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Im a Mage/Fighter elf new to the game, how can i train my character?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:06 pm
by Lyran
Hi im a level 7 mage/fighter elf.
How can i get into lots of combat and be able to use magic to train up my characters without going after quests?
It needs to be outside the city so i can use magic without being hunted by the cowld whizards (spelling :confused: ).
Any ideas?
And it needs to be quite ok training something that wont take about 5 hours to get up a lvl.
Thanks sorry if i sound newbish and ungrateful.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:47 pm
by Qwinn
What do you have against doing the quests?

Honestly, that's the best way to get the training (and equipment, which is also necessary) that you're looking for.

None of them will force you to use magic where the Cowled Wizards will get you.

I recommend doing the Slaver quests in the Copper Coronet and then Nalia's Keep first.

Really, the more I think about it, I don't think what you're asking for exists. Virtually all combat in the game is tied into a quest somewhere.

Completing quests gets you very significant experience rewards too, above and beyond what you get through combat.


Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 5:06 pm
by VonDondu
You can cast magic inside the city of Athkatla without attracting the Cowled Wizards if you are indoors. For example, you can cast as many spells as you like inside the Copper Coronet, or the Den of Seven Vales, or the Circus Tent, or in the sewers under the Temple District, etc. You don't really need to cast many spells in the streets as long as you buff up your characters indoors before you head out into the streets. You might get attacked by a few muggers, but there aren't many encounters you can't avoid before you (SPOILERS--highlight to read) a) buy a magic license, or b) kill every Cowled Enforcer you meet until they stop sending them after you.

If you're just starting out, there are several excellent quests that you can do right after you escape Irenicus's dungeon. In no particular order, there's the Circus Tent, a quest in the back rooms of the Copper Coronet, a quest you can get from the Shadow Thief leader in the Docks District, and a few easy encounters in the Graveyard District, and a clue in the Graveyard District that will lead you to a couple of easy quests in the Bridge District. When you go on your first quest outside of Athkatla, the D'Arnise quest is probably best for beginners.

If you want a "trainer" that doesn't involve quests, you can summon monsters with the cheat codes and pick any that you think are suitable. If you want to create a group of monsters (that is, more than one) before you launch an attack, just move your cursor to a part of the map where your character is off the screen. The monsters you create will be in the middle of your screen, where they can't see your character. Then you can sneak up on them or charge them or do whatever you like. Just make sure you don't kill any innocent bystanders with a stray lightning bolt or something, or your Reputation will decrease.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:22 pm
by Raumoheru
correct me if i am wrong but u can go to the government district and pay 500 gold to get a magic liscense. they are just like real life peeps, they dont want to make sure magic is safe they just want to make people pay to cast it. :rolleyes:

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:25 pm
by Qwinn
It's 5000, not 500. Big difference.


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 10:29 am
by Lyran
Hmm 5000 maybe ill do some quests and save up for it, thanks, im going to make a new account full mage instead of mage/fighter.
You get enough fighters at the start.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 4:37 am
by Deadalready
I suggest fighting the Cowled Wizards!!!

Money, experience and heaps of fun without having to do any quests. Zallanora is also a pretty tasty meal at the end and you'll end up with a set of high level scrolls and Laetarals Tears at the end.

Go into the street where there's no civillians (like the top of the copper coronet) and then cast stoneskin and let the games begin.

(Killing the Cowled Wizards is one of my favourite things to do)