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What cleric

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What cleric

Post by Coot »

Right now I'm going through BG1 with a human cleric. His alignment is chaotic good, which means that, in BG2, he'll be a cleric of Lathander.
I suppose the difference between the cleric kits isn't all that big, but how would you compare the three? Which kits has the most (dis-)advantages? Is there a big difference between strongholds?
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Post by Julian »

I have played with a priest of talos, and halfway with a priest of lathander. Major differences are storm shield and boon of lathander. And the alignment. I prefer the lathanderite because he gets Holy Smite and talos does not. But really it comes down to RP
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Post by Deadalready »

Personally I like the priests of Helm for their Seeking Sword and True sight abilities. Seeking sword does become a useless weapon later on but is truely invaluble for the early part of the game untill you find the Fail of the Ages.

I especially like the inate true sight ability which is absolutely perfect for freeing up spaces in your mages' and priests' spell slots for more Mass Cures or Death Spells.

True Sight is an absolutely awesome spell that you absolutely need.


I have also tried a Priest of Lathander and it proved somewhat interesting, though his abilities I never really used since I'm really not keen on buffing before battle unless it was extremely tough. The Boon of Lathander is interesting though I never used it due to short duration and hold undead wasn't that effective since it seemed to only work on one monster at a time (if any).


The evil priests have stormshield or something that protects from elemental damage that I find frankly useless due to the amount of elemental damage that is life threatening. Lightning cast is pretty useless to due to the fact you can get nice wands of it that cast 5 targeted bolts for one charge, but I never use it in parties since it hurts them more than the enemy.
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Post by dj_venom »

I think only evil clerics can turn undead onto your side.
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Post by Andyr »

Yes, Commanding Undead is something only Evil clerics can do.

As for the kits, you might be interested in the Cleric Remix mod at which rebalances the class and existing kits and adds a selection of new deities to choose from. :)

It is still at beta though, so beware it is not completely done. But by and large it is functional.
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Post by SP101 »

If you want to go with a Kit, go with Helm or Talos.

Priests of Helm get both Unholy and Holy powers, and have True Sight.

Talasians receive poor innates abilities but their "Turn Undead" is a (powerful) "Charm Undead".
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Post by Coot »

Thanx for the advice, all. I'm going for Helm. :)
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Post by Foodgeek »

I started recently myself, as a cleric of lathander. I've been having fun casting hold undead on vampires. :)
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