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At last!

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2000 6:09 pm
by The_Pope
I have an announcement to make.

At long last, after playing a few weeks, every day, I'm about to finish the game. I went through every single little futile corner of the game and man, I'm darn proud of it!

I stopped with this savegame a while coz I wanted to try out an evil party, but I missed my old one and now I'm back. Today, I've been playing for rwelve hours straight and now I'm standing in front of the Suldanesselar Palace. Phew...
Tomorrow will be the big day.

Here's a question:
It's almost unimaginable...
Play it again, I guess.

I say: Baldur's Gate II, Game of the Year!
And I'm sure you all agree.


Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2000 6:17 pm
by Seabass
Hell Yeah
All I've been doing is playing this shit since I got it, Im hooked, and I'm wanting more... what I'm saying is:

where the hell is BG III?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2000 6:43 pm
by flinfman
Congrats there Your Holiness. I've run through it twice and am going through it a third time and it's addictive as hell. Which sucks when you're trying to have a life outside of the game... Image

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2000 9:02 pm
by Rail
Life outside the game?!? I've heard of it, but I just can't believe it!

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 12:47 am
by mikel
Trust me, there is more in the world than BG2.
Currently I can't remember what, but everytime I meet my boss he tells me I've to solve all problems of that world and to do it asap.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 12:51 am
by Nick_Dude
I heard that you can import your BG2 character to Never Winter Nights. And did you hear anything about the x-pack coming out? It would be realy neat if they made one. Maybe they will make a romance for all the poor dwarves, gnomes, half-lings and half-orcs out there?

[This message has been edited by Nick_Dude (edited 12-27-2000).]

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 12:55 am
by Rail
I agree with the romances for dwarves, etc. How about a female to romance that isn't an elf. Not that I have anything against elves, but come on! Let's have some variety.
An NPC monk, barbarian, sorceror, or half-orc would be nice, too.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 1:21 am
by Lich_Lord
You can import your bg2 character to NWN but you have to start from level 7 or whatever the starting level is, which is quite a shame

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 7:58 am
by Gruntboy
I say, play an evil party, play a good party. Play a man, play a woman. Play all the different classes and kits. Play it solo. Play it with romances, or without (solo, heh heh) And if that 'ain't enough, go back and do BG1 so you can import your character. Got Icewind Dale?

Plenty of hours there my man.

Oink Oink!

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 1:28 pm
by The_Pope
Yep, got Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment and BGI. Finished them all...

Well, today was the big day.
Irenicus was such a wuss!
I drank one potion, cast one spell (True Sight), and still I kicked his @$$ the first try. Anomen was stunned, Aerie didn't do no shit, and all Imoen did was running away from Irenicus who was chasing her as the Slayer.

Before I started the battle, I thought "well, this is it, it's gonna be tough, get that Slayer button ready!" But NO way! He was easy!!! And I'm playing hard for difficulty setting!!!
Truly, he was tougher to kill the first time (in the tree). Geez.

By the way, the end movie is just begging for a sequel/expansion! Yes! YES!!! YEEEEES!!!!! There is hope.

I thought of going through the game another way, but it just looks so boring doing all those quest again! I really did EVERYTHING the first time, except for the quests of the NPCs I didn't have in my party.
Well, I'm feeling down...
Boo-hoo-hoooo.... It's over, it's finally over... It didn't look *that* long. Then again, it probably *was* longer.

Any advice?


Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 5:45 pm
by Seabass
Shit man your not playing again?
Im starting my second time as a Palading, and comparing it to my first time as a Mage the game is totally different.
Definite replay value

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2000 6:17 pm
by XtraniuM
well, if you did all the side-quest.. you got all the great stuff + the extra exp, no wonder he was easy...


[This message has been edited by XtraniuM (edited 12-27-2000).]

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2000 7:52 am
by Chrissy
I also did most of the side-quests and Irenicus the slayer was a piece of cake to me too. (I was very very disappointed) Anyway, I am trying the game as a male now, but the first dungeon is so damn boring I keep quiting and doing other useless stuff, like posting here.
I know really should be studying now since I have time... Don't think so, acute lack of willpower.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2000 9:06 am
by Gruntboy
So if you've done the replays and got all the others what advice do you want? (Are you sure you've found *everything*).

I'm no zen master but I say go back to work (or study).

If you've found everything you must have neglected some other part of your life.

I can talk!

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2000 10:05 am
by Chrissy
Do you know how hard it is to focus on your study when you've done it all before last year?
Yes you're right, apparently I didn't do good enough... Sigh. Otherwise I'd be working my butt off at Med-school right now. Anyway, this your I'm taking it slow, following the three courses I failed and working two days a week.
And school is a piece of cake now. This is actually a good thing since I can focus on my writing (I sure hope mom doesn't read this... nope she won't..). Next year I will join our country's most exciting lottery.... Do I get in to Medschool? I'll know in May... that's a long wait...

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2000 10:13 am
by Gruntboy
Chrissy, you won't be able to p*ss your time away in forums like this when you're at medschool. Bummer. I have a dutch mate called Alex (do you know him? *grin*) who had a nightmare waiting to know if he made it inot law school over there? Are all subjects like that?

Not sure if I could handle that. Nope, give me a work-a-day job, an office to hide in and an internet connection.

Doesn't give me as much time to play BG2 so I've yet to finish it. What will I do when I get to the originally posted question? BG4 will probably be out.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2000 10:27 am
by Chrissy
What am I going to do when I've finished the game... I have.
Okay, next year, hopefully, I'll be studying my ass off... I have hopes. This year I'll just stick to studying a little on the side and try to finish my story.

Anyway, nope, not all subjects are like that. I didn't even know there was a numerus fixus (official name for lottery) for lawschool. You sure that's what he was going for? As far as I know lawschool is the cheapest subject for our country. (yes, I do mean the country, not the inhabitants) But on the other hand, it's a very popular subject too.. So what do I know. Maybe he had a special location in mind.
And I don't know any Axels... or do I.. Nope, don't think so. You'll be surprised at how many Dutch peopel I don't know.

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2000 8:55 pm
by Grimm Battlebones
Has anybody heard anything about BG3?


Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2000 1:39 pm
by The_Pope
Yes I'm pretty damn sure I did every little thing. I checked out every area again, nothing. I checked out a couple of walkthroughs, nothing.

Some people say I couldn't've done it all in the short time I've been playing it. They were such asses! In the free time I've had recently I've been playing every day for about 10 hours at least. A few days ago I found myself having played for over (well, I started at 11.00 am and quit at 6.00 am) 19 hours straight! Not bad, is it? Alright I stopped a few times to eat. Well... to go get food to eat that food in front of my computer. Geez I was hooked real bad! Now that I think about it... I was obsessed! That's over now. It's all over!!! NOOOOO!!! I don't wanna stop! I want BG3!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2000 1:42 pm
by Drakron Du´Dark
Get a grip on yourself man.
I am still on Chapter 2 trying(Very Hard) to do all quests in the game, it´s my 12 replay.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you."
Friedrich Nietzsche