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HELP!! Can't kill Master!! (spoiler)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:29 am
by Rayne416
Ok, I cannot seem to figure out how to kill the Master in the Ruins: level Three. He casts Bigby's crushing hand , then I am automatically a gonner :(
Then he turns into some kinda dragon with a lot of arms , but I die before I even get the chance to hit it.

Any tips on how to get through this would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:45 am
by Xandax
I take it this is in HotU expansion....

As always. Buff up to the best you can, potions, spells/scrolls, equiptment etc...

But withouth knowing what kind of class and if you have henchmen with you, it is rather difficult in advicing.
You could also try leaving and coming back later in the game, when you are stronger/more powerful.
Also if you are meele, remember to buff up your weapons at the drow blacksmith in the "town"/camp.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:12 pm
by Greywolfe
Same Problem

I am also having the same Problem. I am playing a Paldin (Champion of Torm) I start the fight and do ok. I even deal with the elementals he sumons but then He casts a spell which does several thousand points and its all over.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:49 pm
by Xandax
Sounds as if your save throws are the problem?
Try getting some equipment that makes you immune to various forms of magic (death magic is always a nice one).

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:38 pm
by Fiberfar
Is the master the same as The Maker?
Or is it the undead priest Sodalis

If it is the second, I suggest you use as Xandax says, all the buffs you can find if you are a fighter class. If you are a spellcaster, get hold of a Undeath to death scroll and use it. Even better is if you use a sunburst spell (which instantly destroys Vampires if they fail their reflex save).

A Paladin/Champion of Torm should use their abillity to smite evil. If it is Sodalis, he will most likely use spells that damage your player when you make melee attacks. So if you can, either use a bow or wait untill the spell duration expires.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:01 pm
by husky99
the maker is killing me

I am a 16 level fighter/ 3rd ranger and I just can not hit him

I also have Deekin and Nathyrra with me


how do I get Deekin to caste spells as a Bard

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 2:17 am
by Jinjer
To make your henchies cast spells, talk to them, choose 'Let's discuss tactics" (or something like that) and tell them to cast enhancing spells on the entire party.