Atronachs rejoice!
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:08 am
While exploring a tomb, I was suddenly ambushed by a dremora. Three reloads later I finally managed to beat him, helped by an invisibility spell, a jug of Sujamma and a jinkblade. Now, how is this related to the Atronach sign? At the moment I drank that sujamma, I had half of my magicka left (the invis spell remember). And, as we all know, sujamma drains your intelligence by 50 points for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds the drain wore off, and I had all my magicka back, including the points I spent on the spell! I started thinking about this, and came up with the following: if a mage, with the atronach sign, makes a Drain Intelligence 100 pts for 1 second spell, he could have infinite magicka restoration! Can anyone test this for me, I'd like to see if my theory holds truth