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Announcing the Song and Silence mod.

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:24 am
by Andyr
The Gibberlings Three are pleased to announce the Song and Silence mod!

Song and Silence is a WeiDU mod which seeks to expand possibilities for players of Bards and Thieves in BG2 or BG1 Tutu. Base classes and kits are modified, new kits are added, and there are even new items to discover!

To find out more about the mod, visit the webpage:

Or go to the forum (guest posting is allowed):

The mod is still in development but a playable release is not far off.

We'd welcome any comments or suggestions people have. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:57 am
by Coot
- The Dirgesinger, Gypsy and Chorister seem the most original and appealing to me. Maybe you can turn Xan into a Dirgesinger? It would certainly fit his personality!
- I like the Soulknife (Psylocke? ;) ) as well, especially the way he grows more powerful as he levels up.
- All the kits are very balanced. That's good, bards and thieves were never meant to be (very) powerful.
- The Acrobat and the Thiefkits don't seem that original to me, I'm sorry to say :( . They just swap skills a little. And what makes the Acrobat an acrobat?

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:56 pm
by Andyr
The Dirgesinger, Soulknife, Burglar, Adventurer and Acrobat and Gypsy are based on pnp kits/prestige classes while the others are my own invention. Glad you like them. :) And yeh, balance is very important to us.

With regards to the acrobat, I've had a few suggestions for different abilities so that might change.

About thieves and skills, I guess you mean the Burglar? The difference between a kitless thief and one may be more pronounced at low levels but yeh, at higher levels the skill swap will be less important. Still, traps and proficiencies are still different...