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HoTU-- Shaori's Fell 5 shards, stuck.....could be spoiler.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:52 pm
by Rayne416
I have 4 of the 5 piecs of shard that I need to take back to the fool...I am ALMOST sure that the last shard is in the Evil Temple. There is a pile of bones on the floor, but it is totally blocked by a wall of water that I cannot go through. There are 3 chains right in front of the wall. I tried pulling them all, but nothing happened. Is there a special thing to do with the chains? Am I in the right place for the last of my 5 shards? :confused:

Help please!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:41 pm
by Fat Puck
If you're sure you have 4 shards, go to speak to the fool. There should be the evil Red sister (Sabala is her name, I think). She has it: you must defeat her.

However, did you get the one in the temple by making the challenge of the priest?


Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 2:21 am
by Mellypie
You get one shard from the Merchant, one from the priest (by either killing him or finishing the challenge), one from the Medusa in the Library, one from the apprentice in the Wizard's Tower, and the one from Sabal after you kill her.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:09 pm
by rhe777
Mirror (spoiler)

I have three mirror shards. 1 from the slacker merchant, 2 from medusa and 3 from the apprentice. I can't get into the temple to look by the bones. I must have killed the priest (about four weeks ago, I can't remember and there is nothing left of him when I killed him) and I can't find this other chick that has the 5th one. WTF.
How do I get into the evil temple past the rain/force field????
OR, Where can I find this chick that has the fifth piece.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 1:21 am
by Nagroth
@rhe777 : as Mellypie said, you donĀ“t need to get through the forcefield, the evil priest has the shard. The fifth shard is with Sabal, whom you can find in the Castle with the Fool.