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Chapel Of Skorm

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:41 pm
by Backlash
Chapel of Skorm.....

Does anyone know how to give offerings at the Chapel of Skorm I know it sounds like a stupid question but I just can't seem to figure out how to give sacrfifices so please someone reply :confused:

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 9:45 am
by nigga on toast
That's a stupid question but if you really want to know i'll tell you.

what you do is you get the people to follow you but if you teleport the people won't follow you, so you need to walk to the chapel of skorm, but if you don't know where that is its next to the darkwood camp and if you don't know where that is your no far through the game, after you have got the person or persons to follow you head to the chapel of skorm, you talk to the one of the chaps there and he ask's you if you want to sacrifice the person so you say yes and you see the person burn and then you see the person disapear. :D

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:47 pm
by Alien_Newborn
Man, your run-on sentence structure is painful to read. :(

That having been said, allow me to shed some light on other important points to sacrifices. First of all, sacrifices at the chapel are the only way to retrieve a certain kick-arse artifact (which I won't spoil unless you want me to). Secondly, and contrary to popular belief, it doesn't matter WHO you sacrifice, so long as you do it (eg. you'll get the same kudos for giving a commoner as you would a mercenary or bandit). And, most importantly, the time of day at which you sacrifice changes the results. Sacrifices are most potent at midnight (which makes sense, considering Skorm is lord of the night and all those other dark things), earning you up to 10x the amount of evil points than if you were to sacrifice during the day.

Keep to that, and you'll be spouting horns and sporting legendary gothic weaponry in no time at all.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 2:21 pm
by Backlash
ok then i'll go and try that now.

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:56 pm
by joeko
[QUOTE=Alien_Newborn]Man, your run-on sentence structure is painful to read. :( [/QUOTE]

Thank you!!!!!

[QUOTE=Alien_Newborn]Secondly, and contrary to popular belief, it doesn't matter WHO you sacrifice, so long as you do it (eg. you'll get the same kudos for giving a commoner as you would a mercenary or bandit).[/QUOTE]

No harm intended but it does matter... henchman are considered better sacrifices :D

What you can do Backlash is go to the chapel all by yourself and then teleport to Oakvale and go hire the henchman... once he's following you (make sure you have quite a few golds as they will charge you quite often) teleport back to the chapel but DO NOT sacrifice him yet... instead teleport once again, this time around to either the Temple of Avo or Bowerstone South (at the tavern).. you can have a maximum of to henchman with you but you could go sacrifice the one of the ones you've got and then teleport back to pick up the one you left (be it the one at the temple or the one at bowerstone).

There's another henchman, the one in the bandit camp, there's a cool tip on that one... you can go hire him and once he's following you make the bandits giggle twice and at that point they'll follow you and since you have the hench man with you they'll teleport too!!!! far out stuff :D so you can take a few with you and sacrifice a good amount of suckers :D LMAO

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 3:53 pm
by Randafari
"...of little use..."

I'm evil, so It is hard to find people to follow me to the chapel of skorm. I usually bring traders and bandits from Twinblade's Camp and the guys there, after sacrificing them, tell me that they are "little of use". Anyone got any ideas how I am to get other people? Or do I just keep using Bandits and Mercs?

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 5:33 pm
by joeko
try to get them there at night and try taking a few.. 2, 3 or more if you can, the servants at the chapel will tell you it is of little use no matter who the sacrifice is.

Try what I said on my previous post, that should help out.