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2 Person party
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:20 am
by Raven_Song
I'm thinking of starting a 2 character party consisting of
Aasimar (LG) Sorcerer (with Paladin mix-in) > Evocation Specialist with elemental feats
Drow (LE) Sorceress (with Dreadmaster mix-in) > Enchantment, Necromancy and Transmutation specialist
Will this combination survive? I'm unsure as I never usually play sorcerers.
Any suggestions regarding the builds or indeed spell selections would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:29 am
by Iliphar Nelnuve
Okk it seems cool indeed.
I started playing with sorcerer and the difference with a simple mage is awesome (with high charisma, you just blast everything).
I'm now in Chult, and I killed ALL the Yuan-ti with my sorcerer with 3 mirror image, 2 haste, and some mass bombing spells (DBFB, skulltrap, wail, etc..).
My other characters had just to stand back and watch the reptilians suffer to death...whouahouahoua!!!
I personnaly would take a drow and a deep gnome (the special abilities are so cool (Blur, invis., MI, for free onece per day....what could you ask more?)).
Take the drow as sorcerer paladin, and the gnome as dreadmaster would be my advice..
BTW, I would personnaly take a 3rd character (a mage for the scrolls!!!) because the XP difference doesn't hurt so much.
I'll think about it a little more
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:20 am
by Raven_Song
I decided to make the dreadmaster a drow because I only wanted a few levels mainly for the special (-2 to will saves) which I thought would work well with greater spell focus: enchantment. That way I could multiclass to sorcerer without any XP penalty. To be honest I've never found much use for full time clerics, aside from summoning unded, as their healing capabilities can be easily duplicated through the use of potions, scrolls and the ever useful Reload.
The aasimar was chosen because paladin/sorcerer can multiclass without penalty and seeing as this was to be my elemental magic specialist the racial resistances couldn't hurt (and with 20 charisma saves against other spells would be impressive anyway)
I was actually thiniking of taking a bard type third character to make use of the quite useful items (I really like the horn) Maybe I'll make this third character a Deep Gnome starting as a bard (3) rogue (2) then switching to Illusionist around level 6. He/she would make an excellent decoy/scout/loremaster/thief and at higher levels support caster.
Still nothing is written is stone, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:47 am
by silverdragon72
I'm thinking of starting a 2 character party consisting of
Aasimar (LG) Sorcerer (with Paladin mix-in) > Evocation Specialist with elemental feats
Drow (LE) Sorceress (with Dreadmaster mix-in) > Enchantment, Necromancy and Transmutation specialist
Will this combination survive? I'm unsure as I never usually play sorcerers.
Any suggestions regarding the builds or indeed spell selections would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]
I use the aasimar pal 2 / sorc X myself in a party of 6 and she is quite powerfull!
most important spells:
chromatic orb, MI, blink, blur, fireball, fireshield (both), DBFB, icelance, finger and/or disintegrate, WoB, mass dominate, (imp.) haste, (imp.) invisibility, m-sword, tensers
most important feats: GSF evocation, necro & fire
also the drow seems to be a good choice for a party of 2!
as they will level up extremly fast, they will be 2 or 3 spell-levels higher in normal as they should...-...and sorcs have the best use of these additional levels!
...only problem is that they won't get any EXP besides quest EXP at some point!
Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:45 pm
by Heidrek
The biggest problems will be in the early game (prologue and Chapter 1). With no muscle to back up your spells it'll be hard to hold off multiple attackers, even if they are only goblins and Orcs.
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 1:39 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Heidrek]The biggest problems will be in the early game (prologue and Chapter 1). With no muscle to back up your spells it'll be hard to hold off multiple attackers, even if they are only goblins and Orcs.[/QUOTE]
...would suggest to take the 2 pally levels 1st !
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:27 am
by Raven_Song
I got round that by switiching the Aasimar paladin/sorcerer for a deep gnome rogue/fighter combo.
The first two chapters were on the whole fairly easy, i only really started encountering problems when i hit the Goblin Warren/Hoarde Fortress and that was mainly due to the massive number of enemies I was facing, that and the fact I had to level squat to keep the experience points per kill worth all the hassle.
Was just beginning chapter 2 after levelling and my squad would have looked something like
Zook "Ashhearth" NE Deep Gnome Rogue (3) Fighter (4) Illusionist (2)
He dual wields short blades (Shame of Thy Duang & Letto's End) > Deep Gnomes = way over rated
Alauniira Xarann LE Drow Dreadmaster of Bane (1) Sorcerer (9)
She has spell focus in Enchantment, Evocation, Necromancy and Spirit of Flame - when not casting she uses a bow Sophia's Arc = one of the best characters I've ever created
but unfortunately had some problems with my hard drive and a bunch of files got corrupted so once the problems have been sorted looks likes I'm starting over. (Probably with a 4 person party)
Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:38 am
by silverdragon72
[QUOTE=Raven_Song] Zook "Ashhearth" NE Deep Gnome Rogue (3) Fighter (4) Illusionist (2)
He dual wields short blades (Shame of Thy Duang & Letto's End) > Deep Gnomes = way over rated[/QUOTE]
would have used a drow instead and taken a "normal" wizard...
...but if you give him some time (more wiz levels) he will get quite powerfull !
...would also think about a few barb levels for some more melee capabilty and extra speed!