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Links to Moon's Soul Gems???

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 5:06 pm
by dragon wench
I have just spent quite a long time searching around Google for the Moon's Soul Gems mod. Maybe I'm blind, but I have had no success, so if somebody could tell me where I can find it I'd very appreciative. If allowed by the site(s).. links an actual page would be great. :)

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:44 pm
by fable
Is this a retexturing mod? Or one that adds a merchant selling soul gems? Or something else?

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:49 pm
by dragon wench
It is a retexturing mod. DM listed it in the mod sticky thread, and I thought it would be nice to have just for aesthetics.

Note, I just went through all of the mods listed in the 'Tweaks' categories at The Summit, and it did not show up.
Not a big deal, but if it is out there it would be fun to have.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 8:01 pm
by fable
I think I saw it once on Euro-RPG, but that site's down while migrating to new equipment. You might try All That Glitters, which changes textures and models on a variety of gems, including soul gems. You can find it here.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:59 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
soul gem replacer retextured by Infectious Moon

This plugin is a retextured version of NelothsMouth's Soulgem replacer to make them closer to bethesda's colors, the plugin is packaged as an esp so that NelothsMouth's mod isn't needed.
Please note: NelothsMouth's Soulgem Replacer, mustn't be active in conjuction with this plugin.

Yes it is on Summit...

But to save your time here is link just for you.. ... ulgems.rar

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:12 am
by dragon wench

Aargh.. though it is on File Planet... *sigh* I really try to avoid them, they make you jump through far too many hoops to register, request too much information, and once you are actually in the site it is really clunky for navigation, with frequent extensive download times.
Ah well, cheers for the info, at least I know now where the mod can be found.


Okay.. that was just weird. After seeing where the file was located, at the Summit, and then ending up at File Planet... I closed down my browser completely which is set to not retain cookies once I exit. Then wondering if I could recall any of the emails and passwords I had submitted there in the past I reopened my browser and tried several, and suddenly ended up at the page where the Soul Gem file was located, which I downloaded. Curious, I clicked out and then once more I tried the last combination of email and password I had entered into File Planet.. but no luck at getting in. :confused: lol! Was my one success an accidental hack? :D

Anyway, I have the file, and cheers for the information. If you want to close the thread Fable, go for it :p ;)

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:46 am
by fable
You don't have to register to use the free servers for FilePlanet. Depending upon the time of day (or night) that can mean a wait, but I usually put it behind work, and let the alarm tell me when it's my turn.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 1:49 am
by dragon wench
Although before I accidentally got in to File Planet, I got a screen telling me I needed to log in.... :confused:

No worries though, it could be just me having a "blond moment"

Incidentally, I just installed the mod, I much prefer the new textures, especially the grand soul gems; they look very nice on my shelves :cool:

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 7:01 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
well as for that link.. i got it from summit..

Yes you do need to log in... but sometimes you can just download things when you want.. without need to log in..

But as for registration.. if i am right on this matter... you need to register to use those free servers... and if you dont like to wait.. you need to advance your registery and start paying..

And as for many accounts in fileplanet... you aren't the only one... just write down your E-mail adress and password and you should be fine.. well it worked for me...

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:11 am
by fable
But as for registration.. if i am right on this matter... you need to register to use those free servers... and if you dont like to wait.. you need to advance your registery and start paying..

I've never had to register. However, FilePlanet *is* very good at giving the impression that you need to register. It's only after leading your to the registration screen, if I recall correctly, that you can read text indicating there are servers requiring no registration at all. Very sneaky, that.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:18 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Well... ARGHH... this pointless.. belive what you belive..

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 9:24 am
by fable
Wrath, this isn't a matter of belief. It's a matter of establishing fact. :D I'll go to Summit and attempt to download something later through FilePlanet, and see if registration's required. I'll also make sure first that I don't have any cookies for the place.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:00 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
1. This is based on my own exprerience..

2. You can download stuff from fileplanet.. but only one of ten is chance to download stuff without creating profile/account/other similar pointless words.. or need to log in (reason why i avoid logging out)
So it is smart to create profile/account/other similar pointless words.. so you can use free servers without that annoying log in thing..

3. You can start to paying to fileplanet so that you can use those better servers but i wouldn't recomend it..

Is there something to add Dear Fable?

But if you ask me.. You should be banned due to your nasty habbit of leading these threads off topic..

So moderators please ban Fable for 2 weeks.. or what ever is your custom..

But if you ban Fable perhaps you should also ban me too.. well not becuse leading people to off topic.. but becuse i will mostly start type off topic things..


Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:05 am
by dragon wench
lol! :D

Okay, I was not very clear last night, so I'll try to better desribe what happened:

1. I saw Wrath's link and clicked on it
2. The link took me to a File Planet registration page, with no sight of the mod in question
3. I cursed
4. I headed to the Summit, found the mod creator, and found the mod that way
5. I clicked on "Download"
6. I ended up at File Planet's registration screen, with the download itself nowhere in sight
7. I cursed
8. I COMPLETELY shut down my browser, which is set to not retain cookies once I exit
9. I decided to see if any of the email and password combinations I had previously used at File Planet would work, so I reopened my browser and went to The Summit and from there ended up at the File Planet registration page again. I cursed
10. I attempted various password and email combinations, finally one seemed to work, and I magically landed at the links to download the mod, which I quickly grabbed
11. Curious, (and for future reference), I once more entirely clicked out of File Planet and attempted to log in again via the email and passowrd combo that had seemingly worked.... but no success...
12. I cursed :D

:confused: Unless I need to try actually downloading something via The Summit to get into the system and bypass the registration??? :confused:

Hmmm... Maybe the thread title should be changed to "Protocols for File Planet Downloads" :D I know it has little to do with Morrowind itself, but since many of us do download mods, I suppose it is somewhat instructive :p

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:25 am
by fable
Yep! You're both right. :) I *do* have a fake cookie I set up a year ago for FilePlanet, and use that. But since FilePlanet doesn't require a genuine registration, why not save yourself the trouble, and create a false portrait? Give 'em nothing they can use to contact you: false email, false address, false name. If I recall correctly, mine was nabbed (except for the email, of course) from an old American radio show called Fibber McGee and Molly. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:27 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg

Why bother with all that?


That works always..

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 11:31 am
by fable
Yeah. But my reply's got class. :D

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 12:15 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
[QUOTE=fable]Yeah. But my reply's got class. :D [/QUOTE]

Yeah right.. :rolleyes:

Nah.. forget it..

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 5:03 pm
by fable
Looks like I was wrong about being wrong. There are several threads up in the TES forums, including one today, about how it's possible to download from public servers of FilePlanet while still unregistered.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 8:04 pm
by dragon wench
Cheers! I'll check it out later on :cool: