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The Mod Swap Shop

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:44 pm
by dragon wench
I was thinking, since Gamers Roam has closed down, and other download sites have had intermittent problems, that it might be an idea to create a space for people to list the mods they have and also to provide an area for specific requests that can't be found or obtained elsewhere. Unless the mod is really huge, most email servers will quite easily handle sending and receiving mods. Note: let me know if you need an email account with a large storage capacity ;)

Here are the mods I currently have on my hard drive:

Tweaks, Items and Aesthetics

* Textured pillows
* book rotate
* Cait's Horses Go Wild
* Enchantment Colours De-enhancer
* Moon's Soul Gems
* No Shield Effect
* All of Rhedd's female head/hair replacers
* Ring Textures Fix Pack
* Waterfowl of MW Expanded
* Ice's and Brady's Robe Replacer
* Morrowind Ravens
* All that Glitters
* Legionaire Signet Ring
* Necklace Pack
* Potted Plants

Armor and Merchants

* Knight's of Tamriel: Mara, Jet and Gold, Kynareth, Valshea
* Divine Domina: 01. 02. 03, 05
* Domina Wolf Cuirass
* Domina Ice Cuirass
* Violet Femme Boutique
* Alleyway Trader
* Metal Queen Boutique V2 (note there is an updated version now out)
* Metal Queen Boutique V3

Land masses, NPCs, and Quests

* Andromache
* Enchanted Island
* Sanctuary Plantation
* Tarmar
* White Wolf of Lokken
* Havish
* Suran Underworld
* Tombs Expanded
* Helm of Tohan


* A Good Cottage
* Abu's Manor
* Abu's Reteat
* Ice's Hideaway
* Kaleigh's Retreat
* Rain's Hand Hall
* Seyda Neen House
* Archmage Tower V2
* House D'Orthay
* Isengaard
* Moon Shadow Temple
* Serene Tower
* Solstheim Mage Tower

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 1:29 pm
by fable
Just a minor correction:

While Gamers Roam is closing, all its downloads are being ported over to the new, which is also remaining current on mods. In addition, Morrowind Summit is back in business (though Euro-RPG is still doing maintanence).

Good idea, though. :)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:03 pm
by moltovir
Rating: 1) miserable, 2) not extremely bad but not extremely good either, 3) good 4) ranging from excellent to brilliant

Armor, Clothing & Weapons
*Adamantium Helm of Tohan - 3
*Adamantium Armor - 3
*Knights of Tamriel: Akatosh, A'rkay, Dibella, Mara, Kynareth - 4
*Armor of Valshea - 4
*Jet & Gold Armor - 4
*Area Effect Arrows - 3
*Mephisto's Cloak Collection - 3
*Collector's Belt - 2
*LeFemm Armor - 2
*Lilarcor - 2
*Strong Hand-to-Hand - 2
*Marksman - 3
*Assassins Armory - 4
*Demonbone Armor - 4
*Improved Staves - 3
*Ordinator Armor Replacer - 4
*Elite Indoril Armor - 3
*Blue Glass - 3
*Imperial Dragon Mail - 2
*Metal Queen Boutique - 4
*Khartags Legendary Armor - 2
*Venymora Red Leather - 3
*Xaedons Dreugh Armor - 3
*Durzog Armor - 4
*War Master Armor - 3
*Carnithus' Armamentarium - 4
*Armamentarium Addon - 3
*Physiqued Capes - 1
*Sheikizza's Daedric Armor - 3
*Aedric Armor - 3
*Daedric Priestess Armor - 3
*Carnithus' Daedric Armor - 3
*Divine Domina III - 4
*Tenience's Rare Items - 2
*Exquisite Robes - 3
*Telvanni & Necromantic Robe - 4
*Daedric Loot Adjustment - 2
*Glass, Daedric, Ebony and Dwemer Recolor - 4
*Legolas' Gear - 2
*Ninja Outfits - 3
*Lord of the Rings Weapons - 3
*Weapons of Tamriel - 4
*Kyodin Armor - 3
*Hematite Armor - 3
*Hematite High Ordinator Armor - 3
*Hematite Shield + Scimitars addon - 3
*The Cloak and Dagger - 3
*Chainmail Armor - 4
*Dark Additions - 3
*Japanese Armor - 2
*Armor of Daedra Ancestors - 3

Strongholds and Houses

*Archmage Tower v2 - 4
*Balmora Thieves' Hideout + Door fix + Weapons addon - 3
*Castle Nerevar - 1
*Redoran Condo - 2
*Rain's Hand Hall - 2
*Kahleighs Retreat - 3
*Abu's Retreat - 3
*Nerevarine Castle - 4
*Moonshadow Temple - 3
*Hellhouse - unrated, haven't been there yet
*Japanese House - 3
*Darkstone Manor -4

Difficulty Mods

*Super Adventurers - 4
*Morrowind Advanced - 4
*Morrowind Additions Revamped - haven't seen it all, for now a 3
*Flee AI Tweaks
*Nighttime Locks & Bashing - 4

Guilds & Factions

*Almilia's Daughters - 2
*Juniper's Twin Lamps - 3
*Seekers Faction - unrated, haven't tried it yet
*Illuminated Order - 4
*Cult of the Clouds - 3
*Sixth House - 3
*Suran Underworld - 4
*Sorefoot Enterprises - 4
*Guild Guide Quests - 3

Misc. Items & Tweaks

*(item) 20 Books - 3
*(tweak) Bitter Coast Sounds - 3
*(tweak) Carnivore - 3
*(tweak) Horatio's Dodge Mod - 4
*(item & tweak) Magical Trinkets of Tamriel IV - this mod gets a 5, it stands for "Brilliant with a large B", "Amazing", "Chris Woods is a genius", and any other superlative you can come up with.
*(tweak) Earthly Delights - 2
*(tweak) Entertainers - 3
*(tweak) Magicka Regeneration - 4
*(tweak) Fashionable Merchants - 0. This mod does not what it's supposed to do. I'm surprised it's still in my Data Files folder
*(tweak) Gladiator - 4
*(tweak) Herbalism Lite - 4
*(tweak) Restore Magicka Enchantment - 3
*(tweak) Potion Icons - 4
*(tweak) Scroll Icons - 4
*(tweak) Real Signposts - 4
*(tweak) Strong Hand-to-Hand - 3
*(tweak) The Imperial Legion Badge - 2
*(tweak) Indybank - 4
*(item) Wyr Jeweler - 3
*(tweak) Journal Enhanced - unrated, made the game crash
*(item & tweak) Complete Morrowind - 4.5, another brilliant mod
*(item) Ring Texture Fix - 3
*(item) Amulets & Rings - 3
*(tweak) Thieves' Guild Travel - 3
*(tweak) Multimark - 4
*(item) Acheron's Camping Gear - 4
*(item) Better Books - 4
*(tweak) No-Glow - 3
*(item) Moon's Soul Gems - 4
*(tweak) Disturb the Dead - 4


*Non Generic NPC Project - 3
- Maar Gan
- Ald Velothi
- Khuul
- Gnaar Mok
- Seyda Neen
*Balmora Dialogue - 3
*Ascadian Isles Dialogue - 3
*Dracandros' Voice - 4
*Advanced Dialogue - unrated, it's in my Data Files folder, but I have absolutely no idea what it does, I have a suspicion that it's related to dialogue :p

Heads & Bodies

*Rhedd's Heads - 4
*Better Bodies - 4
*Improved Argonian Heads - 4

Dungeons, Towns & Forts

*Haldenshore - 3
*Havish - 3
*Modtown 2004 - unrated, haven't visited it yet
*Deathtrap Dungeon - 3
*Tarmar - unrated, same reason as Modtown
*Siege at Firemoth - unrated, same reason
*Tombs Expanded - 4


*Pharlan Race - 2
*IWW Horses - 2

Plus I have some self-made mods, nothing but minor tweaks, and some strongholds that I'm still working on.
Phiew. Cost me half an hour to make the list :)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:28 pm
by Wrath-Of-Egg
You sure have mods...

SO you want to hear my plugins?

SUPER Adventures 3..


Better bodies and Better heads..

+Sharpened Armors/weapons/clothes

And some other new texture plugins...

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 7:39 am
by moltovir
If anyone here has Suran Archery Tradehouse (I believe the latest version is 3.0) and would be so kind to send it to me... Send me a PM and I'll give my gMail adress :) A link would also be nice, but I checked Euro-Morrowind, Euro-RPG, MWSummit, MWSource and the modmaker's site, none had it available for download.

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 8:35 am
by Wrath-Of-Egg
Here it is...


Well i posted it here becuse someone else might be lookin for it too..

Sometimes just # Morrowind ''plugin name'' # search in google works just fine..

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 11:25 am
by moltovir
[QUOTE=moltovir] and the modmaker's site, none had it available for download.[/QUOTE]

The download link is broken

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:33 pm
by fable
I've got 3.0. Send me a PM with your email address, and I'll shoot it off to you. Just make sure you can take a zipped file that's nearly 7 MB in size.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:04 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=moltovir]If anyone here has Suran Archery Tradehouse (I believe the latest version is 3.0) and would be so kind to send it to me... Send me a PM and I'll give my gMail adress :) A link would also be nice, but I checked Euro-Morrowind, Euro-RPG, MWSummit, MWSource and the modmaker's site, none had it available for download.[/QUOTE]

I second that request :) Pretty please somebody... My Gmail account can handle large files, so the 7 MB should be okay.
If somebody can send me the 3.0 of that mod, please PM me, and I'll send you my email address :)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 1:21 pm
by loredena
House D'Orthay

I lost my harddrive, and with it all my mods for Morrowind. I am still hunting for the House D'Orthay one, if someone is willing to send it to loredena at I would be most greatful :)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:38 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=loredena]I lost my harddrive, and with it all my mods for Morrowind. I am still hunting for the House D'Orthay one, if someone is willing to send it to loredena at I would be most greatful :) [/QUOTE]

I have it, I think. I'm at work right now though, so I'll see what I can do about sending it once I get home :)

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:33 pm
by loredena
That would be great dragon wench, thank you! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:12 am
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=loredena]That would be great dragon wench, thank you! :) [/QUOTE]
Just one question, is it "loredena at" or "" ? :)

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:51 pm
by loredena
I received the mod, thanks! :)

I always use at instead of the @ symbol when posting my email address as spam preventivitve. It forces an actual person to look at it, or so is my hope. So the latter was correct.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:27 pm
by Baconthefatpig2
Can someone also mail the Suran Archery Tradehouse to me. MY Email is Thank you.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:38 pm
by cheebs
I just re-bought Morrowind again (after a friend took a lend of it last year and promptly ran off with it :confused: ), only to find I need to re-download and install all my old mods. I've managed to track down everything except the house D'orthay, if someone could mail it to , I'd be really grateful, thanks :) . Sorry for being such a bother, I just can't find the thing anywhere else. And thanks again for your time.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:14 pm
by Loredweller
[QUOTE=cheebs]... except the house D'orthay, if someone could mail it to ...[/QUOTE]
Yes, it's shame, but all links i've known about and still left all are invalid. Check your mail, however, i just sent out a copy.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 5:44 pm
by cheebs
Thanks so much, works a charm! I'd forgotten how great this game was, that's me busy for the next month or two :p

I have a good bit of spare server space going around, so I uploaded it to a permanent location for anyone who wants it again.

House D'Orthay Download (45KB)

And if anyone else wants to use the space to host any hard-to-get mods, just email me the files or PM me and I'll get them uploaded for anyone to download from there.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 5:22 am
by Loredweller
There is just a minor mistake in the version i sent - Molag Mar (IIRC) gatestone sends one to wrong spot (i sent the original version). It's easy to correct with CS, however, the problem is wrong coordinates in the Gate_Molagmar script. I've set it to
Player->PositionCell 104429, -61466, 653, 90, "Molag Mar"

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:01 am
by Greg.
I've heard good things about Suran Archery Tradehouse. If anyone would be prepared to send me it, then PM me and I'll send my email address.

Thanks in advance.