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Dance Floor Secret!!

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 9:37 pm
by Grimly Fiendish
So I hit the dance floor and decided to take a break. Lit a cig, got a beer, etc... and I kind of spaced out there for a few minutes and watched my dreadlocked Gangrel shake his booty. After about 4 or 5 minutes I heard the "woooooommmm" sound when the game is giving you something, looked at the screen, and it said "Humanity Gained: 1"

To double check I went to a different club, and after dancing there for about 5 straight minutes, I was given another point of humanity.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 4:33 pm
by pennypincher
Heh! This one is prolly a little "Gimmie" for the people who played the Table Top game I would guess.


Characters of low humanity have difficulty remembering what it was like to interact with people, feel human emotoins, carry on a conversation about human things, partake in human activities. They often find their interactions turning to blood... Their conversations becoming about power, blood or both... Their emotoins limited to Greed, Hunger, Hatred and Fear... However:
By imersing ones-self in humanity in some way, and really touching the heart of what it was to be human, you can reclaim some of your lost humanity. These things, in a simple RPG, might be something like totaly imersing yourself in dancing, pressed up close against hot, sweaty mortal bodies, losing yourself to the passion of music without thinking about hunger or rage... Just dancing because.. It's fun, and it's what people do.
Now, it would be a pretty average ST who said "You dance, so your more human" but I can see how in this system it was nice of them to throw it in... You just sorta, need to fill in the blanks in your head.. What must it be like for an emotoinless feeding machine to suddenly be lost in revelry and dance? To see people smiling and dancing with him/her and not think "I'm going to kill you and feast on the hot vitae that pours from your still beating heart.. er.. I mean.. Hello"

So, um, yeah.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:39 am
by losombra
thanks for the tip

undefinedundefined[QUOTE=Grimly Fiendish]So I hit the dance floor and decided to take a break. Lit a cig, got a beer, etc... and I kind of spaced out there for a few minutes and watched my dreadlocked Gangrel shake his booty. After about 4 or 5 minutes I heard the "woooooommmm" sound when the game is giving you something, looked at the screen, and it said "Humanity Gained: 1"

To double check I went to a different club, and after dancing there for about 5 straight minutes, I was given another point of humanity.[/QUOTE]

Man thanks for the tip on gaining more humanity,I was having a little trouble
keeping it up( :p ) after some of the side missions
thanks again

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 7:37 am
by Suicide Girl
I once tried dancing in Confessions (still feel guilty about it) but it just switches to first-person view so I can't see anything. :mad: LOL

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:02 am
by fable
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