[QUOTE=tamenrot]And, Jandau, which non-multiplayer rpgs would you recommend me? Multiplayer option is to play with friends, but sometimes there are things a man has to do on its own, hehe

And some afternoons you are alone and want to turn on the pc and play a bit

Oh, I thought you were going for the multiplay thing. Well, if it's SP you want:
Planescape: Torment - A unique game by all accounts. Excellent dialogues, memorable NPCs, great story. Combat is a bit sucky, but only a little, and it's totaly worth it!
Fallout 1&2 - Somewhat lacking in the graphics department, but makes up for it with story, setting, combat.... basically everything else! True classics in every sense of the word.
Knights of the Old Republic - I agree NWN was a letdown, but Bioware more than made up for it with this game. Good story, good graphics, fun gameplay... The only problem is that some people have an innate disgust of the Star Wars universe, but in this case, it's their loss...
Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines - One of the most interesting games of the year. Great story, marvelous atmosphere and a memorable setting. Sufferes from bugs, but still a great experience. Even the music kicks arse!
Deus Ex - A FPS/RPG hybrid, but an excellent one, offering various methods of completing missions depending on your character development and playing style. Don't touch it if you don't like FPS games.
Arcanum - Piss poor graphics, a bit buggy and unbalanced. That's the downside. Great story, fun character development and a marvelous setting. Personally, I never cared much for it, but I know a dozen gamers who swear by it. Worth taking a look at (renting it)
Temple of Elemental Evil - Very few games follow 3rd Ed DnD as close as this one. Based on the old DnD module of the same name, this is a fun turn-based tactical RPG that suffers from an above average buggyness. Patching is a must
Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption - Set in the same universe a bloodlines, this older hack & slash RPG can offer hours of fun, a nice story and an involving atmosphere
You should be able to get PS:T and FO1&2 dirt cheap in budget packs. Bloodlines and KotOR are the most recent titles on that list, so they require at least a decent computer, and ToEE won't exactly run on a 486...
Well, this should get you started