released for it. I know I still use it.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:22 pm
by jopperm2
What I meant is that they are not doing any more Dragonlance to my knowledge, there will be FR, Greyhark, Eberron, and 2 unnamed worlds that will be all of WOTCs D&D worlds for 3.5..
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:25 pm
by Rob-hin
[QUOTE=jopperm2]Greyhawk is the base world, Dragonlance is discontinued.[/QUOTE]
Woops, I know that. Didn't have my head screwed on when I posted.
Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:06 pm
by The Great Hairy
[QUOTE=Rob-hin]Woops, I know that. Didn't have my head screwed on when I posted.
Probably too busy fanatising about your avatar. Again. Weren't you??
I think Dragonlance 3.5 is being done by a third party, like Ravenloft and Dark Sun. I'm certain I've seen the Dragonlance 3rd Edition base book at my games store, but I could not tell you who it was published by. Check EnWorld, it is probably listed there.
Generally, I wasn't into Dragonlance. It never thrilled me. That and SpellJammer seemed too... I dunno... too silly for my tastes.
Edit: Oh, and I *hate* kender. Stupid little hobbit wannabes.
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:04 pm
by iron30
RE: Well to each their own
Kender are definitely not hobbit wanabes they where footwear unlike
haflings and hobbits which are much close in description then a Kender ever could be. Obviously you never given Dragonlance a fair shake though so I wouldndn't expect you to know
. I am not much for Spelljammer either but I do actually play in spelljammer campaign and I it is available in my campaign as well just not encouraged. Sorry for the late reply.
Dragonlance is the best campaign setting on the prime material plane.
Planescape is the best campaign setting period.
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:30 pm
by Rob-hin
What's so good about Dragonlance?
I too never played it.
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 1:58 pm
by melancolly
I used to play in a dragonlance campaign it was good , but i didnt like kender ,one of my fellow players (a grumpy dwarf) shot another player (a kender) with a crossbow when his excuse "i was just looking after it" didnt wash
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 3:59 pm
by Aegis
From my understanding, Dragonlance was a low level campaign setting. The tennants of Good, neutral and evil were all clearly defined by the tree main Gods, I think being Paladin, Tahkisis and Gideon, though I may be wrong.
Not only that, but it really had a nice, fleshed out history which, I felt, was a lot better than anything found in the Forgotten Realms books or setting.
Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 5:19 pm
by The Great Hairy
[QUOTE=iron30]Kender are definitely not hobbit wanabes they where footwear unlike
haflings and hobbits which are much close in description then a Kender ever could be. [/QUOTE]
Halflings are hobbits. The only reason ADnD used Halfling is because the Tolkien estate threatened to sue (and halfling is actually used in LotR as a desciptor for the hobbits at one point).
[QUOTE=iron30]Obviously you never given Dragonlance a fair shake though so I wouldndn't expect you to know
. I am not much for Spelljammer either but I do actually play in spelljammer campaign and I it is available in my campaign as well just not encouraged. Sorry for the late reply.
Dragonlance is the best campaign setting on the prime material plane.
Planescape is the best campaign setting period.[/QUOTE]
I've only played Dragonlance once or twice, many years ago. I didn't enjoy it for several reasons - mind you my memory is a little fuzzy, so I can't fully remember much beyond Kender being 100% annoying. So, yeah, I probably didn't give it a fair shake!
I do agree with your assessment of Planescape.
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 2:17 pm
by Rob-hin
Not only that, but it really had a nice, fleshed out history which, I felt, was a lot better than anything found in the Forgotten Realms books or setting.[/QUOTE]
When I read all tons of books about the FR i'd say it's pretty impressive and nearly impossible to beat. The history, countries and gods really evolved over the years. Plus there are a lot of story books about it.
On the other hand, there are a zillion storybooks based in Dragonlance. They are pretty impressive in numbers. I can't say much anout the quality though, never really read them yet...
Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 4:46 pm
by The Great Hairy
I've read some of the FR books - mostly R A Salvatore, but some Rose Estases (sp?) as well. The Salvatore books were okay, but Driz'zt should die. Horribly.
I think Greyhawk really suffered from not having any books written for it (NO. There were NO books written for Greyhawk. <fingers in ears> I can't hear you, la la la!!!).
I haven't read much of the DL books, just the first trilogy (can't even remember the names of it now) and it didn't really grab me. Wasn't bad, but wasn't brilliant. I did have several RPGing friends who tell me that the books went rapidly downhill, but I can't verify that.